
How to Overcome Substance Abuse

How to Overcome Substance AbuseSubstance abuse refers to illegal drug consumption or excessive legal drug usage. If you’re struggling with this, you’re not alone. Statistics show that millions of people across the world suffer from diseases and complications related to substance abuse. It’s not something to be proud of in such huge numbers.

The fact that you’re reading this blog shows your readiness to overcome substance abuse. Congratulations! Following these tips will help you overcome substance abuse. This includes understanding abuse signs, considering treatment options, seeking support, and identifying your triggers. You can’t miss an option. It may be difficult, but it is doable, especially if professionals guide you.

I’m writing about this topic because I’m a bestselling author on behavioral change and founder of the therapist recommended self-paced online course called The Anxiety Cure.

I love to help people to live calmer, happier lives. So I put together this empathic guide about how to overcome substance abuse. Here is a rundown of tips to help.

How Can You Tell If You Abuse Drugs?

Can one exploit a drug without knowing? Yes, although rare, people misuse substances without knowing, especially beginners.

Addiction occurs when you cannot stop consuming a substance regardless of a physical or psychological complication following previous consumption. It prevents you from being as productive as you used to be since most of your time and energy has shifted to drug use. This relates to all fields of life, including relationships, professions, and hobbies/talents.

You may be abusing drugs if you consume more than prescribed by the manufacturer. Likewise, it is abuse if you take longer than usual to recover from the immediate impact of the misused substance. Additionally, using a drug that has been labelled legal in your country but illegal in others (that you are travelling into) can be called abuse.

Other signs that you’re misusing substances are when there are countless pools of wrappers/containers in your room. When you’ve started using your savings, borrowing, or stealing money to purchase drugs, that’s abuse. There are many signs, and the objective is to overcome them all.

Visit an Addiction Treatment Centre

How to Overcome Substance AbuseOnce you discover you have any of the above signs, it is time to visit an addiction treatment centre. People often remain in denial, assuming they don’t need help until it escalates to such heights.

What about stopping holding back and entering a recognized institution and treatment plan?

This is one of the most effective tactics since specialists pay close attention. There are various forms of substance abuse treatment, from physiotherapy, medication, detoxification, and aftercare.

Treatment centres offer them as a combination, depending on addiction level and other factors.

Seek Support

Another technique for overcoming drug abuse is seeking support. It should not be from your usual friends but from a group of people working with you to achieve similar goals. That is recovery. It can be difficult to convince your old friends to help you with substance abuse withdrawal, especially if you used to consume together.

The most practical groups are self-help communities, a few trusted family members, and a best friend or a social network. Free or unimaginably affordable facilities host recovering people to help them find their life course. Another way to get support is by joining social networks or attending productive meetings.

Identify Your Triggers

The journey to treating addiction is characterized by various triggers that push you back every time you make a step forward. So, you should identify your triggers and develop a plan to challenge them whenever they arise.

While they can be unique to everyone, here are the most common activations for drug use: Living near a drug dealer, hanging around friends who still consume drugs, heading to the bar believing you’ll not drink alcohol, and watching drug-based films. Devise reasonable tactics for every trigger, such as relocating, changing your friends, or finding different ways to enjoy free time.

Keep Yourself Occupied

How to Overcome Substance AbuseIt’s no lie that many drug users develop addictions when they have little to do during the day.

Keeping yourself occupied can save you from many problems.

Get involved in activities without drugs, like exercising, nurturing your talents, or volunteering in a community program.

Finding a job that generates an income is also beneficial as it helps to relieve the stress and anxiety associated with drug use.

Choose to Change and Prepare for It

Getting out of drug abuse is a personal decision. Once you’ve decided to be free again, you must stick with the decision and be ready for whatever the journey brings. The process can be demanding, but you will succeed if you stick to your goals.

You can engage a successful recovery patient to get more insights into the challenges and tips for navigating them. However, it would help if you took full charge of everything until you recovered.

Learn How to Manage Anxiety

Explore my bestselling and therapist recommended audio and video program: The Anxiety Cure Course.

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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