If you’re feeling depressed or negative, tap into The Law of Resonance and change your “Thought Resonance”to a more positive frequency. Here’s how…
A few years back I was dealing with an especially challenging time – or what I refer to as my Vortex.
My friend Gene said something which has forever stayed with me:
“Nothing is ever as good or as bad as it first appears.”
I love this quote. Although at the time it was tough for me to believe that things weren’t as bad as they seemed.
I later learned that my negative beliefs were due to something which brain researchers call “resonance” and spiritual believers call “The Law of Resonance.”
“The Law of Resonance” basically puts forth that all energy is resonating at a specific frequency which then attracts similar energies which are in harmony with that same frequency.
Chances are you’ve witnessed “resonance” with guitars.
If you pluck the G string on one guitar, the G string on any nearby guitar will have “sympathetic resonance” and start to vibrate as well!
If you haven’t experienced this, check it out! It’s very cool.
Brain researchers have discovered that happy thoughts share the same resonance with each other inside of your brain.
When you think happy thoughts the brain then naturally attracts the memories of other happy thoughts – which are all vibrating at the same happy resonance.
Ditto on sad thoughts attracting similarly resonating sad thoughts.
As a result, you can get sadder and sadder.
Basically, your thoughts and memories are “tuned in” at specific frequencies, based on the information they’re encoded with.
For example, a thought might be encoded as:
Whatever resonance your present thoughts and memories are vibrating at (“high-level happy” or “low-level miserable”), they’ll attract thoughts and memories of similar information.
How The Law of Resonance Influences Your Mood:
- When you’re happy, a stream of positive thoughts ensues.
- When you’re sad it’s a stream of negative thoughts.
The good news about The Law of Resonance:
Over time, negative brain resonances eventually simmer back down to their normal, daily, even-keeled mid-level set zones.
When they do, that’s when the feeling of “rebounding” kicks in.
So if lately you’ve been worried that you’re never going to feel like your “normal happy self” again, don’t.
You’re biologically wired to return to your normal “mid-level” happiness zone.
Plus, studies have even shown that you can wind up bouncing back to an even higher happier zone – because after bad stuff happens you wind up appreciating all your good stuff even more.
Professor Richard Lucas, at Michigan State University, researched the effects of bad and good times on “mood permanence.”
He focused on a wide range of people: from folks who won huge amounts of money to those who experienced debilitating injuries.
His research showed all people initially reacted strongly to the good or bad in their lives. However, eventually nearly everyone returned to their former general happiness level.
More Good News About Bad Moods:
His studies showed that post-distressing times, many people actually reported rebounding to a higher-than-usual good mood.
He attributes this bounce-back-higher effect to people appreciating the good in their life after suffering the bad.
How The Law Of Resonance Can Boost Your Mood:
Your renewed focus on appreciating all the good things in your life retrieves even more simmering positive thought memories . . . and upward your mood does go!
A Daily Resonance Raising Tool:
You can influence the resonance your thoughts vibrate at – by purposefully thinking positive thoughts of gratitude.
Every day write down 5 things you’re grateful about. Or you can simply think about 5 things you’re grateful about – every time a negative thought enters your mind.
You know how captains in the military might sometimes say to misbehaving soldiers, “Drop and give me 5 push ups?”
You can do this with thoughts of gratitude.
Whenever you brain is misbehaving with negative thinking, simply tell your brain, “Drop down 5 things you’re grateful about onto paper!”
Plus, I created a special journal called Instant Happy Journal – to further help you to focus on the good in every day. And even locate the gain in every pain!
My Instant Happy Journal is an Amazon #1 seller! Get a peek inside and learn more here!
P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.
1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.
2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.
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