
How To Spot And Avoid Emotionally Unavailable Partners

How To Spot Emotionally Unavailable Partners And Helpful SolutionsDo you find yourself attracted to Emotionally Unavailable Partners?  The signs might not always be obvious. Learn how to spot the key warning signs someone is emotionally unavailable and get helpful solutions.

Note: The following is an excerpt from my groundbreaking video course, Broken Heart Recovery!  If you want more support to heal, grow and move on from heartbreak, learn more here!

Recently I was out to dinner with my family. I excused myself to go to the restroom – and found something very interesting scribbled on the bathroom wall.

Lynn + men who don’t love her…

Although I chuckled, I also felt Lynn’s pain.  Over a decade ago, I experienced bad patterns in love – which thankfully I’ve since broken.

I used to joke that if we all had a one in a million chance of meeting the right guy, I only had about two or three guys left to go out with. I felt like I’d dated nearly every eligible — and non-eligible — man in New York City.

I was tempted to write back a helpful note to Lynn – right below her bathroom scribble.

  • Lynn + men she chooses who remind her of a parent who didn’t love her
  • Or…Lynn + men she chooses who she knows will love her at the same lower level she presently loves herself
  • And…Lynn + men she chooses because she’s seeking men who are eye candy – not soul food.

How To Spot Emotionally Unavailable Partners And Helpful SolutionsI wanted to remind Lynn that she needed to “own” her part in her bad love pattern in order to “dis-own” her bad love pattern.

Lynn had an attraction to Emotionally Unavailable Partners

Lynn’s bathroom note seemed to suggest that there was no logic to her love problem.

She seemed to imply that the universe had hand-plucked her to torture her and punk her.

Lynn needed to accept she had a pattern of attracting emotionally unavailable partners.

Check out how she worded her love problem

  • Lynn + men who don’t love her

How To Spot Emotionally Unavailable Partners And Helpful SolutionsLynn very much needed to own up to some of her responsibility for her reoccurring love problems – if she wanted her love life to change.

Thankfully I eventually owned up to my part in my bad love pattern.

In particular I realized I needed to “dis-own” my pattern for prioritizing eye candy over soul food.

My History With Emotionally Unavailable Partners…

When I was younger, I used to look at a cute, funny, charismatic guy and think: “Yum, yum! I want him!”

One day I saw a  loving, happy couple—watched the happy, healthy dynamic between the guy and girl— and thought: “Yum, yum! I want that!”

That’s when it hit me…

True love is a that.

Not a him.

How To Spot Emotionally Unavailable Partners And Helpful SolutionsIt is the special deep, inner soul-to-soul connection between two people.

True love is NOT about the superficial qualities found in (or on!) a person.

After all, if you don’t have that special soul-to-soul connection it won’t matter how sexy, successful, or charismatic the other person is.

Nor will it matter how good they are at massaging your body and/or your ego!

You need the other person to be good at connecting with your soul (not your body or ego) for the love connection to survive the test of time!

Or as I like to say, “Don’t just look for a partner who is eye candy. Make sure they are also soul food.”

eye candy soul food

“Don’t look for a partner who is eye candy. Make sure they are also soul food.” – Karen Salmansohn

Hence, you need to seek out a “that.”

Not a “him”!

Nor a “her”!

Basically, if you’re not seeking a “that,” then you’re foolishly prioritizing finding someone who is mere “eye candy.”

Let me state clearly…

It’s okay to enjoy some eye candy in your partner.

But love cannot live by eye candy alone.

If you want to find lasting love then you need to seek a “that.” Not just a him or a her.

  • When you seek a “that,” you’re seeking “soul food,” thereby more likely to find a “soulmate.”
  • However if you seek a “him” or a “her,” then you’re more likely to confuse “infatuation-at-first-sight” for “love-at-first sight.” As a result you’re more likely to find a “lustmate” or an “egomate.”

How To Spot Emotionally Unavailable Partners And Helpful SolutionsThere’s a great quote in that classic book The Little Prince:

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

This quote describes prioritizing finding someone who is “soul food” not just mere “eye candy.”

So, how do we wind up over-prioritizing eye-candy?

The Solution for Avoiding Emotionally Unavailable Partners

Don’t rush your crush! Take time to get to know someone – in a deep soul-to-soul way – so you don’t fall in love with “the idea” of the person. Instead you fall in love with the actual person! 

When you slow down and get to know someone soul-to-soul, you can better suss out who someone is.

You’ll be able to notice if you’re truly psyched about how you each share long-term loving compatibility.

Or maybe you will notice instead that you are merely superficially riled up over your short-term great body massages and ego massages.

When you rush your crush, you’re more likely to crash your crush.

Just think about what happens when you move slowly vs. quickly down a street in a car.

  • If you drive slowly—you notice many more details and are less likely to crash your car.
  • If you’re speeding, you just get a big blur of data – and thereby dramatically increase your possibilities of a car crash.

This goes ditto on dating data.

  • If you enter a relationship slowly, you’re more likely to notice deal-breakers – and know to put on the brakes.
  • However, when you rush in, then you’re unable to handle sudden personality curves and surprise emotional potholes.

3 Final Tips For Avoiding Emotionally Unavailable Partners…

  1. Please look at your childhood – and explore whether you are attracted to emotionally unavailable partners because you had an emotionally unavailable (or absent) father or mother. I write about this a bit in an article on self sabotage.
  2. keep in mind that it doesn’t matter how fast you get somewhere, if you’re heading in the wrong direction.
  3. It’s essential you take time to know someone soul-to-soul – so you don’t confuse infatuation and romance with a real-deal soul connection!

Heal, Grow and Move on From Unhappy Love

Join my groundbreaking video course: Broken Heart Recovery

The above was an excerpt from my Broken Heart Recovery Course!

If you have suffered the pain of a difficult break up, it’s time to put your energy and time into learning from your mistakes – and getting new tools – so you can successfully create a far happier future.

Find the best relationship of your life! 

Or simply heal & enjoy your alone time!

Join the many thousands of people around the world who have turned their break up into a trade up thanks to my Broken Heart Recovery Course!

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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