Are you a small brand owner? Beware because the market is predatory! Did you know that over 75% of consumer goods and retail products fail to impress? And it’s not always because they fall short of quality and consumer expectations. Surprisingly, packaging may go wrong and lead to failure.
But don’t worry, because we’ve got some surefire packaging success tips to give your brand an edge, even in a crowded market with big brands and players. All you need to do is to be a bit more creative and practical with your choices.
And… I’m here to help.
I’m a bestselling author and successful online entrepreneur. I offer one on one business consulting via Zoom anywhere in the world. I love sharing business tools to help people to run a highly successful company.
With this in mind, I put together this quick guide to small brand packaging tips – that will give you a winning advantage.
So, let’s dive in and share some killer strategies to make your brand pop off the retail shelves. Here you go!
Make it eye-catching
Shoppers are spoiled with choices when it comes to retail products. In fact, most goods have the same features and similar prices, so it’s hard to set yourself apart in a competitive landscape. But it’s possible to win with packaging that stands out and catches their eye.
Bold colors, unique shapes, and catchy slogans can grab attention. But, don’t go overboard and make it too cluttered. Keeping it simple and attractive does the trick.
Keep it informative
Visual appeal is not the only thing to win the packaging game. You’ve got to make it informative to win consumer trust for your product and brand. In fact, you may need to go the extra mile with regulatory information in industries like pharmaceuticals and cannabis.
Ensure that you have all the necessary information on the package. It includes things like ingredients, nutritional facts, dosage recommendations, and any relevant certifications. Customers can rely on the facts to make informed decisions.
Stick with high-quality materials
This one’s a no-brainer because packaging gives the first impression about your products. If it looks and feels cheap, buyers may assume your product is the same. Use high-quality materials to make your product feel premium and preserve their integrity.
For example, mylar bags make a great option for cannabis as they retain the aroma and freshness of products. And they don’t burn a hole in your budget. You can go the extra mile with a premium feel by adding features like matte finishes, metallic accents, and embossed logos.
Consider sustainability
Well, sustainability is another factor to get ahead of big brands with excellent packaging. With consumers looking for sustainable options, an eco-friendly material can give you some brownie points.
It also enhances your reputation as a green brand that consumers are more likely to stick with for the long haul. It’s a win-win!
Test it out
Boss, don’t just assume your packaging is perfect, even if it looks great. Test it by seeking feedback from buyers and see what they think about your packaging material and design. You can start with friends and family and seek their honest opinions.
Researching focus groups is a good idea. It helps you pick flaws or areas for improvement before launching your product in the market.
Packaging can be a game-changer for small businesses, so you shouldn’t settle for just anything. Consider your product, target audience, and branding image to choose an ideal one. You’ll surely win the race!
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Explore my one on one branding consulting via Zoom I have helped thousands of entrepreneurs and businesses all over the world.
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