Are you seeking the best menopause treatments to relieve menopause symptoms? Maybe you’re dealing with: weight gain, hot flashes, bone loss, sleep deprivation, memory loss, anxiety, lost libido, urinary incontinence? You’re not alone!
I’m in my late 50’s. The topic of menopause treatments is one that my friends and I often talk about!
So I wanted to share a conversation with you about menopause symptoms and their relief!
Or rather… I wanted to share a conversation I enjoyed with Linda Condrillo – the funny and insightful author of an amazing book on menopause, “Period: The End.”
Below Linda shares some helpful advice on how to deal with some of the annoying symptoms of menopause! Plus what to do about it all! (Disclaimer! Linda Condrillo is not a doctor. Nor does she play one on the Internet! She’s a smart researcher with an awesome sense of humor!)
Best Menopause Treatments To Relieve Menopause Symptoms
Q: How can I stop menopause symptoms like hot flashes… naturally?
Linda Condrillo: Fans down, the most common complaint most women have are those pesky hot flashes, also known as hot flushes.
A cup of sage tea is one homeopathic remedy that may quell excessive sweating.
To make, steep five to ten fresh sage leaves in a teapot of boiling water. Next steep for five to ten minutes before serving.
The benefits of sage have also been known to help with mental fatigue, hair loss, or depression.
And you can grow it in a pot in your kitchen!
Q: What essential oils are best to use for common menopause symptoms?
Linda Condrillo: Clary sage essential oil and peppermint essential oil are two more of my favorites. Both may help with hot flashes during the night or day.
Another good choice is rosemary essential oil—which has been gaining in popularity as an aid to improve memory.
If you’re lacking in libido, try diffusing jasmine essential oil.
Always test out essential oils first – in case you have a sensitivity or allergy. If you have any uncertainty about proper usage, consult with a health practitioner.
Q: What’s a good menopause treatment to help with restless sleep?
Linda Condrillo: Since hot flashes often occur at night, many of us wake up dripping in sweat. As a result, we sometimes need a change of pajamas or bedding.
Thankfully there are now cooling pillows and sheets. Plus you can also check out moisture wicking sleepwear. Both help the restless sweaty sleeper to achieve the optimum sleep temperature range.
I also recommend essential oils to promote a restful night’s sleep. Many help to reduce anxiety – which is a common symptom that shows up hot flashes.
Lavender essential oil is one of my favorites. Try filling a glass bottle with distilled water. Next add several drops of a high quality lavender essential oil. Lastly spritz your pillow just before bedtime.
Or enjoy a cool mist aromatherapy experience. Add several drops of lavender essential oil to a cold water diffuser.
Q: Are there supplements to help with menopause symptoms?
Linda Condrillo: I recommend a good magnesium supplement or magnesium spray. It helps with hot flashes, restless sleeping and can pull you out of tense and irritable moods.
According to experts, when the adrenals are no longer protected by sufficient magnesium, the fight-or-flight hormones (adrenaline and noradrenaline) become more easily triggered.
You can also get your magnesium supplementation by enjoying snacks rich in magnesium! Nibble on raw vegetables, dried fruit (aka prunes and figs), shelled nuts, seeds, or popcorn. Sip on drinks such as green tea or water with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Added bonus to a diet rich in magnesium: It will ease those annoying charley horses many menopausal women experience.
Q: What’s a good menopause treatment to help with the symptom of urinary incontinence?
Linda Condrillo: Oops urine trouble again! Because of the thinning of the vaginal walls, many menopausal women also experience urinary incontinence. To diagnose the problem, your doctor might recommend a urinalysis, a bladder stress test, or an ultrasound.
The first line treatment for recurring urinary incontinence is usually Kegal exercises
The good news: They’re free and can be done at any time.
If you’re worried about unexpected leaks, you can always try out leakproof underwear ( is a great leakproof underwear brand) as a dependable backup.
But if you still can’t walk around the block without a panty liner, or cough or sneeze without having a little “accident,” ask your doctor about other options. You might want to explore medication, or surgery such as a bladder neck suspension procedure. (Personally, I try to stay off trampolines.)
Q: What is Vaginal Atrophy? And is it Treatable?
Linda Condrillo: I call this “the last fact of life mom forgot to mention.” I have devoted an entire chapter to vaginal atrophy in my book, entitled “Damn This Vagina.”
Basically, during menopause, your body stops producing the hormone estrogen. As your estrogen decreases, it can cause thinning, drying, and inflammation of the vaginal walls. The medical name for is “Atrophic vaginitis.” But it’s more commonly known as “ouch.”
Over-the-counter remedies may relieve dryness. For example, water based and silicone based lubricants.
But if that isn’t enough, you might be a candidate for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) – if you are comfortable taking it. Your doctor may prescribe HRT or ERT (estrogen replacement therapy).
The hormones can be distributed a number of ways — through intra-vaginal creams, gels, sprays, or patches. Or you can even take these medications orally.
Note: There are some mixed research reviews on the pros and cons of hormone therapy! Please talk to your doctor and explore these hormonal therapies with eyes wide open – to make sure it’s right for you!
About Linda Condrillo: You will love Linda’s awesome book, “Period. The End: Wit, Wisdom and Practical Guidance for Women in Menopause–and Beyond.” It’s a fun to read book on menopause that blends practical info on weight gain, hot flashes, bone loss, sleep deprivation, memory loss, anxiety, lost libido, urinary incontinence, and a whole host of other annoying symptoms of menopause? And she’s super funny too! Check it out!
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