If you want to learn how to keep a healthy heart, you’ll enjoy reading this quick guide to diabetes monitoring.
Diabetes is a condition that affects an estimated 30.3 million people in the United States alone, and it’s on the rise.
Contrary to what people usually think, obesity is not the only cause of diabetes since thin people can also develop diabetes.
Some children are born with diabetes, and adults get this condition later on in their lifetime.
Unfortunately, unchecked diabetes can lead to several complications, including heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and blindness.
If you have diabetes or know a person who does, this article will help you learn more about how to monitor your diabetes and keep a healthy heart!
As you might know I’m a bestselling wellness author and founder of the life changing Stop Emotional Eating Online Course.
I love sharing tips for about how to be your healthiest self. I myself had issues with my cholesterol and heart health back when I was binge eating about a decade ago. With this in mind, I put together this article on how to keep a healthy heart – with a quick guide to monitoring diabetes.
What is Diabetes, and How Does it Affect the Heart?
Diabetes causes high blood sugar levels. When someone has diabetes, their body does not produce enough insulin, or the cells do not respond appropriately.
Insulin helps glucose get into your cells and out of your bloodstream. This process prevents your blood from becoming too thick with sugars and toxins.
When blood sugar levels are high for an extended period, it can damage the lining of your arteries and cause heart disease.
Diabetes also causes inflammation in the body, making it difficult for the heart to properly pump blood through your veins. It’s more probable to have a heart attack or stroke if you’re a diabetic/
Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Type One, previously known as juvenile-onset, affects less than five percent of people with diabetes in the United States alone.
Type one diabetes occurs when your immune system attacks healthy insulin cells to destroy them without warning or notice. Without these insulin cells, your body cannot produce or use insulin effectively.
Type two diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and accounts for around 90 to 95 percent of all cases. It usually begins in adulthood but can also occur in children.
Type two diabetes is caused by a combination of factors, including lifestyle choices, genetics, and age. When someone has type two diabetes, their body either doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the cells don’t respond to insulin as they should.
How to Monitor Your Diabetes at Home
It’s crucial to monitor your blood glucose/sugar levels, and this cannot be overstated. By keeping your blood sugar within the normal range, you can drastically reduce your risk of heart disease and other conditions associated with diabetes. Read more about managing type 2 diabetes at Diabetesstrong.com.
One of the most common methods is checking your blood sugar levels with a glucometer. Current technology has also developed new ways to monitor your blood sugar through insoles.
People with diabetes are highly likely to develop blisters under their feet. Some insoles for diabetics work by alerting the user through their phone about their foot’s health status. It records crucial information such as the amount of pressure, temperature, and hours of use.
It may also be helpful for you to keep a journal of what foods and activities make it spike and how much insulin (if any) you take afterward. This will help your doctor know how much insulin you need to take.
How to Monitor Diabetes and Keep a Healthy Heart
There are the best things you can do to monitor your diabetes and keep your heart healthy:
Monitor Your Blood Sugar Levels Regularly
Besides monitoring your blood sugar at home, you should also keep track of it when you head out to eat outside.
Going on a camping trip, traveling to another country, or working at your office. It doesn’t matter where you are; you should maintain steady blood sugar levels. Try to take your glucometer with you or pay attention to what you consume when you eat out.
Maintain a Healthy Eating Habit
Make sure you have a healthy diet low in simple carbohydrates and processed sugars. Try to include more fiber and protein in your diets, such as fish, whole wheat grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Fruits that are high in sugar are not meant to be consumed daily by diabetics, such as bananas, figs, watermelons, cherries, and pears. So ensure to consume more fibrous fruits instead like
- avocados, peaches, strawberries, and apricots
Stay away from fried and processed meat as much as possible. They are high in fat and salt that will only worsen your condition and put extra pressure on your heart.
Exercise Regularly
Through exercise, you can keep your blood moving through the body smoothly. Your heart is a muscle that needs to work out as well. But ensure not to overwork it. When the heart has to work extra hard, it can lead to other problems down the line.
It’s best to include at least 30 minutes of light to moderate intensity exercise in your daily routine. Activities like light jogging, walking (either on the street or treadmill) can do wonders for your heart. Even housework such as sweeping the floor and vacuuming can help keep your body healthy and active.
Don’t Smoke and Limit Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol is a toxin that can damage your body’s cells, including those in the heart. If you choose to drink, make sure to have no more than one alcoholic drink per day for women and two alcoholic drinks per day for men. Of course, this is a general recommendation. For more information about the correct dosage for alcoholic drinks like wine and beer, it’s better to consult a certified dietitian.
Don’t smoke, as smoking can cause damage to your heart and make it harder for you to exercise correctly. Nicotine increases your blood pressure by stiffening the walls of your blood vessels.
Tips on What to do If You Feel Symptoms of High or Low Blood Sugar
If you feel shaky and sweaty, the best thing to do is lay down. This might signify low blood sugar, so carry some instant glucose or fruit juice with you and consume it immediately.
On the other hand, if your heart starts racing and feels like it’s pounding in your chest accompanied by anxiety, headache, and blurred vision, it might be a sign of high blood sugar. In such a case, drink plenty of water and wait for the symptoms to pass. If they don’t or worsen, seek medical help immediately.
If you are feeling any discomfort in your feet, take a look and see if there are any blisters. If yes, clean and dry the area, apply an antibiotic ointment or cream to the blisters, put a bandage over it, and make sure to change it every day. Consult your doctor if there is no blister, but redness and swelling persist.
Take Action When You Notice Severe Symptoms of Diabetes
Taking care of your eating habits, exercising regularly, and not smoking can all help in decreasing your blood sugar. However, in severe cases where you notice problems with your sense of touch, blurry eyesight, and acetone breath, it’s best to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Get More Support to Keep A Healthy Heart
Join my health boosting video course Stop Emotional Eating.
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