
Feeling Invisible? Here’s What I Did To Reclaim My Power

Feeling Invisible reclaim powerHere’s what I did to reclaim my power when I was feeling invisible –  like I was not myself anymore. These low feelings can happen for many reasons. For me, they happened when I became an overwhelmed, stressed out, overly busy mom. But these insights below apply to all circumstances.

I confess there was a time, a few years back, that I lost myself in the role of mommyhood.

I didn’t put in the time for “me,” because I was so caught up in making sure I was lovingly taking care of my son. In every way possible.

I wound up feeling invisible.

For example…

When my son (Ari) began Kindergarten, I’d spend the morning putting far more attention into deciding what Ari would be wearing, than what I’d be wearing. Ari and I would discuss what clothes were “cool” (sweatpants and Pokemon tee shirts) and “not cool” (jeans and button down shirts). Meanwhile I just threw on a “whatever” outfit (usually involving yoga pants).

One morning my son and I were riding down in our building’s elevator with a neighbor. My son was talking with me in an animated way about his favorite Pokemon cards.

My neighbor warmly interrupted, “Excuse me,” she said smiling.

reclaim your power when you feel like you're not yourselfAri and I looked at her. It was common for our neighbors to interrupt us – so as to say something sweet to Ari.

I was certain whatever she would say next would be about Ari.

“Love that necklace,” my neighbor said.

Immediately I looked at Ari. But he was not wearing a necklace.

So I thought I must not have heard my neighbor correctly.

“What did you say?” I asked her.

“Love that necklace,” she repeated.

Again I looked at Ari. Again, I reconfirmed that there was no necklace around my son’s neck.

My neighbor pointed to my neck. “Your necklace,” she said

reclaim your power when you feel weak and overwhelmedI laughed. “Oh, I’d forgotten all about this necklace,” I explained. “It was bought many years ago. Plus I sleep in it and shower with it.”

“It’s beautiful,” she said.

Although this compliment might seem at first like a simple exchange – it had a big impact on me.

It was a bit of a wake up call even.

This tiny moment helped me to reclaim my power.

I realized in that moment that I hadn’t simply forgotten about my silly necklace.

I’d forgotten about me too.

I’d forgotten that I could be notice-able.

Plus I also realized that I didn’t feel comfortable in the role of The Noticed.

I much preferred my role feeling invisible – as mere background fodder to my son.

My top priorities since Ari was born:

  • be the best mommy to Ari when with him
  • make money to support Ari when not with him

Mommy-time and work-time eventually superceded self-care time and Karen time.

Feeling Invisible you need to reclaim your power

My needs had become invisible to me.

I’d become invisible to me.

My next wake up call to my Invisible Woman role came about one month later.

Ari and I were watching a Disney movie on Netflix. We got to talking about the concept of “lead characters” versus “sidekicks.”

The next day Ari came home from school and asked me if he was the lead character in his Kindergarten classroom.

I explained to Ari that everybody in his classroom was the lead character of their own life. And how there were multiple storylines going on at the same time.

I also told Ari that although he was the lead character in his own life. Sometimes Ari played a sidekick in someone else’s life story.

Ari looked surprised. Then he looked accepting. “Ok, I get it,” he said. “I’m just the lead character of my life only.”

Feeling Invisible? Here's What I Did When I Felt Invisible“Yes,” I said. “Correct.”

“BUT,” Ari said, “I’m also the lead character in your life too….Right, mommy?”

I smiled.But said nothing.

“Right mommy?” Ari asked again. “I’m the lead character in your life too?”

I paused and wondered.

Ari had become the lead character in my life.

And I wanted Ari to be the lead character in my life.

I even felt bad thinking that I was in fact the lead character of my own life.

Then I thought about it some more.

I remembered the elevator ride.

I’d made a self promise to reclaim my power.

I realized that I shouldn’t feel guilty about being the lead character of my own life.

This was not an egotistical choice.

It was a “soul-itstical choice.” And there’s a big difference between the two!

I also found it interesting how we don’t have this word “soul-itistical” in our vocabulary. After all, it’s a very important word to think about.

Here are my thoughts on what it means to be “soul-itistical.”

(And thereby the leader of your own life.)

Feeling Invisible? Here's What I Did When I Felt InvisibleI believe we are here on this planet to become our best possible selves.

We are here to stretch and grow our souls. Or you can use the words “core selves” – if you’re more psychologically oriented.

No matter the language you choose, it’s important we be the lead character of our own lives. Because that’s why we’re here on this planet – for our soul – our core self – to learn, grow, thrive.

With this in mind, it’s essential that we not simply exist in the background of someone else’s life!

If we do, then we risk  forgetting about our soul’s unique and true purpose!

We need to make sure we nurture our soul’s true purpose.

(And thereby live authentically to who we are.)

In fact, many problems occur in life when we stop paying attention to our soul’s yearnings.

We wind up putting our soul’s needs on hold when we overly prioritize making others happy and forget about our own happiness! This can make us feel pretty darn sad, angry, resentful, regretful.

If you’re feeling invisible – and want to reclaim your power -know this now:

  • It’s not egotistical to be the lead character of our own lives. It’s soul-itistical.
  • You need to pay attention to our soul’s needs and cravings in order to find true happiness and deep fulfillment.

Feeling Invisible reclaim powerSo…how did the rest of my conversation with Ari go?

It went like this…

“Sooooo,” Ari said, “Am I the lead character of your life, mommy?”

I sighed loudly. I hoped I could say what I wanted to say in the right way.

“Ari,” I said, “Right now you are the most important person in my storyline – but I am the lead character in my own storyline. My storyline has been a long, interesting and zig zagging one – and many of my most favorite parts in my storyline all happened when you arrived. You are one of the biggest contributors to what makes my storyline fun and happy. But…well… I am the lead character of my story.”

Ari took a moment to take all of this in. He smiled hugely!

“Ok! So, I’m your fun sidekick,” Ari announced. He sounded super-excited to play this role.

Shortly after this conversation, I stopped feeling invisible.

I stepped back into being the lead character of my own life. I started to go to the gym more – makes plans to see friends more – do more of my favorite hobbies (like reading novels and seeing indie films) – get mani-pedis and blow-out my hair. Plus I also started to get dressed up in the morning – in non-yoga pants.

Although these were small outer changes, they were symbolic of a bigger inner change. I became passionately determined to make sure I was indeed the lead character of my own life – without feeling guilty about it.  I accepted that it was absolutely okay – and even necessary – to pay more attention to nourishing my soul.

If you’re feeling invisible, it’s time to reclaim your power.

  • I encourage you to embrace the role of lead character in your life. Be soul-itistical!
  • Don’t forget who you are at your core.
  • Do not allow yourself to become The Invisible Woman or The Invisible Man.
  • Appreciate that you are here to grow and stretch your soul.
  • And appreciate all the many sidekicks who help to make your lead character role here on this planet a fun and happy storyline.

If you’re feeling invisible, here’s a mantra to reclaim your power…

mantra refusing to stress and reclaim your power

Repeat the following intention: “Today I refuse to stress myself out about anything outside of my control.”

And…if you are dealing with challenges and uncertain times, I recommend meditation.

You don’t need to meditate for long periods of time to reclaim your power.

Even taking 2 minutes out of your day to meditate can calm your mind and help you feel in your full power again.

Learn simple 2 minute meditations

Check out my bestselling meditation guide, Instant Calm

Instant Calm is great for beginners to meditation – as well as advanced meditators – because there’s something for everyone.

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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