Are assisted living places a logical option particularly when there’s a pandemic? Sadly they show some of the highest mortality rates. Should you even consider a nursing home over your own home? Read on for a range of helpful questions to ask before you make your decision.
As you’ve probably read (far too many times), senior citizens are the ones hardest hit in the Covid-19 pandemic. Yes, unfortunately care homes for the elderly are considered the “ideal” breeding ground for the spread of coronavirus.
As the virus spreads from person to person, living in a communal setting might further put the already vulnerable elderly people at risk for being infected.
Then again, living alone – or living with family members – might also put the elderly in danger.
With the healthcare system concentrating all of its focus on Covid-19 patients, those who need regular monitoring- especially the elders – simply can’t get access to the care needed.
Considering all these factors, it is indeed a big dilemma for people who want to move their loved ones to an assisted living facility.
In this article, we will discuss whether you should consider assisted living facilities as a logical option for your loved ones during Covid 19. Plus read on for a series of questions to ask, so you can make an insightful choice.
After the first surge of Covid 19 spread in assisted living and care homes, authorities have put strict measures to stop the spread.
Many of these newly implemented stringent safety measures cannot be followed in your home.
In fact, if the elderly are staying at home with you, they might also contract the virus through any of the family members running errands.
Considering the strict safety measures – and prompt responses in case of an emergency – assisted living might be a better option for your loved ones. But it all depends on which assisted living place you’re exploring. Some are better than others. Some are simply not good at all.
There are different levels of care available for seniors – depending on their physical condition.
Assisted living facilities might be the only solution for some families. Once your family is ready for it, you should take extra care to research your options. Here are some considerations you should take into account.
COVID 19 situation demands that Medical staff and trained nurses should be available at assisted living facilities.
Many facilities are not allowing any visitors inside – which can make communicating with the residents tough.
Before moving your loved ones to a facility, make sure you know you can keep in touch with them.
You want to find an assisted living place which recognizes how important preventive measures are in containing the spread of the virus.
Make sure the assisted living facility is following CDC guidelines for hygiene maintenance.
Amidst our own panic, we often tend to forget the toll coronavirus is taking on the minds of the elderly.
Their mental well being is important to overcome this difficult situation.
When you decide to move an elderly loved one into an assisted living facility, you should make sure they themselves are part of the decision!
If that is the case with your loved one, you should reconsider whether to move them to assisted living facilities – or look for other alternatives.
If you’re considering moving your loved one into an assisted living facility, please try to get all your questions answered – before making the final decision. There should be no compromise regarding the safety and health issues of the person you love.
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