
11 Anger Quotes For When You’re Really Pissed Off

11 Anger Quotes For When You're Really Pissed OffThese 11 anger quotes below will remind you to breathe out the toxic, angry fumes and breathe in the peaceful, happy vibes.

Angry? Resentful? Miffed? Really pissed off?

I created this collection of anger quotes for you! (I’m both a writer and designer.) (Oh – and I’ve been through what I call my “Bucket List From Hell” – so I personally know what it’s like to feel angry!)

If you’re angry at a toxic person …

If you’re angry at life…

11 Anger Quotes For When You’re Really Pissed Off

Scroll through these anger quotes. Choose your favorite sayings about anger as your mobile wallpaper to remind you to stay cool, calm and collected!


11 Anger Quotes For When You're Really Pissed Off

Instead of wasting my energy on hate and resentment, I’d rather invest my energy in love and contentment. – Karen Salmansohn


11 Anger Quotes For When You're Really Pissed Off

I have no time to hate people who hate me. I’m far too busy loving people who love me. – Karen Salmansohn


11 Anger Quotes For When You're Really Pissed Off

If you want to love yourself completely, don’t hate experiences from your past. They helped you to become who you are today. – Steven Aitchenson


quote hate meditate med

Don’t hate. Meditate. – Karen Salmansohn, author of the meditation guide, Instant Calm


really pissed off quote

Explain your anger instead of expressing it and you will find solutions and connection instead of arguments.

  • Use these anger quotes as mobile wallpapers.


quote angry

We must find a way to forgive, simply because remaining angry robs us of our happiness. – Karen Salmansohn



You can be angry at life for not giving you all you want. Or you can feel blessed for all you have. – Karen Salmansohn

  • Bookmark this page and return often to read these quotes about angry thoughts whenever you’re really pissed off.


really angry quote

It’s okay to be angry. It’s not okay to be cruel.


quote anger heavy let it go Karen Salmansohn

Anger is heavy. Let it go.

  • Share these quotes about anger on Instagram and inspire others!


hurting yourself angry saying

Stop hurting yourself because you’re angry at someone else. – Karen Salmansohn

  • Print out these healing quotes about resentment and keep them in your wallet.


quote angry disappointed turned out to be

I’m not angry anymore. I’m just really disappointed about who you turned out to be. – Karen Salmansohn

Bonus Anger Quote…

ANGER QUOTE to inspire calm when pissed off

Sometimes you have to be done. Not mad. Nor upset. Or angry. Just done.

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