
Why I Choose Kindness Instead Of Revenge

poster kind person jerk flower LARGENote: This is a guest essay by Irish Robes

Yes, I have been lied to, humiliated, betrayed, left behind and used by people who I never once thought would ever do me wrong.

It’s painful to think about and look back on these times.

But at least when I do, I know I’ve behaved with kindness in response to cruelty.


Because I realize, at the end of the day, sometimes I have to lose battles in order to win the true war of success: becoming my best self.

I believe there comes a point when sometimes kindness is the only choice – no matter what the circumstances –  because kindness is the key to moving forward peacefully – and feeling peaceful within is the only way to live a happy life.

As a striving 26 year old entrepreneur, I can definitely say that every obstacle that I have encountered and overcome has definitely made me both stronger and kinder – because I become more aware of the longterm benefits to embracing both core values.

poster winning fight happiness ramsAbraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey (and many more) have all taken hard hits to the ground, and come up both stronger and kinder.

Look at what they’ve gone on to be!

Each of these inspirational people are mentors who show us that we can succeed and conquer – while remaining good and kind.

The truth of the matter:

Yes, I’ve been hurt. Yes, I’ve experienced the urge for revenge. Yes, I’ve felt that burning sensation of defeat.

Yet each time I’ve risen higher than the pain – and gone on to act with genuine kindness.

The universe definitely works in the most mysterious ways.

I believe it’s true:

What goes around, comes around.”

But what I also know is that the wounds from your battles not only become the strengths you hold on to. They become the lessons and stories you share  – which could then go on to inspire others to rise instead of fall as well.

This post was written and shared with love by Irish Robles.

For more about Irish, click here now.

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