
12 Happiness Quotes and Happy Sayings To Improve Your Mood

Best Happiness Quotes To Improve Your Mood and MindsetI designed these happiness quotes and happy sayings into image quote posters to improve your mood and mindset!

My mission: I hope these quotes about happiness serve as quick positive peptalks. Plus give you an extra dose of happiness in your day.

4 quick happiness reminders

  1. Recognize that whatever you’re going through, no storm lasts forever.
  2. You can always find something to be happy about. Even in the midst of tough times. Write gratitude lists regularly to keep yourself focused on what’s going right.
  3. Happiness is all about your mindset – which is something that you can control. Focus on developing a “growth mindset.” Think of yourself as a “student” not a “victim.”
  4. Develop the superpower of calm with the relaxation tools in my bestselling video course, The Anxiety Cure. My calming tools are recommended by our world’s top psychologists, neuroscientists and meditation teachers! Learn more now!

12 Happiness Quotes and Happy Sayings

Scroll through these happy quotes. Pick your very favorite happiness quote. Use the image as your mobile wallpaper. Read this inspirational quote about happiness regularly! Stop allowing fear, regret and anxiety to steal your happiness.


best happy quotes

Someday you’ll look back and understand why it all happened the way it did.


inspiring happiness quotes

Sometimes the worst thing that happens, the thing you think you can’t survive, it’s the thing makes you better than you used to be. – Jennifer Weiner

  • Print out these quotes about happiness. Post them around your home and office. Read these happy quotes to cheer yourself up & cheer yourself on.


improve your mood

Karma. Thing good thoughts. Say nice things. Do good for others. Everything comes back.


improve your mindset

To make profound changes in your life you need either inspiration or desperation. – Tony Robbins


happiness quotes to improve your mindset

It takes huge effort to free yourself from memory. -Paulo Coello


quote love yourself

Love yourself. You are all you have.

  • Use these happiness quotes as mobile wallpapers. Enjoy happier days.


quote lifestyle quick fix

To change your life, you must commit to a lifestyle change. You can’t rely on quick fixes. – Karen Salmansohn


quote love safe truest self

What we seek in love is finding someone with whom we feel safe to reveal our truest self. – Karen Salmansohn


quote love house home

Love turns a house into a home.


quote heal wounds deserve

Wounds don’t heal the way you want them to. They heal the way they need to.

  • Share these happy quotes with loved ones on Instagram.


12 Happiness Quotes To Improve Your Mood and Mindset

Just for today, fuggedaboutit. – Karen Salmansohn


12 Happiness Quotes To Improve Your Mood and Mindset

In the end, you tried. You cared. And sometimes that simply has to be enough. – Karen Salmansohn

Bonus Happiness Quote

best happiness quote

Why be moody when you can shake your booty?

Become the happiest person you know

Check out The Anxiety Cure, my bestselling video course

  • Stop overwhelm and overthinking.
  • Improve focus and productivity.
  • Sleep better.
  • Feel more confident.
  • Be happier.

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