We all (at times) find ourselves looking at what others have – and feeling jealous, envious, competitive. Here are 4 practical tools to stop comparing yourself to others – so you can avoid poison envy!
Do you sometimes find yourself comparing your “outsides” to other people’s “outsides”?
It’s far too easy to do – and sometimes we don’t even realize we’re doing it – until we start to feel depressed.
Below are 4 helpful antidotes to Poison Envy:
1. Remember: The grass is always greener on the other side – until you get there and find out it’s astroturf.
Symbols are not reality. Someone might have amassed material success in their outside world, but this doesn’t mean they’re truly happy in their inner world.
And “BEING HAPPY ON THE INSIDE” is the Holy Grail – not material success.
So, don’t go judging a person’s book of their life by their mere cover. You must read at least 127 pages of “THE BOOK OF WHO SOMEONE REALLY REALLY IS” to know where that person is truly at on the inside.
After all, there are many successful people (quickie aka: Marilyn Monroe) who seem to have it all, but were coming undone within.
2. You can’t have everything in this world. You just have to make sure you have the right something for YOU.
Each of us has our own unique gift. And your gift is not a one-size-fits-all. No one of us is on the same path.
3. Stop focusing on competing with others. Re-focus on competing with yourself.
Ask yourself questions like:
- “How can I improve my skillsets and inner integrity/discipline so as to get where I want to go?”
- “Who must I become to get everything I want in my life?”
- “What can I do today to move me a little closer to my dreams?”
- “What am I most proud of – so I can remind myself of what I have to offer the world – and thereby have added energy to keep on moving forward and upward!”
Remember: Anything you can do, YOU CAN DO BETTER!
Remember: One of the biggest contributors to happiness is recognizing you are far stronger and far more talented than you originally gave yourself credit for!
4. Overnight success never happens overnight.
Overnight success is always the outcome of every day positivity and every day positive habits.
Patience and persistence are two of the most important attributes for happiness and success.
It’s important to recognize that there will always be some time delay between wanting and having.
Granted this delay is often longer than we wish. But the universe’s delays are not necessarily the universe’s denials.
If you’re getting impatient, simply envision what you want as being stuck on a delivery truck – just a wee bit stuck in traffic – but coming towards you right now – maybe even a week from next Tuesday!
You’ve heard the expression “Fake it till you make it.” I say: “Faith it till you make it.”
Need extra support to think more positively?
Check out INSTANT HAPPY – filled with my viral inspiring posters – which work like a pattern interrupt to stop a moving train of negative thought.
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