If you want to put the happy into holiday time, read on for some simple tricks to enjoy a stress-free Christmas!
Christmas is associated with many things, such as gifts, food, and family.
But it is also associated with stress.
Yes, unfortunately stress has become a normal part of the Christmas season. Thankfully it doesn’t have to be like that.
No worries. I’m here to help give stress management tips to use during this time so you can reduce your holiday anxiety,
As you might already know, I’m a Master Mindset Coach, and a bestselling wellness author with about 2 million books sold globally.
Plus I founded a groundbreaking and therapist recommended video course called The Anxiety Cure.
I love sharing tools to help people to live their calmest and happiest lives.
So, if you want to enjoy a stress-free Christmas holiday season, read on.
5 Simple Tricks for A Stress-Free Christmas
Use the tips in the article to reduce your stress this Christmas season.
1. Reduce Spending
When it comes to the festive season, there are a million things to get stressed about; you have to organize the seasons, buy gifts for friends and family, and write yoru cards out in time, but the biggest stress of all is financial, that’s according to numerous surveys conducted by the APA.
The best way to reduce financial stress at this time of the year, or any time of the year, is to stay in control of it. Organize your finances so that all your normal overheads are accounted for, and then set a budget for the Christmas gifts, the food, the traveling, and any unforeseen expenses.
2. Explore New Gifting Options
Gifting is a major expense at this time of year, especially if you are buying gifts for children. Again, the best approach is to create a budget that you can work with to maintain appropriate spending levels. Chances are you will have to make some tough decisions on the Santa list.
Looking for some meaningful gifts?
One helpful tip when buying for children…
- Focus on numerous smaller items instead of pricier large ones.
Why? Because on Christmas Day, children love opening lots of gifts for those exciting moments of surprise!
Also it helps to make sure your gifts are interesting and colorful. And some good smelling kids body wash makes a perfect stocking filler.
3. Manage Expectations
Expectations are a primary source of stress during the holidays and throughout the year; unless you understand how to manage your expectations, the reality of a situation will fall short of your ideas of it, and you will experience stress and disappointment. This is also true for your children.
Once you understand the dynamic between expectations and levels of stress, you can manage your life more effectively. At the same time, you need to manage the expectations of your children for Christmas Day. Help them create a Santa list that’s realistic and obtainable for them.
4. Cut Back
One of the hallmarks of the Christmas season is overindulgence; we all love to eat and drink our fill with family and friends. The trouble is that the abundance of calories can soon catch up on you and make it hard to meet your health and fitness goals at the beginning of the New Year.
The good news…
Cutting back is easier than it sounds. And cutting back doesn’t mean giving up all the things you enjoy during the festive season, but it does mean eating in the right way, so you feel full for longer and crave less unhealthy food. Choose healthy snacks and protein meals.
5. Enjoy Free Inspiration
If you want to reduce your stress and feel more inspired this Christmas, try out some mindfulness and nature appreciation. Both of these powerful practices are completely free and perfect for the winter season. Plus I have a free inspirational quotes gallery on my site to lift your mood. Plus you can find out more about mindfulness with some quality resources.
Get More Tricks To Live A Stress-Free Life
Explore my therapist recommended online course: The Anxiety Cure.
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