
How to Increase Focus and Creativity When Editing Film or Video

How to Increase Your Focus and Creativity When Editing Film or VideoHere’s a helpful 101 guide with tips to increase your creativity and improve your focus while you are editing film or video.

Video editing is an exciting process that enables filmmakers to bring their videos to perfection. But, this process is also time-consuming and requires video editors to stay focused and creative, and have good technical skills. And that’s why the editing process can be a challenge sometimes.

Especially for beginners who want to create amazing video content, but lack focus and technical knowledge, and don’t know where to look for inspiration.

But fortunately, there is a way to make the video editing process much easier, stay creative, and increase your productivity. And I’m here to share about them!

As you might know, I love learning about technology and I’m a big fan of the tech inside my Mac computer! I wrote all of my  multi bestselling wellness books and online personal development courses on my Mac.

So I created this comprehensive guide to help you understand everything you need to know about how boost your creativity and improve your focus while you are editing film or video.

7 Tips to Increase Focus & Creativity When Editing Film or Video

Down below you will find 7 tips that can help you to stay focused when editing videos and don’t lose creativity and inspiration.

1. Develop a Workflow

According to Timewatch’s research, 91% of people who plan their time feel more productive. That’s why you should develop a plan and stick to it throughout the entire video editing process. 

For example, usually, videomakers divide the process into three stages — rough cut, fine cut, and final cut. It means that you first create a base for your video, like developing a story, choose clips you want to use from your footage, assemble them in the right order, and only after that start working on details, adding visual effects, choosing audio, and polishing your video until it is perfect.

By organizing everything in this way, you will know what you need to focus on at different stages of work and can easily avoid being distracted by other tasks. And you can also divide every stage into smaller tasks if it works for you.

2. Write Down Your Ideas in a Journal

Inspiration can come to you at any time, not only when you’re sitting in from your computer editing footage. And instead of trying to remember all the interesting ideas, it is better to write them down. In this way, you don’t need to worry that you will forget about what you want to add to your video and what changes to make. 

You can make notes in any way that is convenient for you — keeping a notebook or a journal handy, using note-taking apps, or any other way you like. It can really help to increase your creativity, as you can easily extract interesting ideas from your notes and improve your video edits.

3. Find the Most Productive Time and a Comfortable Place for Work

Another great trick to keep yourself focused on work and increase your productivity is to understand what is the perfect time and place for you to work. While some people are more productive and energized in the morning, others work more efficiently at night. So, you just need to experiment a little to understand what hours work better for you.

The workspace design, light, music, equipment, and many other things also play a significant role in how effectively you will work. For example, if there is a constant noise that distracts you, you won’t be able to focus on video editing and the process will take much more time. That’s why you need to take care to find or create a perfect place for yourself where you can stay focused on work.

4. Learn Keyboard Shortcuts

As you might know, there is a way to apply different tools in video editors much faster — by using keyboard shortcuts. Learning and using short combinations of keys on a keyboard instead of clicking on each tool with a mouse is essential to speed up the video editing process and be more productive. And it will help you to stay focused as well, as you don’t need to stop to find a needed option of tool panels.

5. Explore New Video Editing Techniques and Tools

To stay creative, you need to constantly expand your technical skills. While at the beginning it will be enough for you to know about a standard cut, J-cut, and L-cut, with time you will feel that it is not enough to turn your ideas into reality. Fortunately, nowadays we have enough sources to quickly find and learn new information. You can watch “how-to” videos, read articles, and simply explore your video editing software, following hints and suggestions.

Also, you can try new video editing software. There are various video editors available and they all offer different video editing features. Just take some time to try, for example, a video editor online by Movavi, Adobe Premiere Pro, or Lightworks. We are sure it will help you to find some interesting and fresh solutions for video editing.

6. Learn From Professionals

Another way to increase your creativity is to learn from professionals. You might know some famous videomakers and video editors who impress you with their skills and way of thinking. And if you want to learn how they edit videos, you can start by observing their films and videos, noticing used techniques and other details. Trust us, it is an interesting and fun way to educate yourself and train in so-called “watchfulness”.

Also, some professionals don’t mind sharing their knowledge with a wider audience. You can find many videos on YouTube, where experienced video editors show how they work with footage, what tricks they use to edit videos more efficiently, and many other interesting things. You can bring out something useful from such videos, for sure.

7. Experiment

And the last tip from us to you is don’t be afraid of experiments. Constantly practicing, trying new editing techniques, and making mistakes are what will help you to stay creative. Otherwise, how will you learn something new and find new ways to improve your videos? So, don’t be afraid of using new tools and experimenting with techniques.

Final Thoughts

We hope you have found some useful tips in this article. Follow them to increase your creativity and edit videos more efficiently and effectively. And don’t forget to take breaks and give yourself time to enjoy your life and refuel your energy. All in all, feeling good is critical for being productive and having the energy to make something creative. And if you don’t know how to help yourself restore your energy and clear your mind, there is an article that can be helpful for you.

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