It’s important you’re getting enough sleep, if you value your physical, mental and emotional health. Coming up you’ll learn if you’re suffering from sleep deprivation and how to enjoy more restful nights.
They call sleep a keystone habit. That means something so important, so fundamental to your health and happiness, that it underpins every other thing in your life.
Sleep is one of the most formative elements of our lives. It informs our diet, mental health, physical fitness – and even how good we are at our jobs.
Conversely, developing great sleep habits can have a transformative effect. It’s an area we should all be prioritizing to find a balance in our lives. Especially in a time of global crisis such as we find ourselves in now.
Sleeplessness Has Reached Epic Proportions.
We are constantly busy with events and paying the price. With our busy, modern, always-on lives, it seems that we cannot switch off. Research has shown that:
50 -70 million people in the US suffer from one or several sleep disorders
40% of US adults suffer from some form of insomnia
Almost 20% of all car crash accidents are associated with sleeplessness
Americans have suffered a 13% decrease in the amount of sleep they get since 1942
These shocking sleep statistics – and a host of others – show that sleep deprivation is a severe problem within the US and globally.
The Good News About Good Sleep
You can take action to improve the quality and duration of your sleep without turning to chemical sleeping aids.
Like most good habits, learning to enjoy restful sleep requires effort and consistency. And the rewards of good sleep can turn many other areas of your life around.
Why Is Getting Enough Sleep So Fundamental?
We all know the difference we feel when we’ve had a good night’s rest.
We wake up, energized, and ready to face the day ahead.
The trouble is that for some of us, these mornings are far too rare.
We’re more likely to be found repeatedly pressing the snooze button with one hand before staggering to the coffee machine.
But why is it so critical to get good quality sleep?
It’s causing a significant strain on healthcare systems globally, triggering avoidable secondary diseases such as diabetes, kidney problems and sight loss, and affecting the quality of life for millions.
Well, some of it comes down to the effect on our hormones when we don’t rest enough.
Another part of it is that our motivation to exercise, and our willpower to resist sugar and fatty foods, is lower when we aren’t well-rested. Poor appetite regulation is associated with insomnia, as levels of ghrelin (the hormone which causes us to feel hunger) are higher in those who get little sleep.
Conversely, levels of leptin (the hormone which suppresses our appetites) are lower.
So weight management is a much harder process if you don’t have good sleep quality on your side.
The physical and mental effects of not sleeping well are intricately linked. And when we experience sleeplessness, lots of different aspects of brain function are compromised.
Sleep deprivation is an extremely serious condition.
Not only are we – and the economy – missing out on a lot of productivity potential. But in some cases, a lack of sleep can literally be life and death.
Additionally, Fortune Magazine has noted that lack of sleep costs the US economy over $411 billion annually.
The effects of chronic sleep deprivation are often compared to intoxication. We cannot function correctly.
3. Improves Our Mental and Physical Health
There has been a proven link between mental health issues such as depression and poor quality or disordered sleep. Being able to rest is essential for the balance of our mental health, and we all know that problems and trials in life seem far worse when we aren’t well-rested.
Our social interactions are affected, as we’re less able to read the facial expressions and emotions of others. We are likely to be far more reactionary and easy to anger when we haven’t appropriately rested ourselves. In addition to this, things like our immune systems can become affected.
Even a small loss of sleep has been shown to impair the function of our immune systems significantly. Sleep less than seven hours per night, and you’re almost three times more likely to catch a cold – or even a worse virus.
Some of this may be due to inflammation in the body, which we are only just beginning to understand fully.
Sleep loss can activate undesirable cell changes, and these have links to all sorts of inflammatory diseases, from damage to the lungs to conditions like Crohn’s or colitis.
Medical professionals now even routinely recommend sleep analysis for individuals with long-term inflammatory conditions. Your glucose metabolism can also be affected, which causes more risk of type 2 diabetes.
How To Enjoy More Restful Nights?
It’s clear that there’s not a single aspect of our lives that isn’t affected when we don’t sleep well. Get that right, and a whole host of other problems in your life might improve as well. But how do you go about improving the quality of your sleep?
1. Here’s a Quick 60 Second Summary of How to Fall Asleep Fast and Stay Asleep!
2. Ban Electronics From The Bedroom
A comfortable mattress, a good book, your favourite pillow – these are all great bedroom companions. Your smartphone, tablet, TV or laptop? Not so much.
Electronic devices emit blue light, which disturbs the body’s natural production of melatonin, the hormone which signals our body to sleep.
Start by banning all electronic devices from your sleep environment. Get into the habit of relegating them to a drawer to charge overnight.
Go back to reading paperback books and invest in an old-fashioned alarm clock to make falling asleep easier.
Many people try to sleep in rooms which are either too light or too warm. The fact is, our bodies need to be ever so slightly cool to help us sleep – around 18 degrees is ideal.
The solution? Make sure your room is well ventilated. You may also want to invest in blackout blinds so that you aren’t woken up too early by the sunlight. Make sure you’re also using the right thickness of bedding so you don’t get too warm during the night, as this can cause disturbed sleep.
5. Try Aromatherapy
In my research based video course The Anxiety Cure I share a lot about how relaxing aromatherapy scents can be a powerful tool for helping you to sleep.
In my results proven Anxiety Cure video course,I offer lots of other tips for good sleep. I’d love to do everything I can to help you to improve your sleep quality – and benefit your entire life in the process.
P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.
1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.
2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.
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