Promo photo of Karen Salmansohn
Psychologist Recommended Video & Audio Course: Manage & Avoid Drama Llamas


Learn effective ways to manage people who treat you badly. Spot narcissists, liars, passive aggressive personalities & a range of "High Conflict People" sooner. Master the art of challenging conversations. Reduce stress & drama. Enjoy more inner peace.

Only $99 for lifetime access!


It’s time to drop the drama. 

This course will help you to gain a better understanding of your inner programming, discover your true needs, plus set boundaries that people respect!

Do you have challenging people in your life – who create stress, drama, upheaval?

I call these people Drama Llamas.

But you might have other less cute names for them, like...

toxic, narcissists, sociopaths, gaslighters, emotional vampires, irrational, difficult, manipulative, confrontational, untrustworthy or @#!%&!!

There are many kinds of Drama Llamas.  

Some you choose: friends, lovers, employees, etc...

Some you do NOT choose: family, neighbors, in-laws, an ex you share custody with, etc

There are a few things all Drama Llamas share in common:

It feels draining and terrible being around them. They're masters at emotional manipulation. And they create stress and unwanted distractions - which block you from doing your work or enjoying relaxing times.

Well, right now I want you to take a moment to think about a specific, drama-making person in your life.

Next, I want you to imagine you're face-to-face with them - yet you feel calm and confident.  You’re able to interact and react with them in a new way - and experience more peaceful results!  

Finally, no buttons are pushed! Plus you know how to spot and avoid future Drama Llamas!

How does it feel? 

Good, right?

toxic people quote

Well, I’d love to help you to achieve this calmer, drama-free life.

I'm excited to share the effective tools I used to drop the drama - and stop feeling like I'm walking on eggshells.

I am now able to step back from people who were depleting my energy - and interfering with my happiness, productivity and creativity.

Inside this online course, you'll get a range of research-based strategies gathered from:


Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, NLP,  The Psychology of Narcissists,   Childhood Programming, Boundary Building,  Self Worth Issues, Conflict Communication, etc...

This course will teach how to empower yourself,  set stronger boundaries, and talk to difficult people, so as not to escalate conflict. 

My psychological tools are so successful at managing "Difficult Personality Types," that they've been written up!

Yes! Oprah, Psychology Today, CNN and many other huge media outlets have featured me - because they respect the effectiveness of my "Narcissist Taming Techniques" and "Toxic People Training Tools"!

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I'm a recognized expert on Narcissists!

I wrote a bestselling book all about managing and avoiding narcissists.

It's called Prince Harming Syndrome - and applies equally to Princess Harmings.

prince harming syndrome

I wrote this bestseller because I needed to protect myself from a narcissist.

So I personally know how challenging it can be to manage their manipulation & drama.

I also know exactly what you need to do to successfully outsmart them!

And I share all my research based boundary and communication techniques inside this course!

Each instructive lesson is offered in video or audio. 

Everything's narrated by me - as if I'm personally coaching you.

You'll also get workbooks, pdfs, journal prompts, audio recordings, etc...

Plus, because I'm an award winning designer and bestselling author with 2 million books sold worldwide...

... all course materials are produced with stylish & easy to understand graphics. 

Best of all, there are no live calls - so you can conveniently fit the course into your schedule.   

It's time to drop your “SHOULDS!” 

Stop feeling pressured by unhealthy expectations and beliefs about who you "should" be or what you "should" do or say.

Start to speak up for yourself with confidence and self-respect.

Only $99 for lifetime access!

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Watch a Summary Of My "Toxic People Training" & "Narcissist Taming" Techniques!

Life is too short to waste it on people who suck happiness out of your day.

Free your mind, heart and schedule from having to deal with toxic people.

Why are my psychological techniques so effective?

I spent the past few decades studying the psychology of narcissists, codependency, childhood programming, conflict resolution skills and resiliency techniques.

Plus I've personally coached many thousands of people who were stuck in a toxic relationship dynamic.

I then condensed everything into this self paced video and audio course - and I'm giving you lifetime access!

I know this Manage & Avoid Drama Llamas Course will change your life ... because this training contains the same strategies and techniques I’ve used to improve many thousands of lives already - including my own.

If you want to be happy & successful, you need to develop the ability to set healthy boundaries.

This ability improves mental health, physical health, career success and relationships with romantic partners, friends, family, colleagues, etc.

manage toxic people boundaries

It’s time to learn how to communicate your needs - with confidence!

Stop feeling frustrated and resentful. Start enjoying healthier relationships which make you feel heard, satisfied and respected!

Get FULL access to this Video & Audio Course’s Entire Library - so you have everything you need at your fingertips 24/7!

Only $99 for lifetime access!

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

All NotSalmon Courses are backed by research.

Here’s why experts love Karen...


A library's worth of proven insights

Just picking up this engaging book boosted my spirits. Not only does The Bounce Back Book pack a library's worth of proven insights into one slim volume, it presents that information in a hilarious way, with eye-catching graphics, to drive its wisdom home. For anyone mired in the dumps – or who just wants to live more joyfully! – this is essential reading.


A whole new plan

If you're not happy with what you're getting, maybe you need a whole new plan. Karen Salmansohn offers you one. Start now!


Provokes and inspires

Karen Salmansohn's writing is bold, playful, insightful with powerful metaphors that provoke and inspire. In The Bounce Back Book, her kinetic images amplify her message and take the book to a new level of literary experience.

Deepak Chopra Author

Expert on psychological research studies

This book is full of psychological research studies to help you not only recover from the tough times, but also bounce back to an even higher level than your previous bests.


A creative force of nature

Karen Salmansohn is a creative force of nature. I love her insights and relentless commitment to helping people live happy and successful lives. Her smart sense of humor and unusual metaphors make changing your life not only do-able but, totally fun. I simply adore her!

Marie Forleo Best Selling Author

Students Love My Boundary Mastery System & Communication Techniques

Thanks to this course, students learned new ways of responding to difficult people -  with confidence and calm  - without getting triggered.

Kurt Now Stays Calm & In Control With Difficult People

These boundary tools effectively helped him to communicate with toxic people - without tempers flaring. And he was able to manage problematic, narcissistic family members.

Lisa Now Manages Toxic People Without Escalation

She loved how the course shared helpful tools in a fun, engaging, entertaining, creative way. And she wishes she'd gotten these helpful boundary and communication tools sooner.

Helped me get through stressful times.

I divorced from my wife - and we share custody. This course gives lots of tactics to help me get through stressful times with her.

– Rob S., New York City

Thank you for your Drama Llamas Course!

Seeing in hindsight how I could have handled things differently was good information. Reading about Carl Jung’s definition of the high spiritual quest -and learning all about how the absence of this quest can lead to creating a low quest - explained everything about the most difficult relationship in my life, thankfully now gone. This alone really put it to rest for me. So thank you for your Drama Llamas Course!

– Sherle S.

Peek Inside my "Narcissist Taming" & "Toxic People Training" Tools!

notsalmon online courses

Easy to access on your phone, tablet or computer!

Module 1: Introduction to Living In the "Drama Free Zone."

Module 2: Don’t Associate with Drama

Module 3: Don’t Invite Drama

Module 4: Don’t Create Drama

Enjoy life-changing transformation at an affordable price!

It costs thousands of dollars to work one on one with me. But thanks to this course, you gain access to my training at a fraction of the price. I’ve packed everything I’ve studied, tested & learned about managing toxic people into this comprehensive course. All my research based techniques, results-proven scripts, self awareness tools, and more!  I’m keeping the course at a low price, because I believe it’s more important than ever to learn how to set boundaries with "high-conflict people," because these "difficult personality types" are more rampant than ever!

Only $99 for lifetime access!

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Instant FREE Bonus materials

$37 bonus value when you purchase Manage & Avoid Drama Llamas.

Free Bonus - Project Finisher Workbook by Leonie Dawson

FREE workbook (pdf) Project Finisher Workbook by international best-selling author and artist, Leonie Dawson. This beautifully illustrated workbook offers practical tools to motivate you to stay productively pursuing your goals – no matter your distractions – including the stress caused by toxic people. 

Value: $12.99

Free Bonus - Guided Meditation Series by Kristine Carlson

FREE audio – 5 Confidence & Peace Boosting Meditations by NY Times Bestselling Author, Kristine Carlson. Practice her famous “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff” wisdom to achieve greater mental health, and better communication with your family, friends, and co-workers. Learn how to live with more peace.

Value: $24.99

7 day guarantee

Risk Free! Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Karen's an international bestselling author who's sold over 2 million books - and a thought-leader in the self-development industry. People LOVE her stuff! Her bestselling books have an “Amazon Book Ranking” of 4.8 - 4.9 out of 5.  BUT...Just in case you were wondering – signing up for the Manage & Avoid Drama Llamas is risk-free. Give it a try. If you find that it’s not a good fit, you can request a refund within 7 days. But, if you do find that it’s a good fit...well, your life will improve...forever! 🙂

Who should enroll in this Conflict Communication Training?

Anybody dealing with the stress of high conflict people (aka narcissists, passive aggressive communicators, bad tempered individuals, liars, manipulators, etc)  

Someone seeking self development in the area of communication, boundaries and the art of challenging conversations.

Healthcare & wellness professionals, therapists, coaches... who seek research based conflict resolution tools and boundary techniques for clients struggling with dysfunctional relationships.

HR Professional,  people in leadership positions, entrepreneurs... who seek effective communication strategies to improve any problematic dynamics amongst employees and team members

Pay only $99 for lifetime access!

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Learn how to:

  • better spot narcissists, sociopaths, liars, game players and high conflict people – so you can stay far away!
  • set limits and stronger boundaries to stop toxic people from emotionally manipulating you and pushing your “pissed off” button – so you enjoy your life more
  • disarm toxic family, friends, work people, etc – anyone who makes you feel like you’re a prisoner in an abusive relationship! (Feel more calm, focused, productive & happier around them.)
  • cleverly manage toxic ex’s – who you share custody with (& be better able to handle “push back” – without things escalating)
  • stop people from walking all over you – and confidently embrace your self worth
  • learn to NOT go into “reactive mode,” so you reclaim your full power, sense of self & mood
  • manage & avoid “one-sided” relationships, so you enjoy more fulfilling relationships
  • think about toxic people differently, so you don’t allow them to get to you so much
  • do a self-inventory, so you understand your triggers, past programming & communication style
  • know when to walk away – and how best to take these self-loving steps forward

Improve your life in under 10 minutes a day. Easy to access on your phone, computer or tablet!

Stopwatch icon

You get 4 modules with 26 videos - with unlimited access to all videos - because you have the course for life - so you can watch at your own pace!

BONUS: You get the entire course on audio too! So  you can enjoy the course like an Audio Book. Listen while you do the dishes, walk your dog, do downward facing dogs, etc....

Each lesson is only 2 to 10 minutes short – because research reports people learn best in short bursts.

Plus, my students love how playful and simple my tools are to learn and do! You'll quickly learn effective ways to identify toxic people & protect against them - so you experience greater inner peace on a regular basis.

Binge watch or slow watch - at your pace - and at your place. This video (and audio) course is yours for life - so you can conveniently fit it into your schedule.

toxic people gaslighting

Students love these boundary & communication tips...


I’ve had some really scarring experiences with toxic people. I learned a lot about myself in this course - why I was allowing people to keep on hurting me. Plus Karen covers so many ideas for how to respond to bad behavior -helpful things to say and do.

Connie W. - Chicago

I just finished “Manage & Avoid Drama Llamas.” Love all the graphics and the BRILLIANT INFORMATION!!! Karen managed to simplify the info so that people can actually use it. Very well done!

Pam B. - New York, NY

I love The Drama Llama course! It taught me a lot about how to reduce all the drama I had been dealing with. The course makes me think while it keeps levity. I love the printables too. The training was well worth the cost.

Robbin K. - Ohio

I love Karen's Manage & Avoid Drama Llama's Course. It is easy to employ right away – in manageable chunks. It's funny and lighthearted and powerful at helping me through the most challenging point in my life - plus helping me to strategize and walk away knowing it's ok to do so. If only Karen could sit on my shoulder and be my guide for the next couple months as I navigate out of a very long term toxic relationship! This course sort of kind of works like that!

Peggy C.

I want to thank Karen Salmansohn for her “Manage & Avoid Drama Llamas” course. It was Divine timing. I was attracted to this course because I have a toxic situation at work about to explode and everything thus far hasn’t worked. Three of my favorite things about this course are: 1) Explanation of high-level spiritual quest/sense of purpose. I do yoga and meditation and understand the importance of this and am passionate to continue exploring my purpose. 2) Tools to tame the Drama Llama. Tips to change the dynamic. 3) Negative evidence collection and the 3-day complaint challenge. Karen gave me the knowledge, but in the end, integration is key. I went to work today with a small shift in attitude and it improved the situation. It’s a start. Cautiously optimistic.

Karla T - Austin, TX

I just wanted to say THANK YOU, Karen! Your “Manage & Avoid Drama Llamas” videos are a real treat! I loved the explanations for how I wound up in conflict with toxic people – and how to create better boundaries.

Denise B - Hallandale Beach, FL

This course changed the way I view difficult people - so now I stay calmer around them. Plus I learned how to identify toxic people sooner - and stop tensions from rising.

Lia S. - New York City

I now have the courage, confidence, and words.

For years I’ve been trying to save a long-time friendship with someone who is unstable and volatile. This course gave me info which woke me up!!  I now have the courage, confidence and words to use to protect myself & move on.

– Gloria S., Philadelphia

narcissist quote toxic people

Get boundary tools to shut down toxic people and reclaim your power & happiness

People will continue to take advantage of you - if you allow them!  Nothing changes - until you change! You need to decide to do something different - then take action! So right now you have a choice. You can keep doing what you’re doing & keep getting what you’re getting. Or you can learn how to stop being influenced by your present patterns of guilt and shame… and instead develop your ability to speak up for yourself... and reclaim your confidence and self-respect!

Lifetime access. Purchase once, yours to keep forever!

Only $99 for lifetime access!

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

The more you protect yourself from difficult people, the more peaceful life becomes.

Simple to Follow.

Karen explains everything - in a step-by-step way - with easy to understand terms - and a fun sense of humor. You'll quickly learn how to put a final stop to challenging people who cause you pain & emotionally manipulate you.

Private Access. Just You & Karen.

You can access these videos (& PDFs) on computers, tablets, iPads, & smartphones. Your viewing is private. Just you watching videos - at your pace - and at your place!

Award Winning Design.

Karen is an award winning designer. All of these 26 videos are produced with stylishly designed graphics. Plus, each video is 2 to 10 minutes short, so they're fast to watch.

Risk Free Guarantee

All NotSalmon Courses are self-paced. Begin today - pick up easily wherever you stop. Enjoy lifetime access. Take as long as you like to enjoy a course! Plus Karen offers a 7 day refund policy.

Masters In Life tagline

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't have time to watch the course right away?

No worries! You have lifetime access! Watch it at your pace - and at your place - on any and all of your screen devices! Binge watch or slooooow watch. It's your choice!

What's your philosophy on guarantees?

I'm in the happiness business. I want you to be happy! So if you're not happy, and let me know within 7 days, I'll refund your money! That said, usually people love the course so much, they wind up buying my other courses as well!

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