If you follow my work, you might find it interesting to know that the posters I create and the books I write are inspired by what I jokingly call my “Bucket List From Hell.”
I came up with this name recently. I was thinking about The Big Events of My Life. The things that changed me for the better.
Guess what?
Many of these Big Events were not fun or positive.
They weren’t your typical “Bucket List” things like: “trek the Inca Trail” or “fly in a hot air ballon” or “witness a solar eclipse”!
No, no! I realized that it was as if by accident I got my hands on the “Bucket List From Hell.”
And I decided to make sure I did all these foolish, soul-crushing, serotonin-depleting things on this list instead!
My Bucket List From Hell:
1. Get to experience being backstabbed – frequently – in a job at an ad agency.
So much so, that it’s surprising I can still drink a glass of water, and not have it spurt out the knife holes in my back.
2. Suffer the self-esteem-obliterating experience of being rejected by publishing houses.
First I experienced the emotional high of leaving my back-stabbing ad agency to pursue my dream of writing a book.
This was quickly followed by being rejected.
And rejected.
By over 28 disinterested agents.
Until I finally find an agent who was game for taking me on.
3. Get to experience a sexual assault by a building manager.
He was someone who appeared to be a kind and helpful man.
Then I suddenly needed to move out of building and find an apartment within 1 week – in NYC’s competitive and expensive real estate marketplace.
4. Experience falling in love with a painful partner.
He became someone who turned out to be a big-time cheating Prince Harming.
5. Get to experience the emotional roller coaster ride of I.U.I. for a few years.
I did this with a wonderful partner.
Unfortunately doing I.U.I. turned into a monetary roller coaster ride as it gobbles up a majority of savings.
6. Experience a miscarriage.
Yes, first I got to experience the emotional high of finally getting pregnant via I.U.I.
This was quickly followed by the huge emotional low and blow of miscarriage.
I miss him to this day – and truly wish my son could have met him.
I helped this friend (for free) to create and publish her dream book – for back-end commission only.
Next I watched her tell the world it’s a #1 best seller – while telling me she hadn’t earned out advance.
Plus she also refused to show me royalty statements.
She thereby broke both our signed legal contract – as well as moral code.
9. Get to experience the emotional high of finally getting pregnant via IVF. As well as a new weight high.
I gain 90 pounds.
Thereby I get to experience the double whammy of high cholesterol and a diabetes health scare.
Yes, somehow I got my hands on a bizarre-o Bucket List From Hell!
And diligent me, I managed to meticulously check off each and every single heart-breaking challenge on this list.
Guess what?
My “Bucket List From Hell” turned out not to be completely horrifying.
Because there was “time-delayed” wisdom and joy to be found!
Thanks to my“Bucket List From Hell” I wound up growing into a better, wiser, stronger, more compassionate me.
Some of the topics near and dear to my heart (and heartbreak) – which were inspired by my “Bucket List From Hell”:
Well, it’s because of my “Bucket List From Hell.”
Thankfully I’m now on the other side of this list.
And I am passionate about helping as many people as I can to focus on (and believe in) the light at the end of their tunnels – which is really the light found within.
There are many days I still have many justifiable reasons to crawl into a fetal position, lay on my sofa, and cry.
But I mindfully choose not to tell my stories as sad ones.
I choose to view myself as a “Champion of Challenges.”
Plus I see myself as someone who makes it a “must” to turn all “tales of woe” into “tales of wow.” And keep on “faith-ing forward.”
Every time I’m faced with a challenge I make it a “must” to never leave the scene of the challenge without gathering up at least a few golden nuggets of insight to pocket away.
One of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten from people: being told they think my life has been easy.
It always makes me chuckle when I hear this.
My life has been miles – and miles – and miles from easy.
But in the end I don’t regret a thing.
Because all my challenges made me who I am today.
And I am truly wiser and stronger and even more loving – because I appreciate all that I have – and all who I have – with so much extra gusto.
In the end I’ve taken the broken pieces of my life – and myself – and I’ve mindfully built something beautiful out of it all.
Admittedly my accidental “Bucket List From Hell” didn’t have fun “Bucket List” things on it.
I did not “get to experience skydiving” or “get to experience riding a camel.”
But in the end, I wound up valuing the surprise dives I took.
And the bumpy rides I traveled.
Because everything brought me to where I am. And who I am. Now in this moment.
Share below: What comes to mind when you read about my “Bucket List From Hell”? In your comment, offer as much inspiring detail as you can. After all, thousands of beautiful people read this site looking for empowering support.
Your comment may just be exactly what someone needs to read to boost their hope and happiness!
P.S. Know somebody who’s facing challenging times? Pass the positivity forward! Send them this article or share it in your social media.
Move on from your Bucket List From Hell!
Check out my groundbreaking video course, The Anxiety Cure
P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.
1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.
2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.
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