
8 Tools To Stop Beating Yourself Up About Past Mistakes

8 Ways To Stop Beating Yourself Up About Past MistakesThe time has come to stop beating yourself up and forgive yourself about past mistakes and worrisome regrets. Here are 8 tools to move on and be happy again!  

It’s time to forgive yourself for past mistakes.

And you must forgive yourself for not being able to forgive yourself.

Basically, forgiveness is hard. But it’s needed for inner peace. So keep on trying!

How Can You Forgive Yourself About Past Mistakes?

forgiveness reminder to stop beating yourself up about past mistakesTool 1 To Stop Beating Yourself Up:

Remind yourself that you are an unfinished work in progress.

You are here on this planet to learn lessons which help you to grow into your highest potential self.

As Sophia Bush says…

“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.”

Tool 2 To Stop Beating Yourself Up:

Remind yourself that it’s not the missteps of your past which determine your future.

It’s the steps you take now which will take you there!

stop beating yourself up about past mistakesSo just keep on moving forward one day at a time – one step at a time – one new positive thought at a time.

Tool 3 To Stop Beating Yourself Up:

You must forgive yourself for not being perfect.

And recognize that we’re all not perfect.

In fact, you need to stop making perfection a top goal for yourself.

Instead you must prioritize qualities like persistence, strength and growth. They are far more important than perfection.

Tool 4 To Stop Beating Yourself Up:

stop negative thoughts from following you aroundIt’s absolutely okay to feel depressed, anxious, angry, resentful, fearful, jealous – at times.

Having negative thoughts is human.

Positive people have negative thoughts too. They simply don’t allow those thoughts to grow too big. And they make sure to stop them from following them around all day.

Your goal is not to be madly in love with yourself all the time. It’s to make sure you’re not mad at yourself all the time.

it's time to stop beating yourself up about past mistakes you've made

Tool 5 To Stop Beating Yourself Up:

You need to remind yourself that you don’t need to pay for your bad choices for the rest of their life – as some sort of self-flagellating punishment.

You must gather up those golden nuggets of insight, then leave the pain entrenched muddy memory behind.

The past is good to learn from – not live in.

Remember: Good people can make bad mistakes.

And you can remain a good person after a bad mistake – as long as you’re open to learning.

Tool 6 To Stop Beating Yourself Up:

be flawesome forgive your flaws and past mistakes Remind yourself that you are flawesome!

You must embrace who you are – flaws and all.

But at the same time you must value growing into your best self.

And yes, it’s possible to do both.  You can appreciate who you are now – while also value growing into someone wiser.

Tool 7 To Stop Beating Yourself Up:

coulda, woulda, shoulda, shuttuppa forgiver yourself about past mistakes

You must tell yourself: Coulda, woulda, shoulda, shuttuppa.

Stop blaming your past for what you don’t have in your present.

If you’re going to blame yourself at all – blame your present.

But I mean that more as a joke!

Basically… I’m saying that you need to focus on what you can do now! Focus on what you can control to get yourself to where you want to be.

Tool 8 To Stop Beating Yourself Up:

stop beating yourself up about past mistakes and regretsIf you want to truly stop kicking yourself about past mistakes, you need to get good at kicking negative thoughts to the curb.

How? I believe meditation is one the very best practices to help you to gain control of your wild, rambunctious thoughts.

In many ways, the goal of meditation is not to control your thoughts. It’s to stop letting them control you.

For this reason, a consistent meditation practice is an important key to building up your self love, self worth and positive thinking.

How To Make Meditation Easy

I have a range of fun and simple way 2 minute sensory meditations which will help you to be more resilient.

Check out my book Instant Calm – which offers all of my favorite meditation tools I use all the time – to stay confident, peaceful, balanced.

It’s great for beginners to meditation – as well as advanced meditators – because there’s something for everyone.

When you have a regular meditation practice, you will soon feel more at peace with any choices you might regret – or so called mistakes you might have made.

Plus consistent meditation helps you to move more confidently through challenging times you might presently be facing.

What’s something which comes to your mind and heart when you read about beating yourself up about past mistakes?  I’d love to hear your insights on the comment section below! 

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