
11 Encouraging Quotes For When You’re Feeling Down To Feel Less Low

encouraging quotes on feeling downHere is a collection of encouraging quotes for when you’re feeling down to help you to feel less low.

Read these encouraging quote images and feeling low sayings when you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning!

Or read these encouraging quotes in the evening if you feel low and stressed at night.

Instead of spending the evening binge watching Netflix and/or binge eating ice cream these encouraging quotes will help you to fall asleep more restfully.

I personally designed each of these encouraging quotes for when you feel down. I myself have experienced my share of challenges – which I call my “Bucket List From Hell.”  And so I share this encouraging collection of feeling down quotes from a place of true empathy and understanding.

Are you feeling down?

11 Encouraging Quotes For When You Feel Low and Down

Scroll through these encouraging sayings! Choose your favorite feeling down quote! Use this encouraging quotation about feeling low as your mobile wallpaper! Share these inspiring words about feeling down with a friend who feels low!  Plus… Bookmark this page and whenever you feel down, simply read through these 11 encouraging quotes so you can lovingly nudge yourself forward to happiness!


over-thinking ruins you

Overthinking ruins you. It ruins the situation. Twists things around. Makes you worry. Just makes everything worse that it actually is. -Karen Salmansohn


blessing to open your eyes

It’s an honor and blessing to be able to open your eyes after a night’s sleep. Give thanks every morning.


feel down quotes karen salmansohn

Sometimes sitting and doing nothing is the best something you can do. – Karen Salmansohn

  • Print out these feeling down quotes. Keep these encouraging quotes in your wallet so can read them often!


Best Encouraging Words about feeling down

Be selective with your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right.


quotes for when you Feel Down by Karen Salmansohn

The tragedy is not failing. It’s not trying. – Karen Salmansohn


uplifting Quote if you're feeling sad or stressed

Each day you only have a limited amount of time and energy. Don’t waste it stressing about things you cannot control. – Karen Salmansohn


Best Encouraging sayings

Your thoughts are a steering wheel. Watch where you aim them. – Karen Salmansohn


reminders to slow down

Quick reminder: Slow down! Enjoy the moments in your day. These moments are your life! – Karen Salmansohn


rise above

You have it within you to rise above whatever is bringing you down.- Karen Salmansohn

  • Share these feeling down quotes on Instagram – and motivate others with these encouraging quotes!


Encouraging words by Karen Salmansohn

It’s okay not to be okay – as long as you are not giving up. – Karen Salmansohn


little things

The little things. The little moments? They aren’t so little.

Bonus Encouraging Quote About Feeling Down

encouraging feeling down quote

When feeling overwhelmed by a faraway goal, repeat: I have it within me right now to get me to where I want to be later. – Karen Salmansohn

Feeling down and stressed?

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