I am a big believer that it’s possible to find a terrific partner later in life. It happened for me late in life.
Plus, it happened a second time around for my mom – after my dad passed away – and she was in her late 70’s!
I am a big believer that it’s possible to find a terrific partner later in life. It happened for me late in life.
Plus, it happened a second time around for my mom – after my dad passed away – and she was in her late 70’s!
I also think more people than ever before are going to be looking for love later in life, because more people are living longer than they ever did -thanks to all kinds of exciting longevity tools! (Note: I wrote a bestseller “Life is Long” – with tips to live longer, healthier younger!)
This means that now – more than ever – it’s never too late to find happy, safe-feeling love.
I wrote them all down – and counted them up – and I found lots of reasons to start dating – no matter how old you might be!
Psssst…if you’re wary of love because of a challenging break up, I share a range of tools to heal and move on to a happier relationship in my video course Broken Heart Recovery.
You are older and thereby wiser.
All those tempting choices aren’t really so tempting.
Meaning? The love relationship now has at least a 50 percent chance of being healthier and staying together.
Yep, it’s very sexy to hear someone say, “Maybe I was wrong.” Or, “I’ll consider trying what you suggest.”
You recognize that bumper sticker you’ve read on cars is oh so true: “It’s better to have loved and lost…than to live with a wacko for the rest of your life.” Duh! Instead of choosing a partner who keeps you walking on eggshells — it’s essential to choose someone who’s as comforting as listening to seashells — a partner who keeps you at your calmest and most secure!
Basically, you now wisely know to seek “long haul qualities” in a partner — rather than “short haul qualities” — because a successful marriage is a long haul marriage.
Status, wealth, fame and trust funds no longer blindingly seduce you towards a person.
Instead you’re more “relationship-centered.”
Meaning? The rocks in your head must fit in the holes in the other person’s head.
While it’s okay not to share all the same interests and hobbies, you must always share the same core character values and ethics!
All people will have some flaws and misfittings.
Meaning? You are now more aware of how not to share your parents’ “Inappropriate Behavior Issues” with your partner!
Suddenly your fear of working at a relationship is a lot less scary than your fear of more awful dates.
And you know how to find that exit ramp to change.
Meaning? You don’t “need” a mate in your life. You want one. And so you are less likely to be unhealthfully co-dependent — and more likely to be healthfully inter-dependent.
So can put more attention on the work of love.
And thereby you now listen with 20/20 hearing.
And you know having strong gut instincts ….and listening to them will!
And you know it’s not a rollercoaster ride.
You must share openly and vulnerably with your partner to feel true intimacy and avoid longterm problems. With this in mind, you now also know that if you seek a partner by use game playing bait, you will only lure in game playing fish. However if you use open/honest communication bait you will lure in open/honest communication fish — the best kind of relationship fish to marry!
Meaning: A man or a woman isn’t meant to be your entire life — they’re meant to enhance the happy life you’ve created for yourself.
Nice guys and girls don’t finish last — they create relationships that last!
Meaning? You are finally exploring what you’re doing right-here-right-now to bring a relationship down — taking some self-responsibility. You’ve witnessed your “constants” in a variety of relationship settings — and thereby now fully know when you’re the one being the trouble-maker.
As a result, this magically increases your intelligence and instincts with people.
So you have a higher percentage probability of finding someone who’s right for you.
So you know when someone is NOT right for you.
What you have and give away is what you get back.
P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.
1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.
2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.
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