Now more than ever it’s important to be creating healthy habits for your home and the people you love.
Every household should strive to be as healthy as possible. But with so much to do throughout the day, it’s no surprise that everyone is exhausted when it comes to making dinner.
Because of this, it’s much easier to make oven fries and chicken nuggets rather than a nutritious meal.
Still, if you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you’ve got to create health habit for your home and the people you love.
5 Healthy Habits for Your Home And People You Love
1. The Healthy Habit of Plenty of Sleep
The first step towards living a more healthy lifestyle for the whole family is to climb back into bed. Getting eight hours of sleep is the recommended amount for adults. Plus kids require anywhere between 10 to 12 hours, depending on how old they are.
Of course, this can be a battle. Your kids might not be sleepy. They may want to stay up talking with friends or playing video games. As a parent you want to make sure you help your kids develop healthy sleep habits. If you want to avoid getting into into a battle with them about it, just explain the benefits that a consistent sleep schedule brings them. Relate the benefits back to having more energy for the things they love.
2. The Healthy Habit of Daily Exercise
Everyone needs exercise. Admittedly, it can be difficult to get started. Especially if you’ve never really been on the athletic side of life. B
For families with young kids, or even single parents with a child custody arrangement, you can make this exercise more interactive. Workout and train with your kids rather than all alone.
Not only will a healthy exercise routine ensure the whole family gets fit. It also saves you from the monotony that comes with exercising by yourself. Your kids are unlikely to be able to spot you when on the weight bench. But you can still have fun exercising in the backyard. Or experiment with going for walks around the neighborhood.
3. The Healthy Habit of A Good Diet
A proper diet is another cornerstone of a healthy household. Cooking fresh and nutritious meals will ensure that everyone in the house gets their vital 5-a-day. Plus when you do some good home cooking, you open their palate to a world of delicious meals that they wouldn’t get from ordering take out.
Make meal prep a family affair. Teach your loved ones all about how to best cook, fry, chop, and sizzle their favorite foods.
You can introduce everyone to the right seasoning combinations. And demonstrate how even the most straightforward meal can be just as yummy as what you can find at a restaurant.
If you need help with binge eating or stress eating, I recommend you try these emotional eating recovery tools!
4. The Healthy Habit of Writing, Painting, Creating
As much as a healthy body is crucial, so too is a healthy mind.
We all have ways to foster and feed this healthy mind, whether it’s through reading our favorite books, or writing in a journal, or painting artwork.
It’s important to have a passion you love, away from schoolwork or your job.
You need to allow your mind to refresh and recharge.
5. The Healthy Habit of Meditation
While all of this family time with one another is great for building relationships and learning from each other, too much time spent together can become an issue. You’ll feel like you are in each other’s way. You can get frustrated and stressed. This can lead to disagreements and arguments.
Finding the time to connect with yourself via meditation, alone from the rest of the world, will give everyone the chance to take a breath and relax. It will help you feel more comfortable being with yourself. And this will help with self-esteem and self-care.
Start Today To Create Healthy Habits
It’s time to make healthy habits your new normal. While there may be a little pushback and dashes for freedom, everyone will soon realize that the healthy road is a much better one to follow.
Take time to listen to your heart – on a daily basis!
Spend 2 minutes a day with my line-a-day journal
P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.
1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.
2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.
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