
How Innovators, Artists, and Writers Unlock Creativity

How Artists and Innovators Unlock CreativityFor centuries people have been exploring how to unlock creativity. Here are 5 tips for artists, writers and innovators to be more creative.

Ever felt like you’re sitting on a goldmine of ideas but just can’t find the key? Whether you’re staring at a blank canvas, cursing a blinking cursor, or untangling a mess that was once your breakthrough project, we’ve all been there.

But here’s the good news: unlocking your creativity is within reach, and I’m here to show you how.

I am writing about this topic of unlocking creativity because I’m a bestselling author and award winning designer . I love to help innovators, artists and writers unblock whatever is in their way of success.

Plus, I’m known for my mindfulness techniques which I share in my groundbreaking audio and video course: The Anxiety Cure.

And I also share a range of techniques to calm your mind and think better inside of of my bestselling book Instant Calm.

5 Tips to Help, Innovators, Artists, and Writers Unlock Creativity

1. Flip the Script with a Growth Mindset

The groundbreaking work of psychologist Carol Dweck has illuminated the power of mindset in unlocking creativity. A growth mindset—the belief that abilities, including creativity, can be developed through dedication and hard work—is foundational. This perspective fosters a love for learning and resilience essential for creative achievement. To cultivate this mindset, challenge your self-imposed limits and embrace mistakes as stepping stones to mastery.

2. Diversify Your Experiences Like Your Portfolio

Creativity loves variety. It’s like your brain’s food. Feeling uninspired? Shake up your routine. Travel to places that challenge your taste buds, pick hobbies that raise eyebrows, and soak in cultures that flip your worldview. It’s about feeding your brain a buffet of experiences. Get out there and make your life a smorgasbord of inspiration.

3. Set Up Your Creative Lair

While we’d all love for creativity to be like that friend who drops by unannounced with pizza and great ideas, it’s more like a shy cat that needs coaxing. Studies suggest that a space with the right mix of cozy and chaos can lure creativity out of hiding. Find your happy place. And don’t shy away from a little disorder— it’s all in the name of innovation. While rigid routines might not be the universal key, establishing flexible rituals can serve as a gentle nudge to your muse. Think of it as sending out an open invitation for creativity to join you, on its own quirky schedule.

4. Master the Art of Doing Nothing

In a world that worships the altar of busyness, doing sweet nothing feels like a radical act. Yet, psychologists tell us that daydreaming – professional loafing, if you will – can be a superhighway to creativity. When you give your brain a break from being an adult, it rewards you by connecting dots you didn’t even see. So, go ahead, stare at that wall, watch the clouds, be the CEO of zoning out. Your next big creative idea might just be hidden in that cloud you’ve got your eyes on.

5. Embrace the Power of “We” (Even If You’re an “I” Person)

Think you’re better off flying solo? Think again. Creativity loves company. Yes, even if you’re the lone wolf type who believes collaboration is what happens when you argue with your canvas or code.  Creativity thrives on interaction. So, don’t isolate yourself. Find your tribe, share your writing, art, or work, and watch your skills, talent and income rise up higher than ever before.

Wrapping It Up: Unlocking Creativity

On the brink of starting a book, launching an online course, or kicking off a creative business but need some help to unlock your creativity? As a creative consultant, I blend no-nonsense advice with a pinch of magic to help you make your dream a reality. Reach out for a free consult call here.

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