It’s time to learn how to be happy in your body and grab some new ways to improve your self esteem so you feel comfortable in your skin.
It can be difficult to feel good about your body image when you’re surrounded by media that constantly tells you that you’re not thin enough, tall enough, or flat-chested enough.
But just because the outside world constantly assaults your insecurities doesn’t mean that you have to internalize these feelings.
In fact, research shows that our thoughts about our appearance and self-esteem are more influenced by our daily experiences than we might realize.
If you constantly see people with positive body images, and hear stories of others who feel comfortable loving their bodies as well, it’s easier to start believing in yourself too.
And even if this isn’t something that immediately comes naturally to you, there are plenty of small things that you can do to improve your self-esteem on a regular basis.
I’m sharing this article because I am a bestselling wellness author with about 2 million books sold globally. I write a lot about confidence, self love and self esteem. So let’s take a deeper look at how to be happy in your body and feel stronger self esteem.
8 Ways To Improve Your Body Confidence and Self-Esteem
So here are 8 simple ways that you can feel happier in your own skin and appreciate your body more.
1. Step back and realize where you actually stand
If your self-esteem is currently low, it can be extremely difficult to see where you actually stand. Plus if you’re constantly comparing your body to other people’s internet-perfect images, it can be difficult to see your own imperfections.
Remember, you are exactly who you are.
If you’re tall or curvy or have scars or stretch marks, you are exactly that person, and you don’t have to feel ashamed. It’s important to remember that you are who you are, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
You can get used to comparing yourself to others online and feeling dissatisfied with your own appearance. Or you can step back, take a deep breath, and remember that you are exactly who you are, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
2. Realize that your body is changing all the time
Remember that your body is constantly changing and will never be perfect. This might be hard to accept when you’re feeling especially low about your appearance, but it’s important to remember that there is nothing “wrong” with your body.
If you’re constantly focusing on what your body is “not” doing, instead of appreciating the things that it “does” do, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. It’s also important to remember that you do not need to go and get breast fat augmentation just because you’ve noticed a change in your body.
We must accept that our bodies are going to change over time.
Plus we have to accept that this doesn’t make us “less” than others.
It’s important to remember that by appreciating the things that your body does do, you can feel a lot more comfortable with the things that it can’t and less stressed about it.
3. Make time for exercise
It might be a little cliché, but making time for exercise will really help improve your self-esteem. If you usually keep yourself busy so that you don’t have to come face-to-face with your insecurities, it might be difficult to remember to take care of yourself.
Exercise not only has a ton of health benefits.
It also has been shown to decrease feelings of depression and boost self-esteem. It’s important to make time for yourself when you need it most, and exercising regularly has been shown to boost self-esteem because it allows you to take care of yourself in a way that you might not normally be able to when you’re feeling down.
It’s important to remember that you deserve to treat your body well, even if you don’t normally have the time for it. If you try to squeeze in a workout between school and work, or have to make time for your exercise in the middle of the night, it doesn’t make you less than anyone else. It makes you more self-aware and more respectful of your body.
4. Talk to a friend or loved one about your struggles
Social media is great for connecting with people far away, but it can also be damaging when it perpetuates low self-esteem. When you’re constantly comparing yourself to other people’s ideal bodies, you start to feel like you don’t measure up.
If you’ve never talked to anyone about how you feel about your own body, it might be difficult to realize that you might have unrealistic expectations for yourself.
Remember that there is nothing “wrong” with your body.
When you start talking to someone about how you feel, you can start to see things from a different lens. It’s normal to have insecurities, even if they seem a little bit out of the ordinary, and it’s okay to try and talk to a friend or loved one about them.
You don’t have to talk about how you feel about your body in detail. But you can try and get someone else’s perspective on how you might feel. The more you talk, the more you’ll realize that you don’t have to feel the way you feel.
5. Learn to see beauty in your body
Getting comfortable with the fact that your body is beautiful and unique is a great way to boost your self-esteem.
Remember to think about how beautifully your body works and takes you through your day.
Or focus on the beautiful aspects of your body… and appreciate them.
For example, you might find yourself constantly comparing your body to other people’s images. Or you might find yourself constantly thinking about how your body isn’t good enough.
If this is the case, it might be helpful to try and remember to focus on the fact that your body is unique and beautiful, instead of the way it “isn’t” something else.
6. Don’t compare yourself to other people
It’s easy to constantly compare your appearance to other people’s bodies and feel like you don’t measure up.
Remember that you are exactly who you are.
There is nothing wrong with your body, and you don’t need to compare yourself to other people.
It can be easy to feel like you don’t measure up if you constantly see other people around you who are thinner, have better clothes, have more beautiful hair, or have other “perfect” things about their appearance.
Remember that you are exactly who you are, and you don’t need to feel horrible about that.
7. Help someone else feel good about theirs too
You don’t have to be the person who constantly talks about feeling good about their body, but you can definitely try to help someone else do so. When you see someone else who is struggling with their body image, try to help them see that they are allowed to feel good about themselves.
If you see someone else who is constantly talking about feeling bad about their body, try to remind them that they are allowed to feel good about themselves too.
Remember: You don’t have to constantly feel good about your body.
But it’s important to remind people that they are allowed to feel good about themselves every once in a while too.
8. Stop dwelling on the negative and focus on the positive
It’s important to realize that you don’t have to constantly focus on the things that you don’t like about your body, but you can try to focus on the things that you do like. Try to think about the specific things that you appreciate about your body, even if they aren’t anything major.
It might be something small.
For example… how strong your legs feel. Or how strong your back is.
By focusing on the things that you like about your body, you can start to feel more comfortable with the things that you don’t like about it.
You don’t need to constantly tell yourself that you aren’t good enough. Instead you just need to remind yourself that you are allowed to feel good about yourself once in a while.
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