
4 Jobs Working with Kids – For People Who Love Children

working with kids

Throughout history, a lot of people have wanted to find jobs working with kids.

It makes sense.

After all, working with children can be an absolute joy and full of lots of laughter.

Below are some recommended ideas for the best jobs for those who want to work with children.

4 Jobs Working with Kids

1. Teaching

With the population rising, there is a growing need for teachers for kids. Unfortunately, simultaneously there a lot of people who want to be teachers, so you’ll encounter lots of competition.

Your first hurdle:

teacher with kidsYou must find a teacher training course from a recognized and well-regarded establishment.

In most cases, you must choose universities to learn how to become a teacher. At some point during your studies, you’ll usually have to take a year to work in an actual school. You should take advantage of this opportunity – and seek out a school where you’d like to work at in the future.

Why? Because if you impress this school during your stay.  they might later offer you a paying job teaching kids.

Please be aware:

  • Teachers are expected to build their classes around specific criteria which is usually set by the government or the school itself.
  • You’ll have to spend a good amount of your free time working on marking the work the children do.
  • Your classes will be assessed to make sure that the kids are learning what they are supposed to.
  • You may have to talk to parents about their kids.
  • You’ll have to make sure that your pupils are happy and well behaved with one another.

2. Child Care

Modern parents are often a lot busier than they used to be. As a result, parents are constantly needing someone to look after their children. This is where babysitters and childminders come in. 

The training you require to get a job in child care is a lot less complicated than the training needed to become a teacher. 

working with kids

While you don’t need special certificates, you will certainly need to garner some trust. If you’re operating in an area where a lot of people already know you, then you should start by exploring the contacts you already have to spread the good word about you.

As a child care helper, you will have a number of different roles, and they will usually change from house to house. It’s key that you follow the specific instructions of each unique set of parents.

You will need to prioritize doing whatever you can to make sure the kids are happy and healthy, while also handling any emergencies with a calm demeanor.

Reminder: You should never put yourself in a position where you have to administer medicines unless you are qualified to do so.

3. Family Nursing or Family Doctor

children's nurse or doctor

Getting a job as a family nurse or family doctor can be challenging. It will require a lot of studying.

You can find online FNP programs which will make this easier.

Note: It helps if you start off with some background in medicine if you want to be successful with online courses.

The good news: Your daily life working as a family nurse or family doctor will never be boring. Each day will bring new challenges. You will have the chance to work with countless families- providing advice and giving treatments to solve medical problems. 

4. Entertainment

laughing with kids

You might want to find a playful job working with kids – a career where it’s your role to put smiles on kids faces.  Working as an entertainer will certainly fulfill this requirement. You will be given the chance to put your creative skills to the test, while also pursuing skills which you may not know you had.

The good news: There are loads of ways to entertain kids, giving you an array of options.

The training you will need to prepare yourself will revolve around the type of entertainment you want to do.

For example, if you want to play music for kids, it would be worth brushing up on your instrument skills- or learning some children’s music. You also might want to produce some videos of yourself performing – to give parents a sense of your talents.

There is a huge amount of flexibility in the world of children’s entertainment. Some people will want to work for themselves, handling events like birthday parties and seasonal celebrations. A lot of the children’s entertainers you find on television started their lives as humble party performers. 

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