If I only had one wish I’d wish for clarity.
Firstly, I’d wish for clarity for myself.
Secondly, I’d wish for clarity to see the meaning and purpose in my challenges.
Thirdly, I’d wish for clarity to see new paths I need to take.
Lastly, I’d wish for clarity to know which old paths are dead ends – so I might finally leave them behind.
And as far as those who have harmed me, I’d wish for them to gain clarity as well.
I’d wish for them to gain the clarity to see the pain they’ve caused me – and others.
I’d wish for them to gain the clarity to see new ways of being and doing in our world.
Yes, I believe what this world needs to be at its most peaceful and most loving is simply one thing: more clarity.
Here’s an inspiring poster with this reminder about the power of clarity.
Need support to gain clarity in your life?
Try meditation! I offer a range of fun and simple 2 minute meditation in my book Instant Calm – each offering the power to snap you right out of your anxious mindset and into a state of relaxed mindfulness.
Instant Calm is great for beginners to meditation – as well as advanced meditators – because there’s something for everyone.
You will learn…
- “smell meditations” – where you discover specific calming essential oils to use with empowering mantras and meditative sayings.
- “sound meditations” – where you discover specific music to listen to – which has been shown in MRI’s to lower stress.
- “sight meditations” – where you use a “me-dot-ation” tool to relax – by focusing on a dot in the middle of a unique design.
- relaxing “taste meditations” and calming “touch meditations” – where you learn how to breathe out negativity and inhale calm and confidence.
Each of these 2-minute sensory meditations are simple and fun – plus researched to be effective at reducing stress and improving focus, clarity, productivity and sleep. Learn more here!
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