
4 of the Most Relaxing Activities for Busy People

Most Relaxing Activities for Busy PeopleHere are a range of simple, relaxing activities for busy people – because not everyone has time for daily yoga. Self-care is something that should always be on the schedule.

Sometimes, there’s just not enough time in the day. Yet, you should always take time for yourself, no matter how crazy your schedule gets. People who run themselves ragged are rarely at their top game.

In my book Happy Habits, I share a range of habits which bring joy. Plus I share psychological tips to make sure your disciple to do these positive habits sticks.

4 of the Most Relaxing Activities for Busy People

Below are four of the most relaxing activities for busy people. Carve out some “me time,” and you’ll be better for it in the long run.

Take a Bubble Bath

Many people still don’t feel comfortable going to a spa because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, if you’re missing this blissful experience, you can create a spa-like atmosphere at home. Even if you’re busy, consider setting aside one night a week to soak in a luxurious bubble bath. Your anxieties will just melt away as the warm water exfoliates your skin and soothes aching muscles. In my book Instant Calm, I share research on how scents like vanilla, bergamot, grapefruit and lavender each help to relieve stress. So add a few drops of scented essential oil to your bubble bath for bonus relaxing results.


Reading is a good way for preoccupied people to wind down. After all, there’s nothing better than snuggling up with a great book at the end of the day. Watching TV can be stressful because the news cycle is consistently disheartening. Thus, if you want to forget your troubles, pick up a good book, and let the words take you to another world for a bit. I offer a range of happiness books here.

Go on a Road Trip

When taking a road trip with your RV/Caper van make sure to check your camping list for all the things you need to bring. The last thing you want is additional stress on your plate because your vehicle broke down on the side of the road. Sometimes, all you need to feel better is to see the open road in front of you. Be sure to do essential car maintenance before a long road trip, though. The last thing you want is additional stress on your plate because your vehicle broke down on the side of the road. Plus if you’re younger, you can always get car rental lax under 25.

If you still prefer the comfort of your own space, it might just be the right time to accessorize or simply tidy up the interior of your car. Road trips can sometimes be a long ride, so you should consider adding or changing some practical car accessories for a better “me time.” It can be as simple as hanging a car scent diffuser of your choice or finally switching to new car seat covers.


Meditation has become incredibly popular since the pandemic started. In my video course Anxiety Cure I teach people how to meditate – by focusing on their 5 different senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell). Learning how to meditate from a video course is perfect for busy people. Devote ten minutes a day to the video course and watch your stress levels drop.

Life can get pretty chaotic at times. However, no matter how crazy things get, take some time for relaxing activities. You’ll never be able to stay on your A-game if you ignore self-care. Luckily, these relaxing activities for busy people will help put your mind at ease.

Become your calmest, happiest you

Check out my bestselling book, Instant Calm

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