
21 Regret Quotes And Sayings About Being Hurt And Angry

being hurt quotes to help you if you've been hurt by someoneIf you need support to get past anger, check out these 21 regret quotes and feeling hurt sayings – so you can heal and move on.

When you’ve been hurt by someone, it can be tough to let go of the pain and resentment.

I’m sharing these encouraging reminders with the hope they will help you to heal and move on.

Psssst…If you’re new to my work, hi there! I’m a bestselling author, award winning designer – and someone who used to be involved with a Prince Harming.

I know what it’s like to feel hurt – and regret one’s choices from the past.

But at this point in my life I realize:

Regret is pain relived – instead of pain relieved!

It’s essential to your happiness to let go of resentments – and focus on moving forward – one step at a time.

I wrote and designed each of these regret quote posters to help you to do just that!

My mission: Encourage you to swap regrets for wisdom gained – and thereby feel better about the pain from your past.

21 Regret Quotes And Sayings About Being Hurt


20 Being Hurt Quotes and Being Hurt Sayings To Help You Let Go


don't sacrifice your peace lack of character reveals itself

  • Print out these regret quotes & sayings about being hurt. Put them in your wallet to read often.


Being Hurt Quote don't allow bad events to ruin happiness


don't judge so much


Let Go reminder

feel better by thinking like a kid


inspirational reminder life tests devotion to happiness


inspirational quotes


Inspirational Quotes fire inside of you


inspirational quotes know your own worth

  • Share these regret quotes & sayings about being angry on Instagram – and inspire others to let go and move on.


inspirational quotes forgiveness


inspirational quotes staying strong


inspirational Quotes

20 Being Hurt Quotes and Being Hurt Sayings To Help You Let Go

20 Being Hurt Quotes and Being Hurt Sayings To Help You Let Go

inspirational quotes

inspirational quotes


How To Get Past Hurt and Anger


inspirational quotes


inspirational quotes

Don’t let regret, hurt and anger ruin your day

Check out my video course, Manage and Avoid Drama Llamas

Learn how to…

  • Spot narcissists, sociopaths, liars, game players and plain ol’ trouble makers sooner – so you can stay far away!
  • Develop effective methods to respond when people treat you badly.
  • Set limits and create stronger boundaries to stop toxic people from emotionally manipulating you and pushing your “pissed off” button!
  • Drop the drama and start to live drama free!

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