
Stress Free Baby Care 101 for First-Time Parents

Stress Free Baby Care 101 for First-Time ParentsExplore this short guide for first-time parents to ease the stress of having a baby. Make sure you enjoy this amazing time – as it is one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences in your lifetime.

I’m a late in life mom – who experienced a miracle birth at age 50. However, even though I was older when my son was born, I was still nervous to become a first-time parent.

I personally know how easy it is to feel like you don’t know anything about guiding the life of another human.

I also know: Babies aren’t as fragile as you might think. And you’re going to be just fine.

Stress Free Baby Care 101 for First-Time Parents

Continue reading this article and I will give you some stress free baby tips for first-time parents, so you can make your parenting life as easy as possible.

1. Get Necessary Baby Equipment

Stress Free Baby Care 101 for First-Time ParentsWhile you might not need all of the baby accessories you see advertised, there are some that will make your life a lot easier.

For example…

I found that sound machines which played ocean and nature sounds worked better than those that played lullabye music in helping my son to fall asleep.

You might also want to explore equipment to save your back and muscles from fatigue like a Baby Bath Kneeler.

You can also check various mom sites like proudhappymama.com or Scary Mommy etc because these sites always offers helpful info for your newborn baby.

If you aren’t sure if you need a certain piece of equipment, find a friend who has the same thing or something similar. Ask them if it’s really all it’s cracked up to be. Plus scour  reviews and check mommy bloggers and Instagram for recommendations. Or write to me via my contact page and maybe I can help you!

2. Handling a Baby

Stress Free Baby Care 101 for First-Time ParentsIf you are still afraid of handling baby, there are some basic rules you can follow that will help you to become much more confident.

Important things to remember:

  • Wash your hands and keep your hands clean when you’re going to be holding baby.
  • Support a baby’s head and neck. Babies don’t come out of mom with strong necks. It takes a while for them to learn how to hold up their heads and look around on their own.
  • Never shake your baby. Even if you’re just playing, shaking an infant can greatly hurt your baby and even cause death.

3. Getting Rid of Diaper Smells

parenting stressOne of the unpleasant things that comes with babies: unpleasant smells. From vomit to poop accidents, there are plenty of weird and not so great smells to go around.

When you want to get the diaper smell out of the house, one of the most important things to do is to immediately put diapers outside of the house. Even if you’re using a diaper Genie or a similar system, putting them outside ASAP is important.

Make sure your baby’s diaper fits. If your baby’s diaper doesn’t fit, you’re going to smell pee and poop and you’re likely to have some leaks.

Some people choose to put bigger diapers on their baby because they can go longer in between diaper changes but that’s not going to help with the smell.

I also recommend getting a good diffuser and using naturally derived essential oils – like Lavender and Vanilla and Grapefruit – to help mask those yucky smells.

First-Time Parents and Peace of Mind

stress free parenting quoteNow that you have these baby care 101 tips, you can feel confident that although you’re a first-time parent …you’re on your way to becoming a pro!

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