
3 Sure Fire Tools To Help You Reach Your Goals

When my son Ari was about two and a half year old, there was a time he was sick with a fever and cough.

(He’s fine now. No worries.)

Anyway, I had to give him medicine.

No surprise. He didn’t want to take it.

So I found myself saying to him: “It is a MUST.”

Sure enough, my son Ari actually did start to swallow his medicine more easily, after I started using the word “MUST” at him.

After a few days of saying “It’s a MUST,” Ari started to say the word for me. He’d see the medicine bottle, point and say: “MUST.”

A few days after Ari took his last “MUST” spoonful, he showed me his Spiderman toy, then announced: “Spiderman is a MUST.”

I smiled, then thought more about what Ari must feel the word MUST must mean – that his Spiderman toy fell into this MUST category.

Obviously Ari had learned that the word MUST represented something to be passionate about.

The word MUST also meant “no excuses.”

I know during this time, Ari’s Spiderman toy was indeed a MUST in his life. Ari was very insistent about taking his Spiderman toy out with us for weekend stroller rides.

I thought more about this word MUST… and the definitions of MUSTER and MUSTER UP.

Each of these 2 words has the word MUST within them – which makes verbal sense.

  • You MUSTER UP the courage.
  • You MUSTER UP the will.
  • You don’t merely WANT UP the courage or WANT UP the will.

salmansohn musts wants


You need to passionately feel the desire for a thing – or an event – or a quality – feel it as a “MUST” – if you hope to create a world with that thing or event or quality within it.

Do you have a WANT you need to upgrade to a MUST?

Do you have something you’re merely trying to WANT UP the courage for – or  WANT UP the will for?

If so, the time has come to MUSTER UP the courage and MUSTER UP the will – and make your dreams come true.

I’m here to assist!

3 Sure Fire Tools To Help You Reach Your Goals


Do you have those dangerous words “always” or “never” blocking you from full confidence and positivity?

In other words, do you tell yourself things like:

“This always happens to me!”


“I can never get a break?”

Know this now:

Any time you find yourself saying “always” and “never” you are creating (b)lame excuses – and getting in your own way of the joy you are seeking!

Your new goal:

Rewrite the story of your life without using “always” and “never.”

Need help?

Put all your present destructive beliefs  on trial! Cross-examine each destructive belief like a tough attorney – brainstorming new ways to dispute and discredit your (b)lame excuses—by gathering “positive evidence” to the contrary.


I’m a big believer in the power of writing lists, writing in a journal, writing in a schedule book. Writing helps you clarify and organize your scattered thoughts and goals.

  • If you never write down your thoughts and goals, they remain  wishy washy vague ideas.
  • Wishy washy vague ideas become wishy washy vague plans which bring wishy washy lousy results.

So, buy a journal. (I recommend my bestselling Instant Happy Journal!) Write in the front: “This Is The Year I Made All My Dreams Come True!” 

Important Reminder:

Be sure to celebrate those little success on your way to your big successes! When you appreciate all those little aspects of progress, you’re less likely to fall off the “Joyful Life Bandwagon” when you hit a speed bump.


Overnight success RARELY happens overnight.  But it doesn’t mean it’s not a-comin’ when it’s slow in a-comin’. You know how if you plant seeds, it takes time for the fruits of these seeds to grow? They take time to manifest into the change you are seeking.

It’s essential to recognize that SEEING IS NOT ALWAYS BELIEVING. However, SEEDING IS BELIEVING.

What you seed is eventually what you get.

  • If you are seeding positive thoughts and positive habits, then success will eventually blossom.
  • Overnight success is a result of daily positive thoughts and daily positive habits!

If you’re starting to feel twitchy because change is not happening as speedily as you want, envision what you want on a delivery truck coming towards you  – just a wee bit stuck in traffic – but coming towards you right now – maybe even a week from next Tuesday! Remember: The universe’s delays are not necessarily the universe’s denials.

Need some extra support?

Stay happy—no matter how much life throws at you – with the research-backed happiness tools in THINK HAPPY! Boost your confidence, attitude, and mood with this powerful and thought provoking collection of short essays and happiness strategies.

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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