Ever considered making it in internal medicine as a career? Well, there are a few things you need to know first to succeed. Luckily, in the post below we’ve got you covered.
What is internal medicine?
Before we get started, it’s a good idea to define what internal medicine actually is.
Those specializing in internal medicine are often called physicians or internists.
Making It In Internal Medicine: The Things You Need To Know
1. It’s competitive.
Firstly, before embarking on a career in internal medicine, you have to get to grips with the fact that it is competitive. It’s competitive to get a place at college, and then competitive while you are in college. In fact, you will be in competition with your peers to get the best placements, opportunities, and be the best in your class.
Then there are the exams of which there are many. In fact, you are pretty much guaranteed to be an exam master by the time you have finished your training!
Additionally, there will be competition when it comes to choosing your rotations and specialism too because college is really only the first step on the journey.
2. You will need to teach and publish to stay at the top of your game.
Apart from all the direct competition and medical practice, it is also helpful to know that there will be additional responsibilities to deal with too. The first of these is as you progress through your career, you will be expected to teach those that are not as advanced as you. Something that means you will need a flair for the practice of education as well as medicine.
Additionally, to stay at the top of your game, you will be expected to conduct research and write papers for publication too. This being an activity that can be both time-consuming but also very interesting.
3. Once qualified, you can travel all over the USA and the globe with your job.
Another thing about internal medicine that you need to know is that it involves the significant benefit of being able to work anywhere in the world, once you are qualified. Something that means you can choose to work in far-flung places or stay in the USA depending on your preference.
In fact, finding your next career in internal medicine on Practice Match and other sites like them is pretty straightforward. The reason is that they list all the internal medicine jobs, with where in the US they are located. Something that means you can whittle down your search and find precisely what you are looking for very fast.
4. It’s vocation, not a job.
Finally, just like any other school of medicine, being an internist is not just a job but a vocation. Those that excel in the subject have a genuine desire to dedicate their lives to treating and studying internal medicine conditions.
Yes, this may sound intense. But so is being a doctor of internal medicine and its best to know this as you enter the field, rather than find out later on.
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