
Turning Your Passion Into a Career: 4 Things To Remember

Turning Your Passion Into a Career: 4 Things To RememberThere will come a time where you find yourself asking if you should turn your passion into a career so you can be truly happy doing what you do for a living.

After all, one way to make your work life better is to turn your passion into your day job.

But what does it take two to turn your passion into a career? 

As you might know, I started my career working in New York’s top ad and marketing agencies – rising up quickly to Senior VP.

But then I quit in my late twenties (to my parent’s horror) to pursue becoming a (hoped for) bestselling author. Plus I wanted to help people – in a more personal way – as a branding and marketing consultant.

Thankfully, my career plan/dream worked out – and now I love to encourage as many people as I can to turn their passion into a career – which is why I wrote this article!

Turning Your Passion Into a Career: 4 Things To Remember

1. Gain Experience

Before you take the leap, make sure you have solid experience in the chosen area. If you are interested in beauty, it’s important to have a number of experiences to draw on. It can help to get a qualification, but in addition to an online aesthetics course or a number of standard qualifications, you need to have real-life experience in the area. When you do this, you learn the basics, and it becomes the essential early knowledge to plant the seed.

2. Plan Your Trajectory

The most important thing to consider when you have found a job that fulfils your personal needs is to plan your career path. You need to see how it will support your passion throughout your life. Although it’s not necessary to map out your entire life, it is important to create a basic outline and see how your passion can translate into a lifelong career, but also if there are gaps in the market, or if you can practice your passion under another guise. For example, if you want to help people, you don’t necessarily have to be a life coach, especially as this approach will mean going self-employed, and potentially face feast or famine as you get yourself established. You can work in other ways towards helping other people, for example, working for charities, or being a wellbeing advisor in business. There are a number of avenues.

3. If the Chance Comes, Take It

We spend a lot of time thinking “what if?” It’s easier to be more cautious than ever, but why should you not apply for that role? We can give ourselves many reasons to not do something, and when we are building up numerous excuses, it’s only stopping us from achieving our dreams. The reality is that you don’t have anything to lose by applying for a job. In fact, applying for a job is purely the first port of call. You may get a flat out refusal, and not make it to the interview. In which case, you can ask for feedback, or take the opportunity to look at your application and if it passed muster. When you are looking at a job that is a great fit for you and is something you’re passionate about, why should you not apply? 

4. There Is No Rush

We can feel that we’ve got to get the perfect job right now but we have to be patient. No matter what field you choose, you will face setbacks and obstacles. And it’s important to remember that many people will make a number of career changes in their lives. Whether you are in your mid-20s, mid-50s, or even your mid-70s, manage your time properly, and be patient. It is good to have an end to your journey, but the journey itself is just as important.

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