Here are 10 tips for improving self confidence – which can make the difference between getting a job or enjoying a successful relationship.
Unfortunately, a lack of self confidence can stop you from grabbing opportunities – or feeling like you are worth knowing as a friend.
Confidence and self esteem issues can affect every area of your life. It’s important to deal with these issues head on.
With this in mind, here are 10 tips for improving self confidence – so you can go out there and create the life you desire – and deserve.
10 Tips For Improving Self Confidence
1. Love Yourself
One of the biggest keys to improving self confidence is to accept yourself for who you are, exactly as you are.
Sometimes, it’s difficult for other people to see your worth until you’re able to see it yourself.
There’s truth to the statement that “another person can’t love you for who you are until you’re willing to love yourself.”
The first step to gaining good self confidence is to stop criticizing who you are and accept yourself, warts and all.
2. Enjoy Some Self Appreciation
You need to make sure that you are giving yourself appreciation for all your good qualities – and not just focusing on what you did wrong or how you need to improve.
At the end of a tough day, don’t beat yourself up if you are unable to complete tasks because you were slow. This will obviously have a negative impact on the way you think about yourself.
Instead tell yourself that you appreciate that you worked hard today and achieved a few things on your to-do list.
Your goal: Find something you appreciate about yourself each day.
Speak to yourself the way you’d speak to someone you love. Be kind to yourself.
3. Don’t Make Comparisons
You need to stop making comparisons of yourself to others. This is one of the unhealthiest things you can do – especially when you suffer from low self confidence.
Many people make the mistake of comparing their worst days to other people’s highlight reels on social media.
I am personally passionate about fighting for mental health awareness and care, so others don’t have to feel like they need to present a perfect version of themselves to the world.
(Need further help with this one? Check out my groundbreaking video course The Anxiety Cure.)
Basically, you must allow yourself to fail and look imperfect.
You will not only take the pressure off yourself, but you will be giving others the permission to be imperfect too.
4. Build Yourself Up
One thing people with low self confidence have in common is that they tend to put themselves down.
You may feel like you’re failing in some aspect of your life and blame your personality traits for it. Instead of putting yourself down for the things that go wrong in life, build yourself up so you’re equipped to handle them in a better way.
Daily affirmations are a great way to change your way of thinking over a course of time.
Regularly tell yourself that you’re strong, beautiful and confident. Do this every morning before heading to work. It’s a good way to start your day off in the right direction.
5. Take a Look at Your Friends
If your friends and family tend to be negative or have a negative impact on you, it could be harming your self-confidence.
Try spending less time with these negative people and start befriending people with more positive outlooks on life.
Also – grab these helpful psychological tools for managing toxic people – and creating better boundaries.
Remember: Spending time with people who have positive attitudes will help you train yourself into becoming more positive yourself.
6. Design a Positivity Board
It can sometimes be difficult to not revert back to a particular way of thinking. You’re bound to have days where you feel negative and self-conscious. Creating a positivity board is a great way to remind yourself of all your positive traits.
If you want to improve your self confidence, think about the best things about yourself and your personality.
Perhaps you’re kind to others, volunteer your time or have a good singing voice.
Think of things that are positive and have a positive effect on you and others.
Write these things down and pin them to your positivity board. That way, when you have a bad day, there’s always something there to remind you how unique and wonderful you are.
7. Get Help
There are many ways to get help to boost your self confidence.
Basically…you don’t have to struggle alone. There are a range of things you can do to boost your mood and confidence.
Sometimes, it’s important to just take a break from your own mind.
8. Organize Activities
Many people with low self confidence issues tend to spend a lot of time alone.
Although you may be a happy introvert, it’s important to get out and about to spend time with others.
Organizing and planning activities with friends is the best way to get a distraction from what you’re feeling.
Even if you are in the midst of a negative self talk spree, you’ll more than likely find that you have fun and forget about what’s bugging you.
You may even get an unexpected compliment from someone in your group.
9. Get Exercise
Exercise is one of the best natural ways to boost your mood.
It doesn’t have to be intense exercise; a quick swim or a twenty-minute jog every day is enough.
Exercise can improve the way you see yourself and talk to yourself.
It can help to put you in a more positive frame of mind and it can help with image issues by toning and strengthening the body.
10. Get Medical Advice
There are some cases of low self confidence that require more than a few positivity activities.
If your confidence levels are making you feel depressed or anxious, you may need to talk to someone about what you’re feeling.
There’s no shame in seeking medical advice from a professional if your mood is affecting the way you live.
You may be offered prescription medicines to help you deal with day-to-day issues or you could join a therapy group with other people suffering from the same problems.
You are never alone and help is available should you need it.
Improve your self confidence
Self-confidence can have such a powerful impact on everyday life, so don’t take it for granted.
If you notice your confidence getting low, it’s time to do something about it.
Need further support to think more confidently?
Check out my bestselling book, Think Happy!
Boost your confidence, attitude, and mood with this powerful and thought provoking collection of short essays and happiness strategies.
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