It changed my whole perspective
Nicole Munson
Facebook Comment
I read Prince Harming and me an amazing guy the next month! It changed my whole perspective on what qualities to look for in a man.
I believe I CAN do this
Keep up the great work, -K.
Medical Writer, Newsletter Subscriber
Karen- This newsletter message was especially timely for me—I’ve been working from home for the last month and lately I’ve been feeling like I’m working 24/7, but accomplishing squat. It’s all about balance. I do have some good news to share: last week I was offered my dream job! I am going to be a medical writer for a communications company. They were looking for a registered nurse with oncology experience who could write. The recruiter saw my resume and he called me. It’s perfect, because I worked in PR as a writer before I became a nurse. I started off on a med-surg/oncology floor and then moved to hospice 16 months ago. There is some overnight travel involved and the writing is going to be very technical, two things that are way outside of my comfort zone. I’m scared to death, but I know I have to do this. I believe that I CAN do this, which is huge. I don’t think I would have had the guts to even consider this move, much less do it if it were not for your inspiring daily messages. Thank you for everything. You’ve made a huge difference in my life and in the lives of so many others.
Good things will come
Sincerely. M.
Inspired Server
Karen, How are you. My name is M. I'm a 27 yr old server from North Atlanta GA. Just this morning, I was suggested your book "How to Be Happy, Dammit" from a friend of mine and I purchased it. I just want to say that this book was exactly what I needed to read. I've been kinda going through a lil rough patch in my life, consider it a 5 year "winter phase" ha ha. I have a degree currently collecting dust, a dead-end job in the service industry, perpetually single, and a traditional family expecting me to have my life planned out right after high school. Needless to say when things don't go my way (ie, resume not to my liking, relationship troubles) I tend to just give up on things and become a hermit for a day or two. After reading your book, I seriously thought that it was written specifically for me. As embarrassing as this may sound, there was even moments in the book where I would tear up a bit b/c it hit THAT close to home. I have NEVER had a book cause that kind of emotion to come out of me. I loved every minute of it. To me, reading your book not only gives me hope that good things WILL come (hopefully sooner than later), I also have a new found "live in the now" perspective. Most of my life, my family hassles me into planning my life and saving for retirement (after I repeatedly tell them that waiting tables isnt exactly supplying me a great 401k) and I end up working too much and not have any time for ME. Now, I'm gonna change that. I guess I just needed someone, or in this case, SOMETHING to give me a kickstart. Now I don't know how often you check your email or if you just have someone do it for you, so I don't really know if you will ever read this. If you do, or if you are, I just wanted to tell you from the bottom of my now inspired heart, THANK YOU! I really mean it. Who knows how long this "high" will last, hopefully for a while. Thank you again, and keep up the GREAT work.
You really can be absolutely happy
Sincerely, N.
Navy Aviation Rescue Swimmer
Dear Karen, I just wanted to thank you for helping me see that you really can be absolutely happy! I can't tell you how many years I've tried everything and how much money I've spent trying to figure out a way to feel normal and in control of myself...and I'm only 24! Once I finished reading your book and doing all the exercises, it was a 180 degree turn around. I feel like I'm living my life to its fullest now and really able to enjoy it. I'm actually going into the Navy this fall and will be training to become an aviation rescue swimmer. A year ago, my life had no direction and no substance. I'm so excited about where I'm going now and I truly believe I can do anything I put my mind to. You're an amazing woman and I will keep this book with me for my entire military career and life. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, you've given me a positive outlook on life and happiness.
Rule 16 is very true
Cheers, M.
Karen. Enjoyed bounce back. And I will tell you that Rule 16 is very true. I have the good fortune of writing a monthly column. And some issues in my professional life generated my writing the attached. I felt so much better after writing it and the emails I received from readers who were touched was gravy. Thanks for your book.
Crips and light, yet contains lots of heavy weight information
Best! D.
Bouncing Back
Hey Karen, I just had to write to tell you — I just finished reading your newest labor of love “The Bounce Back Book”, and I LOVED IT! You did an amazing job, and should be very proud. It’s crisp and light, yet contains lots of heavy weight information. I’m sure it will help many people.
Thank you! -S.
Newsletter Subscriber
Karen, I want to tell you that this newsletter came at SUPER time. This message was very well-received.
Really well done
Bouncing Back
Hi Karen, Your bounce back book is really well done and its helping me get thru a horribly challenging time. I realize how hopeless I've been feeling! Thanks for the good suggestions.
I am choosing to be strong
Role Model
Hi Karen, So there I was earlier today, wandering around Target with a ball of anxiety and apprehension in my gut. Really, I was just killing time so that I didn't have to be home. I meandered into the book aisle and scanned the titles. I didn't really need a book since I had 3 unread ones waiting for me at home. There was this little red book that caught my attention. "The Bounce Back Book??" The cover was bent and it was sitting by itself. I was drawn to it like a fly to the light. I picked it up and opened to the introduction and read: Or 42 and going through a divorce..... ME. In addition to just recently losing my beloved Daddy to a nasty battle with lung cancer and COPD. (I think it was my Dad that whispered in my ear to wander down that aisle. He sends me signs all the time. Hope that doesn't sound to new-agey, but it is true.) I am in the helping profession. I am an Instructor for a teen parent program. I am supposed to be a role model for young mothers, a positive influence, a solid adult in their lives. And you know what, I am when I am working but have become weak in my personal life. I am choosing to Be Strong and I am so looking forward to using your book as a tool. Just wanted to say "Thank You" in advance.
Sunshine and vitamins to all of us
Happy, Dammit
Dear Karen! Your "Love Tip's" and "Be happy dammits" are like sunshine and vitamins to all of us!
Great sense of humor and helpful tips
Thanks, H.
Happy, Dammit
Hello Karen, I really enjoyed reading your how to be happy dammit book; I really admire how you have such a great sense of humor and the tips were really helpful. You are an amazing author.
A goddess of words
Newsletter Subscriber
Karen, I love your newsletter. You are an inspiration. A goddess of words. Thank you, Karen!
Inspired to move forward as a person
Soccer Superstar
Dear Karen, I'm fourteen years old and have been going through a really stressful year of soccer. It means so much to me, but I did really bad at try outs for the regional team and I've been crushed ever since and there's been a mental barrier whenever I play now. I know that it's not cancer, nor has my family been evicted but it meant everything in the world to me. This weekend the barrier was there, I played horribly, and immediately after my session I got in the car and started crying. I talked to my mom and she said I would have to choose what I was truly dedicated to and just needed to take a breath and see what soccer meant to me, which is everything. Just after this we went to target, and I saw your book (the bounce back book) read a little, and fell in love with it. I've read the introduction and already feel inspired to move forward as a person, and want to thank and congratulate you on your writing. I can't wait to read the rest of your book, and thanks again.
You have given me hope
Peace to you always. -D.
Hopeful and Empowered
Dear Karen, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing this book. It saved my life. The things you say describe my situation and before this I had felt hopeless and helpless. I did not want to go on in such a state. When I went to the store there were thousands of books. But yours was the one that spoke to me, and as I read it it feels like you have connected to your readers - not just words. The book is also the perfect size to take with me to school everyday. I will be buying a few for friends and family and will strongly recommend it. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart ( you have given me hope - and are an answer to my prayers)
Read, contemplate and smile
Best forever, J.
Dear Karen, I hope you remember me....I was working with X. when we met. I've moved on to follow my dreams and to continue to grow! And, I wanted to tell you that during this transition time of mine, your book which I've had since last year when you sent several copies to the office has been a blessing and a tremendous influence on me. I keep it on the nightstand and every night before I say my prayers and delve into a book I'm reading, I play this little game. I close my eyes and open your book and read, contemplate and smile the "chosen" chapter/passage that is in front of me. Thanks for writing it and sharing your teachings. It's a beautiful book and I wanted you to know that I'm thrilled we got the chance to meet. Hope you're well...Hope you stay well.
Not going through my life on autopilot
Dear Karen, Just finished re-reading your How To Be Happy Dammit book, I forget how many times this makes. I always find it worth coming back to, so much good stuff in it... and ain't it funny how we manage to forget some of these truths, over and over again? Why do we play that game with ourselves? Anyway, this time around, something occurred to me, and even though you never asked me to share, here I am: the first time I read it, I finally realized that I am an eagle married to a chicken. I grappled with that for a long time. And here is where I have come to terms with it today. My relationship is not "bad" or "messed up", it just isn't perfect/ideal and doesn't match up everywhere. I really do love this chicken, and we have a couple of baby chicks that I love too. If it means that I get to be with my chickens every day, then I am willing to stay in the barnyard and not fly. I can't see how any flying would be worth not being with my chickens. Your book stresses the benefits of going out and flying and living your eagle life. I think it's okay to choose not to, as long as you know the full implications of what you're choosing, as long as you make that choice with your eyes open. Your book is what opened my eyes. And so, in true existential fashion, I make that choice every day. Some eagles don't fly. And they have a reason for not, and they at least believe that they know what they're doing. But every time I read your book, I run into that decision consciously and know that at least I'm not going through my life on autopilot like I used to. I really have to thank you for that, at least.
Thank you for your gift of writing!
Gratious and Inspired
Thank you for your gift of writing! I have been going through such as difficult time the past couple of week – breaking up with a boyfriend, trying to find a life meaning, etc. My friend in Puerto Rico had picked up your book, "Enough, Dammit" and gave it to me thinning it's a cute, funny little book. It IS a cute, funny little bit ... and it changed my world! Your humor and insight helped me really stop and begin to integrate many of the things I'm learning and already know. I don't thick i can express just how deeply meaningful each life lesson has been to me ... I can only express to you my gratitude that you have given me this wonderful inspiration to know and remember that all will be ok...but of course!
Kick in the ass wake up call I needed for a long time
Bouncing Back
Karen, I had to take a moment to have a note of thanks written to you. I recently stumbled across "The Bounce Back Book." I wasn't looking for it or any book of its kind (though I really needed it) Let me explain a little about my situation. Unlike many people that you have touched my vortex (haha see i did read it) is self inflicted. I got caught up in a basically a virtual world online where I would have sex chats daily. Without getting into specifics I had a chat with someone underage which turned out to be a police officer. Please know that I never met or attempted to meet this purported minor. I know what I did was wrong and have taken full responsibility. My vortex lies in the shame, guilt, and loss I have since experienced. I was an extremely successful basketball coach and substitute teacher, that of course is all gone. What hurts me the most is not my actions, but the embarrassment I caused not only myself, but every person who knows me. This happened about a year and a half ago and I am still extremely guilt ridden. I've been in both individual and group counseling for about for about 6 months. I think I made greater strides in bouncing back in the 90 minutes it took me to read your book than in those 6 months. So why am I thanking you? Because your book opened my eyes. It was the kick in the ass wake up call I needed for a long time. Everyone makes mistakes I have realized and I am not the worst human being to walk the face of the earth as I have thought for a long time. I have started to think forward as your "forward" suggests in the book. For so long now I have seen my life as meaningless but was able to open my eyes with the help of your words. I am truly grateful I stumbled across your book. Thank you, Karen, for touching me without even knowing me. I am now able to start to move forward in my life.
Your posters keep getting better and better
Many hugs xoxox -A.
Poster Sharer
Hi Karen! I just wanted to congratulate you because your posters keep getting better and better! I shared your info with my sister who lives in Spain, and now you have a new fan there!
I was able to gain some perspective
Take care and God Bless You. -D.
Dear Karen: I picked up your book from Barnes & Noble a week ago and read it in one sitting. I wanted you to know how much your words and wisdom comforted me. I am 45 years old and had been through two major adversities in my life in the past. This recent third adversity was really hitting me especially hard and it was so "small" in comparison to what I had suffered in the past. But your words about how situations can relate you back to the emotional feelings of the past really hit home. I was experiencing some of the same awful "pain" that I had felt in my past in more serious situations. I was able to gain some perspective after reading your book. I have been able to really hone in on what I have learned from this most recent adversity so as to grow from it and am working on overcoming its blow on my self esteem. Thank you for relating to your readers in a way that others can't when they haven't quite "been there". I will be re-reading this book many times. It did really allow me to feel so much better just by reading it.
I feel a sense of renewal
Sincerely C.
Bouncing Back
Dear Karen, I recently bought and finished your book "The Bounce Back Book" and I must say it helped my state of mind immensely. I was immersed in self pity, sadness and doubt about the future. (my wife told me she didn't love me anymore on Valentine's Day Ugh) But now I feel a sense of renewal, and I would like to say Thank You. I'm glad there are people out there with insight. You are helping many!
I have made the choice to be happy
Your amazing! -T.
Happy Mom
Hi Karen, Thank you for the encouragement in your book. Last year I freed myself from a bad 10 year marriage to a bipolar man. He was mentally and emotionally abusive, a compulsive liar, and used guilt as a way to control me. The last 5 years I spent raising our little girl. Once she went to school I took on a full time job he started taking things out on her and our puppy. Never in front of me though, so I had no idea until our daughter had a meltdown one night and told me everything. He took to slapping her across the face for anything she said or did he didn't like. Dealing with him had been giving anxiety attacks, just at the sound of his voice even. I could not have been happier with my decision to divorce him. However, he still has not stopped being verbaly abusive to me and playing mind games with our daughter. I bought The Bounce Back Book hoping it would help me in anyway. It has. I have been living all the aftereffects you list in tip #3 for the past year now, and have had enough. I have made the choice to be happy and create happiness for my daughter as well. Your book has helped me to just that. Thank you again for all you put into your books.
You are in my prayers
Ciao E.
Bouncing Back
Dear Karen. I loved your book "Bounce Back" I got it at the library and am now thinking about buying a copy to reread and keep as a reference. I think that you are an amazing person the way you "bounced back." You are in my prayers.
I think its excellent!
Amalie Schuck Boeliner
Facebook Comment
I'm reading your ebook The Prince Harming Syndrome and I think its excellent! Well done, and I was happily surprised by the fresh interpretation of Aristotle. Thanks, Karen.
A great role model to follow
Take care, J.
AIGA Seminar Attendee
Hi Karen, I saw you speak at and AIGA seminar in San Diego a few years back and I've always wanted to thank you for a very inspirational presentation. I've remembered many things that you said -- always leave work at night before you've finished a project you're excited about so that you'll be excited to begin work the next day; give yourself 800 or more chances to be rejected so that if you're not rejected the 120th time, you can celebrate being ahead of the game -- and others. (Okay, I might not have remembered them exactly but I remembered the gist!) Anyway, you were the best part of that seminar and I wish you a ton of luck in your life and all of your endeavors. I'm in a 'transitional' spot right now and find myself remembering your courage, your humor, your sensible advice and your passion for life and it gives me a great role model to follow. So thank you! I've shared your books and wisdom with friends of mine and you've made an impact on our lives.
I was meant to hear what you had to say
Sincerely, S.
Comforted and Encouraged
Just a quick note to say thank you for putting your thoughts on the subject of bouncing back into words. I've faced many ups and downs in life, as have most people. Some have been devastating, some have been life renewing, but each time I have bounced back and come back stronger. Over the last few weeks I have been grieving again. I revisited a difficult time in my life and spoke about it with other family members. Some were supportive, some attacked me. I was prepared. But even being prepared you realize it is a small set-back. I have taken the time to heal and have started to push forward once again and on a day when I was feeling resentment, anger and frustration, I walked by your book in the library. I stopped and went to the book, checked it out -- without looking through it -- came home and devoured it in a short sitting. I was meant to pick up this book and I was meant to hear what you had to say. I was in need of that solace, comfort and encouragement. Thank you for putting into words what many people often need to hear.
Instant positivity and joy
With Gratitude, J.
Cancer Survivor
Karen, About a month ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer after a routine mammogram indicated some suspicious cells. I went through the terror of having a biopsy done and then receiving the dreaded call with the results that it was positive for breast cancer. I completely crumbled at the news since we have had no cancer experience in our family whatsoever and that word represented a death sentence for me. I immediately called my brother who is also my best friend and he left his teaching job to come over to console me. My brother, husband, and I talked for several hours trying to think positively and logically given the limited information we had at that point. Two days later, my brother gave me your Bounce Back book. I have been a devout Wayne Dyer follower for many years and have always tried to maintain a positive attitude but this news shook me to my core. I immediately began reading your book and felt instant positivity and joy. It sounds crazy that a person diagnosed with breast cancer could be joyful but I truly was. I made copies of my favorite pages and hung them around the house. I downloaded songs that inspired me such as Michael Jackson's "Beat It" and also the "Hey song" which is played at sporting events. I cranked that music constantly and even made up a few silly beat breast cancer dances. Most of my friends thought I was on drugs because my attitude was positively soaring. I really and truly felt happy and joyful all the time! I had a lumpectomy 2 days ago and went into the operating room singing "Beat It". The night before my surgery my husband and I had a pep rally where we played our songs and danced and cheered. The Doctor gave me 2 thumbs up after surgery and I am awaiting the pathology reports with the great news that he got all of the cells. I will begin a round of radiation in about one month. Karen, I have not taken even one Advil or Tylenol after my surgery and I went out for lunch and to a basketball game the day after surgery! I attribute my attitude and recovery to the inspiration I got from your book and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Source of inspiration
Best regards. J.
Bouncing Back
Dear Karen: I picked up The Bounce Back book this past weekend. I found it by accident at Borders while I was perusing the self-help section looking for books about divorce. I'm up to #51. Your book has been helping me deal with a very difficult divorce I'm going through. I'm 32 years old and have been married for 2 years. In the past couple months, I found out that my husband spent all our money, has a secret cross-dressing addiction, and has been calling phone sex lines for most of our marriage. He also has a terrible temper and tons of other issues. I ran away last weekend and started the divorce process. I'm staying with my folks up in Westchester while things get sorted out. Anyhow, that's my 1-2 minute story and thought you might like to hear it. Your book has really been helping me through this terrible time in my life. I've been through a lot over the years. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 19 and have spent most of my adult life overcoming this disease. I'm still trying to figure out what good will come of my current situation. I know that there will be something new to learn from it, and your book has really been a source of inspiration for me the past few days.
Absolutely thrilled
Keep up the great work! -K
Software Company Owner
Hi Karen, I just read your "how to be Happy dammit" book and I am absolutely thrilled with it. I'm the owner of a software company that is producing a program to walk a user through many of the same steps and ideas, but I don't think I've made it nearly as fun or entertaining as your book. Your packaging and your examples are excellent. I look forward to getting some of your other books.
Thank you for your words
- K.
Leading Life
Dear Karen, I had read your book “I Will Survive” here in Austria, thank you for your words, which lead me to a new position to lead my daily living and acting. Good luck for you in the future - my best and heartly regards from Austria.
I consider your book my bible
Namaste, D.
Dream Fulfiller
Dear Karen; Naturally, Im going to assume that this might not actually be your personal site, but more of a PR site, in which a colleague or assistant checks and maintains it. I do sincerely hope though, that you do get this message personally. I consider your book my bible. In 2005 the entire year was horrible, from Jan 1st, right up until Dec. 31st. You name it, I went through it. Horrible break-up, moving, illness, losing a job, accidents, no esteem... and the list goes on. For whatever reason (perhaps fate) - I found your book.. It helped me through that year. I read it EVERY night... I even took quotes from it, and started taping them around my house for daily inspiration. Thankfully the following years have looked up considerably... I found my strength, and trudged forward.. In spring of 2007 I was able to fulfill one of my biggest dreams, and moved abroad to live for a year. Naturally I brought my bible along with me, and reference it when I need a pick me up, or just a quick reminder of how things will be ok. I just wanted to thank you for your books. They are so simple, yet so profound... They help pull me through some of my darkest hours. I know there is no way to repay you for what the book has done for me, but I'm going to venture a guess that touching so many people's lives is your reward. Thank you again.
Encourage the healing process
Sincerely, K.
Seeing Clearly
Karen, I enjoyed reading your book and especially enjoyed the bounce back assignments! After reading your book, I am even more inspired to start a daily journal to encourage the healing process. I had 2 life changing events occur within a one year period and the impact of not being healed from the first event, compounded my reaction to the second event. Your book gave me inspiration. I also began talking to a therapist to help me "see clearly". Thank you for writing your book!
Life changing book!
Rachael Rivas
Facebook Comment
I bought Prince Harming last night and couldn't put it down!! Life changing book!!! Thank you Karen Salmansohn!
Thank you
Meagon Williamson Shaffer
Facebook Comment
I just want to tell you, I started reading Prince Harming recently and...THANK YOU...
Thanks for this sister
Annie Lovejoy
Facebook Comment
Ok - so I just bought your Prince Harming E-book and I ran a nice hot bath, iPad in hand, lay back in the supporting loveliness of the lapping water and the bathroom echoed with repeatedly loud OMG - OMG - Oh Myyyy Gods (and I had only read up to halfway through chapter one)
Thanks for this sister. I'm clearing the rest of the day to veg on the sofa, blankie, tissues and hot cocoa at the ready and getting stuck into the rest.
(To be honest I was scared I was going to drop the iPad in the bath as I repeatedly kind of sat up in shock with one hand over my mouth (still muttering the omgs). Safety first eh?)
There should be no pity parties
- B.
Loving Life, Talking Book Program User
Hi, Karen, I just read your fabulous book via the Talking Book program. You had so many neat, witty and true sayings! Another idea to ponder is that, contrary to what our culture seems to think, we are not owed anything in this life. Everything, even our next breath, is a gift! So, when something is taken away--such as, in my case, all of my sight in infancy and 50% of my hearing two years ago--there should be no pity parties. Nothing is ever really ours to start with. We don't complain much about returning a library book, do we? Okay, then just be grateful for what we do have and keep on loving life! Keep up your great work and thank you!
Thanks for being strong enough to quit your ‘day job’
Sincerely, S.
Hello, Karen— I purchased two copies of your book, The Bounce Back Book — one for a friend who lost a family member to a violent death, and one to read. Someone close to me is in prison for a lengthy period because of drug and alcohol addiction. I would like to send “Bounce Back” to him, but because of the way your book is bound, I do not believe it would be delivered to him. I wonder if your publisher would consider publishing a simple, paper-bound edition of your book so that it will be accepted by the correctional system for mailing to persons incarcerated. Thanks for writing this book and for being strong enough to quit your “day job” to write and create such lovely books!
Oh well, what the hell? Well, what the hell thank goodness
Hugs to you. -H.
Bouncing Back
Hi Karen: First of all, I have no idea if you are the one even reading this. Second of all and perhaps this is not a good way to open, but I never even heard of you until yesterday. I have been battling a lot of issues in my life since I was young - emotional issues as a child (I never talked about them and have emotional issues now as well), have had people close to me die throughout my life, been married, divorced and remarried... happily, but now, the marriage is fizzling and we are going through therapy. Now, I am a bit depressed... and I have battled depression before. NOW, I am more anxious...and what you said in your book "Bounce Back" about reccuring thoughts? OH BOY THAT'S ME. I cant stop these thoughts. So, last night in Target, getting my stepson a birthday gift, I saw your book. I was not even looking for a self help anything, although I go to therapy myself and am honest and upfront about my feelings with this whole thing... Your book caught my eye. I read the back and your bio and thought...oh well. What the hell? Well what the HELL thank goodness. I only read about 20 pages so far, but I feel a bit of comfort - it's a start.
Thanks! -B.
In Awe
Karen, I was just in Barnes and Nobles and saw your book and I sat down to read it and was just in awe! Wowzer! I love you, what you stand for and will be eternally grateful to have you in my life! BTW, I now have this beautiful, bright orange book to show itself off on my bookshelf!
Thank you. Like, a lot
Thank you again. -K.
Newsletter Subscriber
Karen, Thank you...this newsletter arrived at a stressful time.
Giving me something specific to work on helps
Sincerely, P.
Bouncing Back
Karen, Last week I went to Target to buy my children’s Easter baskets. I bought myself Bounce Back. It has been in my pocketbook or on my nightstand ever since. Over the past year I have read more self-help books than I care to count. I have explored Buddhism, Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, went back to my roots of Christianity, all in the hopes of relieving my pain. On February 9th, 2008 I discovered that my husband of 13 years had been cheating on me. Of course, he withheld as much information as possible. But I am relentless when it comes to knowing the truth and over the course of the next several months I found out he had been on a dating site for years. I actually had the pleasure of reading some of his e-mails. My first reaction was to vomit. Over the course of the next six months I experienced debilitating panic attacks and depression. I finally went on an anti-depressant. I went from 123 lbs to 106. I am 5’6”. My husband owns a mortgage company. He laid off 42 employees and we are on the verge of bankruptcy. We are no longer able to afford medical coverage and doctor’s recently found a problem with my daughter’s spine that may require surgery. We can’t even afford a divorce. Six weeks ago my sweet 76 year old mother was diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer. They gave her two months to live. I have found practicing mindfulness is very helpful; it’s just extremely difficult to do. I also think laughter is important. Anyway, I’m writing you to tell what it is about your book I like so much. First, I think the format is great. Sometimes I just need a little push to keep me going. I also like that you’ve added humor. And lastly, I think giving me something specific to work on helps. As you know depressed people often lack the ability to concentrate so being told what I need to do is much more effective than trying to figure out what I need to do. Your book is full of good, common sense thoughts. Thank you.
Thank you. Like, a lot
Best wishes, R.
Shit Kicker
Dear Ms. Salmansohn; I had the emotional shit kicked out of me in January. And most of the advice I've heard or read is crap. I have really been struggling with - what's the point of it all. I think your book may have just saved my life. It's the first thing I've read that wasn't crap. At least for me.Thank you. Like a lot.
I need to Bounce Back to thrive
- B.
Bouncing Back
Hi Karen, I just wanted to tell you that I bought your Bounce Back book because I had already bought your How to be Happy, Dammit a couple of years ago, then I got Enough, Dammit, and then The 7 Lively Sins. I liked them so much that I anticipate Bounce Back will be just as good. I needed some help through a gut wrenching divorce after a 25-year marriage and repeated shocks in discovering so many lies and betrayals by my disordered husband. It's so depressing when you find your life is suddenly not at all what you believed it was, and the future you planned and worked for is gone. It is not a unique tale to tell (except among my friends and family) for a contest, as unfortunately too many other women have gone through the same and worse at midlife. Anyway, Bounce Back seems like just the uplifting but succinct book I need. I need to Bounce Back and thrive, so thanks for writing such encouraging books!
I wish I was your neighbor
Newsletter Subscriber
Hi Karen, Thanks for the message in your newsletter today. I moved a while ago and went through some boxes with sentimental things kept. It impressed me how much of my life actions and decisions were repeated. I have to believe few of us confront and use this reality to our benefit. You are so right and very cool. I wish I was your neighbor.
We are strong and capable
Again many thanks, K.
Mental Health Counselor
I have just finished reading The Bounce Back Book and felt compelled to write you. I am a mental health counselor and have what I consider to be a healthy addiction to self help books. In them I find personal inspiration as well as material to use in group therapy and supplemental information for individual counseling. From a professional standpoint I find the Bounce Back Book to be a refreshing and realistic perspective on normalizing trauma reactions, encouraging responsibility for one's own wellness/happiness, and suggesting concrete steps to get through it. On a more personal note, it renewed my faith in positive psychology, gave me countless ideas for practical use, and made me smile. The clients I work with are incarcerated women at The Massachusetts Correctional Institution in Framingham. Trauma and crisis are far too common in their lives. I am excited to have new material to share with them and I know that they will be interested in the information in your book as it is a perspective that is #1 not mine and #2 honest, inspirational, visually exciting, and accompanied by how to's. In all I suppose I wanted to express my thanks. As you mentioned in your book we all need to be told that we are strong and capable in order to feel strong and capable. Through your writings you will do that for my clients. If you are ever expecting to be in the area and have any interest in personally speaking to the women at MCI- Framingham, please let me know. I would be happy to arrange for you to visit the prison and would be more than happy to provide you with an audience in need of inspiration. Book donations are also welcome and would be put to great use.
Love success is the best revenge
Rhonda Morin
Facebook Comment
Hello Karen, I'm currently reading "Prince Harming Syndrome." Chapter five. The quote "love success is the best revenge" made me laugh. Thank you!
I love your book
Thanks again! - J.
Isle Reader
Hi Karen! I love your book. I read a bit of it at Target, and then put it back on the shelf. But it kept calling to me, so I had to go back and buy it! It's been very helpful to me. One of my favorite tips is the one about the reptilian siblings and I joke about that one a lot.
Thanks again! - B.
Still Surviving
Karen, Thank you for writing The Bounce Back Book. I just finished it after surviving --still surviving-- my own personal Vortex complete with about every TV sopratic conflict imaginable (well, okay no one had amnesia but I'm sure the rest of the conflicts were in there).
Thank you for being a person of value
Cheers, S.
Newsletter Subscriber
Karen, I wanted to let you know just how much I enjoy and appreciate your newsletters! First of all, I love that you don't bombard us with too many emails (quantity) and that when you do send an update, more often than not, the information is valuable (quality). I also love that most of the information is free and focused on us, rather than promoting your own products and services, which is what every other relationship expert does. So thank you for being the awesome person that you are and more importantly, thank you for being a person of value.
For the first time in months, I feel confident
Bouncing Back
Hi Karen, I just finished The Bounce Back Book and saw that you included your email address so your readers could share there stories. Great idea. My girlfriend of 3 years decided she wanted to end our relationship this past summer. I went through many of the symptoms you described in your book. Needless to say I never thought I would be experiencing that heartache and loss as I did many years ago in another relationship. It brings me comfort that I have been doing many of the things you have suggested in your book and that brings a great amount of relief. Also, there are chapters where you have given me new insight on how to view different areas of one's life. I especially liked Tip #59 where you described the Three paths to happiness. Something that helped me move on and helped me get back on track just happened recently. I was in Starbucks waiting in line when a guy I know from the health club approached me and asked how I was doing. At the time I was really down and had that heartache that I thought would never go away. I told him I was doing well and congratulated him on the birth of his new grandchild that he told me just arrived. He sensed something and after I got my coffee and settled in to read the paper he asked if he could join me. This is a guy who I only know very casually and have never had much of a discussion with. He sits down and tells me his life story from depression, lime disease and thinking about committing suicide when he was a young man. His life now is one of financial success, 4 grown boys and all thriving a wonderful wife and a new grandchild. He knew that I was in pain and took the time to listen. He said many things but what had the biggest impact was his story about sailing. He and his family are big sailors and his oldest son is a boat designer and builder in Seattle. He described what it is like to sail into a strong headwind or crosswind and how this is like life when we are faced with what seem to be unbearable circumstances. He said what you need to do is tack and with that comes a tremendous amount of energy to hold those sails. What he said was that there are times the winds are too great and you cannot do anything about that. He said that what needs to be done is to let go of the lines and just drift. You need to let go and when the time is right you gently start heading in the right direction. I thought about what he said and spent the weekend reflecting and letting go of my lost relationship. Maybe it was just time but after a few days I felt this tremendous relief and sense of peace. It is hard to describe how much of an impact his discussion had, but I have my energy and happiness back. I have had tremendous amount of both happiness and energy all my life and I was fearful that they would never return. I have done many of the things you have suggested in your book well before I read them but what it brought me was comfort that I was doing the proper things. For the 1st time in months I feel confident. strong and energized. I look forward to meeting someone new to share my life with but I am happy being alone until the right person comes along. Be well and again thanks for your insight.
An extraordinary treasure
Regards, -P.
Surviving Better
Dear Karen - All I can say is that The Bounce Back Book is an extraordinary treasure. It caught my eye the other day while shopping and after leafing through, knew this was the perfect book for me at this point. Although I have gone through some rough times in the past, right now I have entered another. My mother is dying, my kitty (my "child" having none of my own) is seventeen and her time will come soon. I'm facing two losses that will surely knock me to the floor. However, I've been gifted with a book that I believe will help me pull through. Thank you for your inspiration. I've read the entire book and now will begin again, study the bounce back exercises and try to be prepared as best I can for what lies ahead. I know I will survive. But perhaps, as opposed to other times I've faced, I will survive better.
Wish I had came across it sooner
Most grateful, L.
Princess Charming
Dearest Karen, I must write to you after reading your book, Prince Harming Syndrome. I feel now it is the ONLY relationship self help book I will ever need or anyone will need, wish I have came across it sooner. I invested far too much mula on other books, online ebooks, audios hoping to discover what the freakin secret is to finding my prince charming. I'm considered by many as a smart, fun and beautiful woman to say the least in her early thirties and lucky in love. I am lucky in the sense I attract men easily, but to me I've be unlucky is the general feeling more or less. I have spent my twenties learning about myself and relationships that I've loved and lost many times over and had my heart broken twice...yet I remain positive, work on developing myself and believe very much in the true love and finding the true happiness you've described in your book. I am now a mature, very aware individual who knows her womanly power and is ready for the love relationship I know is possible, and so can't understand why I am not crossing path with Prince Charming. Your book easily and clearly made the distinctions for me as to why this true love I know I will find has been so damn elusive and why I continued to suffer. The main distinction you helped me realize of my pattern was I have continued to be involved in relationships of pleasure and not of shared virtue. Though I consider myself to be a person who operates with high integrity and is a princess charming, when it comes to love relationships, I tend to somehow end up on life plan wrong path because I lacked the distinctions you so cleverly spelled out. You have no idea I've been looking for materials to help me distinguish how I know if I am with 'the one' because more than I like to admit, I can be fooled by the charms of prince harming, LOL! Your 5 essentials for finding true love is a life saver, it is my can't go wrong ck list to help me stay on my life plan right path from now on! Lastly, I truly love the autobiography in 5 short chapters. It was hilarious and I so got the point. I really need to choose another street to walk down instead of always around that awful pot hole, hehehehee. These distinctions and insights will make a huge difference for me I just know it will pay off very soon and I am so inspired and excited for true love! When I do find my prince charming, I will be sure to update you!
Fun and inspiring read
All the best, T.
Inspired Reader
Hello- Just wanted to let you know that I loved Karen's book, Enough Dammit, and plugged it on my site. Thanks for the fun and inspiring read!
Thank you for the daily dose of awesome
Daily Consumer of Awesome
Hi Karen, Big fan letter here. I just saw my ex on the street which was awful. Instead of sending him a tirade of angry emails and texts, I came home and pulled up some of your posters on the Internet. I feel better. It's been a rough 6 months and your positive messages have helped me SO much! (the bb book too..) thank you for the daily dose of awesome!
Hope it becomes a classic
- A.
Bouncing Back
Karen, Great book bouncing back! Saw it on the shelves at target Sarasota. Hope it becomes a classic.
As if you wrote this book specifically for me
Rachel Mott
Facebook Comment
Your book Prince Harming Syndrome has been an absolute blessing!!! Its as if you wrote this book specifically for me. I am so grateful I've discovered your book! Not only has it helped me rebuild my spirits after a terrible breakup from my Prince Harming, I've realized what amazing personal growth I had actually made in the last two years I spent in that terrible relationship! I would of never discovered that without the words from your book! Seeing the positive outcome from such as terrible relationship has been a blessing in disguise. Thank you for your words! This book is a must read!!
Clear, concise, fun and just excellent
Cheers, -A.
Serial Smiler
Hi Karen, I just read your book from cover to cover in one sitting, nodding and smiling at intervals. I find your insight and guidance to be clear, concise, fun and just excellent. I already did one of the assignments, tip #65, and made a cool screen saver that makes me happy to look at. Thank you for putting this out there - I absolutely loved it! Also, I really admire the fact that even after having a traumatic experience, you have remained a positive and strong person and have retained a joyous sense of humor about life. I've subscribed to the newsletter and will follow your blog.
I've watched your words make a lot of friends and family smile
Cordially, J.
Book Store Enthusiast
Karen, Thanks for sharing your smart and funny writing with us. I found out about you when I picked up your "Happy" book at an Urban Outfitters in Lenox just before Christmas - then I couldn't for the life of me wrestle it away from my teenage daughter or her friends. Now I check for anything of yours they might have on stock at Borders whenever I go. Such fun to find your work there! I've watched your words make a lot of friends and family smile. Thank you! I hope you'll put me on your email list. And if you ever head down this way for a book signing or anything, please holler this way. I'm sure my book club would like to meet you - and I've organized a Wednesday morning coffee club for writers, creatives and other random entrepreneurs. It would be nice to meet you so we could thank you in person. THANK YOU
You are wonderful
Karen, Just wanted to say I admire your commitment to your mission. You are wonderful!
Sharp and pithy and witty
Cheers, P.
Shameless Fan Letter Writer
Dear Ms. Salmansohn, Like the subject line says, I am sending you a shameless fan letter. I will try not to gush too much. I will confess that I have not read all of your books, but the ones I have bought and read (or read surreptitiously while waiting in line to buy another book) I have enjoyed immensely. Your writing style is sharp and pithy and witty, and the designs of your books are exceptional. I loved the illustrations in "How To Change Your Entire Life By Doing Absolutely Nothing". Anyway enough gushing. Thanks for producing such great work. I look forward to seeing your next book.
Wonderful and super helpful insights
Thank you for being you! : ) -L.
Bouncing Back
Well Karen, I believe I speak for MANY MANY people that read your Bounce Back Book when I say that you totally rocked that book! You are sweet in letting us in on all your wonderful and super helpful insights! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! Your Prince Harming book is also a book that I hold near and dear to my heart!
Reading it for the nth time
Angelica Garcia
Anaheim, CA
Hello, Karen! I just happened to work for a store which sells your books. (Or two of them, at least.) And I've passed them many times without looking inside, thinking that if I picked it up I would've automatically been a self-proclaimed cynic. After all, How to be Happy, Dammit was a cynic's guide to happiness. However, the moment I picked it up, I couldn't stop reading it, even if I was at work (of course with no customers) and I enjoyed and absorbed (and currently trying to apply) everything that was written in your book. A few months ago, we started carrying your Enough, Dammit book. I loved i, too. I guess I could relate so much to it because I studied cognitive therapy and Freud and Carl Jung. Now added to it is Ralph and Bazooka Joe and the Zen of Enchiladas. We studied how important schemata were and all that. I guess I was only half-listening to my professor back then. I just wanted to say that I appreciate your work. Amazingly I woke up today and got your book and read it for the nth time. Usually that happens when I start going into a pessimistic mood. For somebody as young as myself, I'm glad I got into your "Not Salmon" philosophy early. Thanks so much!