
Why Wearing Masks Can Help Stop The Spread of Covid 19

wear a mask covid 19 safetyI’ve read the research and I believe wearing masks can help to stop the spread of Covid 19.

So I created some helpful videos on my NotSalmonTV Youtube Channel.

Each video quickly explains reasons why there are health benefits to covering your face in public – even if you’re social distancing.

coronavirus quoteI want to do what I can to help flatten the coronavirus curve.

Scroll down to watch the videos!

Learn how covering your face can help to keep both you and others safe.


I also share some quick answers to popular questions around the topic of covering your face and staying safe during this pandemic.

3 Videos Which Explain Why You Need to Cover Your Face

1. How Wearing a Mask Protects You From Covid (Video)

2. Covid 19 Wear a Mask Explanation (video)

3. Coronavirus Wear a Mask Reminder (Video)


Are masks effective against the coronavirus?

Yes, there’s growing evidence that wearing a mask helps to protect both the person wearing it and the people around them. There’s a range of reports that coronavirus is airborne and that social distancing might not be enough.


Because if an infected person was recently walking nearby, there might still be particles of the virus lingering in the air. If you think you may have been exposed to the virus you should test yourself.

How do I properly use a face mask against covid 19?

  • Make sure the mask fits snugly around your nose and mouth – landing below your chin. It should feel comfortable – so you can breathe.
  • Keep the mask on your face the whole time you are in public.
  • Don’t put the mask around your neck or up on your forehead. Leave it around your nose and mouth.
  • Try not to touch the mask. If you do, wash your hands.
  • When you remove the mask, do so mindfully. Do not shake it. And wash your hands immediately.

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