
Sugar Addiction is like a Drug And How to Stop Sugar Cravings

Sugar Addiction how to stop sugar cravings

Are you under the spell of sugar addiction and want to know how to stop sugar cravings? Here’s how to stop eating high sugar content foods.

If you read my stuff, then you (probably) already know that I’m a recovered stress eater and founder of the Stop Emotional Eating Program – a life-changing health-improving video course.

I’m passionate about helping people to STOP emotional eating and cut back on junk food!

Many of my students tell me that they particularly have trouble with stopping their sugar cravings.

I relate.

I used to have a very big sugar addiction.

But thankfully I put in the effort to break by cravings for sugar – once and for all!

Here’s why…

Sugar addiction is harmful for many reasons…

  • increases our weight
  • harms our liver
  • messes with our metabolism
  • impairs brain function
  • leaves us susceptible to heart disease, diabetes and cancer

So why can’t you stop eating all that sugar?

It’s not your fault if you have seemingly uncontrollable sugar cravings!

  • First I will explain 4 reasons why you can’t stop eating sugar.
  • Afterwards I will share 8 ways to stop sugar cravings.

4 Reasons Why You Can’t Stop Sugar Cravings

1. Dopamine makes you act dopey

sugar addiction poison to your bodyFirst, you should know, you’re not alone in your urge to inhale a bag of candy or scarf down a box of Oreos. Your cravings for sugar go super deep.

To examine the hold sugar can have over us, substance-abuse researchers have performed  brain scans on subjects eating something sweet. What they’ve seen resembles the mind of a drug addict!

When tasting sugar, the brain lights up in the same regions as it would in an alcoholic with a bottle of gin.

Dopamine—the so-called reward chemical—spikes and reinforces the desire to have more.

2. Your body makes you do it

Do you find you particularly crave candy midday?

If so, it might be because your body’s biologically wired to crave simple carbohydrates when it’s feeling low on energy.

Yep, your insightful, intuitive body recognizes that sugar will quickly turn into glucose in your bloodstream and energize you.

Happily you can still eat something sweet without experiencing that blood sugar level spike. Simple carbs are also found in fruits, veggies, and dairy products. Unlike candy, syrup, soda, table sugar (etc) these simple carbs have fiber and protein that slow the process of release – so you don’t spike and crash!

3. Behavioral addiction

Sugar is biologically addictive – due to how it increases insulin levels.

In the movie “Fed Up,” they called sugar the new cigarettes because of its addictive nature.

In one study, 93% of lab rats chose sugar water over cocaine!

4. The reward center

Aside from the pleasure of eating itself, when you consume sugar your brain also sees sugar as a reward, which makes you keep wanting more of it.

If you often eat a lot of sugar  to celebrate something good or forget about something bad, you’re simply reinforcing that reward. Unfortunately these habits can make it tougher to break free from sugar addiction.

9 Ways To Stop Sugar Cravings 

1. Get savvy about sugar’s hiding places

eat less sugar posterAvoid processed foods wherever possible. Look carefully at labels.

The majority of sugar sweetened cereals contain at least 4 teaspoons of sugar per serving.

Flavored yogurts and energy bars are other culprits – and so is store bought bread.

2. Know sugar’s aliases

This crazy sociopath sugar often goes by other names. Around 56 of them!

High fructose corn syrup, sucrose and maltose are just a few of Sugar’s aliases.

Be on the lookout.

3. Make room for magnesium

Sugar cravings may be more prominent in people who aren’t getting enough of this crucial mineral.

Your doctor can test your levels – but you can also help yourself!

Start choosing magnesium rich foods, such as dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish and beans.

4. Power up with cinnamon.

A true superhero spice, cinnamon tastes wonderful and has powerful medicinal properties.

Ceylon cinnamon is particularly beneficial. It offers lower amounts of coumarin. It not only lowers blood sugar levels, it also reduces heart disease risk factors! So get sprinkling!

5. Eat Protein with Meals:

sugar addictionA study in the journal Nutrients found that when you eat protein with your meals, it can help keep your blood sugar levels stable and reduce your cravings for sugary foods. Plus, eating protein can also help you feel more full in general.

So, try to include some protein with each meal.

Good sources of protein include chicken, fish, beans, and nuts.

6. Choose Fiber-Rich Foods:

A research study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that when you eat more fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, it can help you feel full and reduce your desire for sugary snacks.

Good sources of fiber include foods like apples, carrots, whole wheat bread, and oatmeal.

7. Take Probiotics

A study in the journal Appetite found that when you take a probiotic containing “Lactobacillus plantarum” you reduce sugar and chocolate cravings!

The researchers thought that the reason this happened involved something called the “gut-brain axis.” Basically, probiotics have an impact on neurotransmitter production and sending signals to the brain that are related to sugar cravings.

Plus, probiotics reduce inflammation and improve gut health, both of which regulate appetite and cravings.

8. Eat an Avocado:

be a time snob avocadoIn addition to being a delicious and nutritious food, avocados may also help reduce sugar cravings.

A study in the journal Nutrients found that eating avocados can help reduce hunger and cravings for sweet foods.

Avocados are high in healthy fats, fiber, and other nutrients that help keep you feeling full and satisfied, which may help reduce sugar cravings throughout the day.

Plus avocados are a great source of magnesium, a mineral that has been linked to improved insulin sensitivity and reduced sugar cravings.

9. Childhood Programming

What you eat as a child can affect your eating habits for life.

A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reported that childhood programming for eating lots of sugary foods definitely sets the stage for future sugar cravings.

So if you grew up regularly eating cake, cookies, candies, ice cream, chocolate, processed foods (etc), you’re more likely to crave sugary foods as an adult.

Breaking the cycle of childhood programming can be tough, but it’s never too late to stop sugar addiction!

You can start by using the tips above …and exploring my online course below.

Stop Food Addictions of All Kinds

Join Stop Emotional Eatinga life-changing video course which will rewire your thoughts and emotions around food.

Get lots more empowering tools to stop sugar addiction – and stop eating crappy foods of all kinds!

Already my video course has helped many thousands of people to slim down and feel good – including myself!

These tools helped me to lose 20 pounds in 3 months – and keep the weight off for about a decade – and still going strong!

==> Learn my story of recovery from binge eating & grab my tools!

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1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

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