
9 Signs You’re Growing As A Person and Becoming Wiser

growing spiritually I don't want to be a grown up I want to be a growing up If you want to live your best life, you will appreciate knowing these 9 signs you’re growing up and becoming a wiser, mature grown up.

The older I get… the more I realize so many wonderfully helpful insights.. which help me to live with deeper joy, love and fulfillment in my work!

I’m sure you’ve been noticing this too in your life!

With this in mind…

Below are 9 signs you’re growing as a person and becoming wiser!

After you’re done reading these signs that you’re growing and maturing, scroll down to the bottom for tools to empower yourself to grow even further!

As you might already know, I’m a Master Mindset Coach, and a bestselling wellness author with about 2 million books sold globally.

Plus I founded a groundbreaking and therapist recommended online course called The Anxiety Cure.

I love sharing research based tools and inspiring image quote posters to empower people to live their happiest lives.

With this in mind, I have prepared this quick guide with signs that you’re…

  • growing as a person
  • becoming more mature
  • developing spiritually, mentally and emotionally

9 Signs You’re Growing Up and Becoming a Wiser, More Mature Grown Up

9 signs you're growing up and becoming mature grown up


becoming mature grown up

You’re gentler, kinder and more forgiving with yourself. – Karen Salmansohn


growing up becoming wiser

You embrace your uniqueness and no longer care what others think about you. – Karen Salmansohn


growing as a person becoming wiser

You no longer compare your life and progress to other people’s and thereby you are more patient with your goals. -Karen Salmansohn


quote listen to your intuition

You listen to your intuition more… and trust what it’s telling you. – Karen Salmansohn


listen to your body nurture nourish

You listen to your body more… and nurture and nourish your body in healthier ways. – Karen Salmansohn


signs you're growing up don't waste time on people things no longer server you

You don’t waste time on people or things which no longer serve you. – Karen Salmansohn


growing up mature value looking for meaning purpose in pain

You value looking for the meaning and purpose in your pain. – Karen Salmansohn


become mature interests change value in relationships different

Some of your interests and passions have changed. Plus what you value in relationships has changed. – Karen Salmansohn


become mature growing up conquered fears regrets holding you back

You’ve conquered many regrets and fears which were holding you back…and feel optimistic that you can conquer even more of them. – Karen Salmansohn

How did you do?

Can you relate to a lot of the 9 signs that you’re growing and becoming a wiser, more mature grown up?

  • I want you to take a moment now to celebrate yourself for how far you’ve come!
  • Plus I want you to believe in yourself …and your inner power to further grow …and deepen the joy, love and fulfillment in your life!

If you feel there are aspects above that you know in your heart you need to work on… I’m here for you!

I encourage you to explore my many bestselling online personal development courses…

  1. The Anxiety Cure Course – to help reduce negative self talk, stress, overwhelm, self doubts etc… Learn more here.
  2. Stop Emotional Eating Course – to stop stress eating and harming your health with self sabotaging eating habits, etc … Learn more here.
  3. Broken Heart Recovery Course – to help you let go of regret, resentment, hopelessness – so you can heal, grow, break patterns and move on to a happier future. Learn more here.
  4. Manage and Avoid Drama Llamas – to help you maintain stronger boundaries and communicate with more confidence (and success) with narcissists and other toxic people. Learn more here.
  5. Secrets of Happy Couples – to help you to get research proven strategies to boost the communication, friendship, attraction and emotional bond in your relationshipLearn more here.
  6. Make Profitable Courses Without The Overwhelm – to help you to turn your knowledge into income – with an online course business. Learn more here.
  7. Develop Stronger Intuition – to help you to make wiser choices, protect yourself from bad people and confidently know what to say or do in tough situations. Learn more here.

Anywhichway… I’m rooting for you!

Remember: You have it within yourself right now…to get yourself to where you want to be later!

You’ve got this!

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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