
5 Ways Being Funny Can Make You More Money

How Being Funny Helps To Make More MoneyWant to make more money – and have more fun? Read on…

I have an informative money tale to tell – one which begins with a tiny tail – the tail attached to my first dog – my very cute little doggie Maxine – a miniature terrier — my better 1/8th.

I loved Maxine bigtime.

I loved “multi-tasking” walking Maxine with doing necessary errands.

I especially loved bringing Maxine with me on errands where I knew there might be long lines – like going to the bank or Fedex.

I figured not only might Maxine benefit from some good heavy petting, but all those bored, impatient people could get some good licks in.

The playful warmth exchanged was always very win/win.

There was one time in particular I loved having Maxine with me: after a major computer meltdown.

I was in a stressed out mood due to this tech fiasco. So, I invited Maxine along with me on my excursion to the computer store. This particular computer store was known for having lines so long, they needed to give out “bakery tickets” to keep track of the entourage.

Sure enough, about forty minutes passed before my number was called.

Thankfully for me (and Steve — the very exhausted computer attendant who had called my number) my waiting time had passed in good spirits.

Happily, Maxine had made many friends — all of whom she’d generously introduced me to.

I arrived at a very fatigued Steve’s desk in a playful mood — instead of the typical foul customer mood more expectant of someone who’s computer has crashed.

Also thanks to Maxine’s emotional support, I remained in a reasonably good mood even after Steve told me the exorbitant price he wanted me to pay him in order to amend my laptop situation.

I tried to bargain with Steve.

But Steve kept telling me “no” – then “NO” – in sort of the same stern voice I have used to tell Maxine “NO” when she wanted to partake of any meal I might be enjoying.

But…because I was in a playful mood (thanks to Maxine), rather than give up, I adlibbed a joke.

I held up Maxine, so her sweet puppy dog eyes stared Steve directly in his dog-tired face, and said:

“Maybe you can say no to a discount for me – but can you look Maxine directly in her eyes and tell her we’re not getting a discount?”

Steve laughed.


The next thing I knew, Maxine had snagged me a bonus 15% off discount.

And Steve’s mood had risen far more than 15%. He actually began smiling — bigtime.

The lesson here?

how to make more moneyNo, it’s not to bring a dog with you the next time you buy a car or negotiate your salary.

It’s to bring a sense of humor wherever you go!

Much of my success in business and during tough times is due to using humor.

If you want to make more money, and have more fun in the process, check out the 5 helpful tips below! Feel free to use them verbatim. Or re-write these suggestions to fit your personality.

In general, keep in mind…

There are powerful monetary perks to staying in a perky mood!

Even if the humorous ideas below don’t snag you that discount/job/raise – at least you’re out there having fun – and trying to make this world a happier place.

5 Ways Being Funny Can Make You More Money


I once used this humorous quip, during a tough salary negotiation.

The client said, “Karen, this is a negotiation. There’s supposed to be some give and take.”

I teased: “Fine. You give. And I’ll take.”

Guess what? That’s exactly what happened.


I had this humor quip used on me – and it worked.

A PR person kept pitching me their client for my Sirius radio show I hosted – where I interviewed authors and celebrities on how to live happier.

On about her seventh email, she switched gears, and began her email with this line: “I feel like one of those dolls that keeps bouncing back up again and again … but…”

I laughed at her joke – re-read her pitch more attentively – and booked her guest.

Later I used her exact email intro quip on someone I’d been unsuccessful at getting in to see.

Guess what? I got the meeting.


When I was in advertising, I used this joke once at the end of an interview – and it clinched my job offer.

At the end of the interview, the exec asked me, “Okay. Do you have any questions for me?”

I adlibbed: “Um…yes. Can you name all seven of the seven dwarves?”

The exec laughed, then tried to list them.

As he did I quipped, “You know I have a theory that whichever dwarf you name first says something about you.”

He’d said “HAPPY” first.

Maybe my surreal answer had put him in this state…?

Then the exec tried to list all seven of those seven dwarves, but couldn’t.

So I quipped, “I also have a theory — it’s revealing which dwarf’s name you can’t remember.”

As it turned out, neither he nor I could remember all seven dwarves.

And so my job offer came with a strange code word.

My headhunter called to tell me: “The exec said you got the job and to tell you ‘Sneezy.'”

My guess: This humorous quip worked for a few reasons.

(1) It was a creative director job I was interviewing for — so I was actually giving him
proof of my creativity.

(2) All resumes being equal, people are so yearning for fun at work, they’d rather hire the fun/playful person.

(3) Their ad agency was more of an “edgy” agency. This humorous quip might not have boded so well if I’d be interviewing at a bank.

(4) It’s boring interviewing people. I snapped the exec out of his interview trance — and so I not only stood out in the crowd — I changed his energy state — and so he associated more positive emotions with me.

Note: This adlib was completely by accident. I too was bored with interviewing — and was yearning to pep things up. I did not go in purposefully with this answer — but hey, if it worked with me, feel free to try it for yourself — if the “job offer” fits this jokey response.


This funny quip is not about making making money. It’s about staying modest about the money you presently make.

Often people ask me inappropriate questions – like: “Do you mind if I ask you how much money you got for an advance on that book deal?”

My answer: “I don’t mind you asking. I just mind me answering.”

I find this response closes down an uncomfortable conversation in a warm manner.


Here’s an important reminder: Don’t use feisty humor on people who don’t have a feisty sense of humor.

Always test your audience first – with a few small, innocent warm up jokes – before you start joking up a storm.

In fact – it’s also a good practice to suss out someone’s mood in general too – before you start joking around.

I always begin EVERY phone call I make with: “Is now a good time to talk?”

If someone is in a frantic or pissed off mood, it’s important to know before you begin talking and joking around.

After all, it won’t matter how fabulous your product is – or how adorable you might be –  if someone’s mindset is on OFF.

Basically: Know thy audience — before you quip too outrageously!

Psssst….You might want to watch my TEDx talk – called Fun Is A High Performance Fuel – which includes research studies about how being in a fun frame of mind helps people perform better and be more productive!

I’d love to hear your insights on the comment section below! What’s something which comes to your mind and heart when you read this essay. Share your personal story or a personal happiness tool! I LOVE it when you share – because I love to find out about my community! Plus, many thousands of peeps read these inspirational essays – so, what you share could be a helpful inspiration for someone else! xo Karen

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