
The Many Health Benefits Of Owning a Dog or Being Around Puppies

The Many Health Benefits Of Owning a Dog or Being Around Puppies There are many health benefits to owning a dog – both emotionally and physically. Here are the top 5 ways dogs contribute to your happiness and physical well being.

Dogs are amazing pets and even better friends. From the moment that you welcome a furry friend into your home and life they will instantly become like family – and the most loyal of family members. Plus on top of all the love and licks they offer, being around dogs and puppies can be good for your health.

I’ve written about this topic in my bestselling longevity book, Life is Long. Here’s a quick summary of the health benefits to owning a dog or being around puppies.

5 Health Benefits To Owning a Dog or Being Around Puppies

When you’re done reading this list of health benefits, you’re going to want to get some fun treats for your dog at a local Petco or Time for Paws pet shop. Or you might even want to splurge on dog friendly furniture – because there’s lots of reasons to appreciate your dog.

1. Dogs Reduce Stress

health benefits owning a dog includes stress reductionDogs are sort of like furry therapy.

In fact one of the great things about getting a dog (other than their sweet little faces and cuddly fur) is their stress busting benefits.

Dogs have a wonderful way of reducing our stress levels. And if you are like most adults, you will be glad of this assistance!

When we pet a dog or play with our pet, our brains release a chemical called dopamine which makes us feel happy and relaxed.

Plus petting a pet has also been researched to elevate oxytocin (linked to happiness and relaxation).

Finally…pets are so gosh darn cute. Just looking at their cute little faces will make you smile and forget about your troubles!

2. Dogs Help Childhood Development

Health Benefits Of Owning a DogIf you have a young child, getting a puppy can be a wonderful way to help them improve their emotional development skills in their younger years.

For example…

Owning a dog can help a child build their confidence and social skills – because they will always be meeting new people when out walking their dog.

Plus owning a dog can help a child to develop skills such as hand eye coordination when playing fetch with their new friend.

3. Dogs Help You Cut Down Doctor Visits

A study was done a few years back which took a look at people who visit the doctors. Guess what? When the people in this study got a dog, their doctor’s visits were reduced by 50%.

Plus, it has also been shown that owning a dog can reduce the recovery time after a heart attack due to reducing the blood pressure of the owner. 

4. Dogs Keep You Fit 

Walking a dog also helps people to stay physically active – which is healthful for the body.

After all, you can’t come home at the end of the day and decide to sit inside and avoid exercise.  Your puppy will need a walk out in the park to keep them healthy.

Basically, having a puppy is a great way to keep you motivated to stay fit . And it can be a fun way to lose a few pounds. 

5. Dogs Keep You Connected To Other Humans

Health Benefits Of Owning a Dog are emotional as well as physicalWalking a dog also helps people to stay social – because pets are people magnets and can lead to friendly conversations.

As soon as you step out of the house with a puppy you will get to meet many people – who all want to meet your dog. This will include other dog owners – as well as people who just want to say hello to your furry friend.

You will soon have a whole host of new friends (both on two legs and four legs) who you will see almost every day on your walks.

Best of all, you get double the health benefits walking a dog.

  • You get to be socially active – which is good for your emotional health.
  • You get to be physically active – which is good for your body’s health.

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