
6 Tips For How To Use Blog Marketing To Grow Your Business

6 Tips To Use A Blog for Marketing And Grow Your BusinessBlogging is far more than just a creative outlet. Setting up a blog can be the start of a money making blog marketing plan that will drive traffic to your site and sell whatever it is you’re selling.

Even if you don’t think of yourself as much of a writer, setting up effective blog marketing is far easier than you might think.

In fact, blogs are the favorites of social media influencers, travel writers and students – in pretty much every country.

Whether you have an established website or are planning on starting from scratch, these simple blog marketing suggestions will help you to begin blogging for marketing success.

1. Set Blogging Goals

I’m a big believer that you have to start with the ends in mind – as the author Steve Covey suggests.

It’s key to have clear vision of the results you want to achieve.

Do you want to …

  • sell books
  • get people to show up at a seminar
  • sign up new clients
  • book food orders

Your goal should be to come up with interesting and helpful article ideas which are centered around your USP (Unique. Selling. Proposition.) 

After you decide on your marketing goals – you need to create a timeline and get clear on your schedule.

blog marketing needs a schedule2. Create A Blogging Schedule

You need to get highly organized if you’re going to be writing good blog content.

You should have in mind an idea of how often you plan on blogging.

  • Once or twice a week – with shorter articles?
  • Once or twice a month – but with a super long detailed article?

Afterwards, you must match your content writing plan to this schedule.

Remember: You’ll need to always be coming up with fresh material. With this in mind, it helps to create a rough outline of each individual prospective article – then put that outline into your schedule even before you write the article.

Your goal: Brainstorm up as many ideas as you can, and book them into your schedule for many weeks in advance.

3. Pick the right type of site for your blogging needs

Once you’ve planned out your blogging schedule and written a few strong blog posts, it’s time to look at what kind of site you want.

You’ll find a ton of easy to set up sites out there that you’ll be able to get up and running within a day.

If you’re looking for more professional sites, then think about whether you want to pay for something that might need a little expertise and employ a website designer and branding expert (like lil’ ol’ me!).

You’ll also want to find good website hosting you can trust. I recommend Bluehost as a smart place to get started. They offer a convenient combo of domain name purchasing at good rates – plus reliable WordPress hosting.  Basically, after you purchase your blog name, you can then trust Bluehost to help you get your WordPress blog up and live and ready to be read in no time!

(Note: I believe in Bluehost so much I am a proud affiliate ambassador for them!)

4. Get Clear on Your Blog Writing Style

The first thing I want you to do: Think of yourself as the Chief Editorial Director of your very own media channel.

Yep, you are in charge of what your media channel shares with the world.

This means you must also become an expert on your audience.

Your content should be focused on your audience’s needs, fears, problems, desires, emotional pains, and passions.

You should write your blog in a voice that your audience will find friendly, trustworthy and relatable.

Plus your blog should have one specific general overall tone. Your goal is to make sure your blog feels like it’s written by one person – even if later you bring in other people to help you with the writing.

After you’re done writing your blog, put in internal links to things you are selling.

For example, right now I could mention anxiety. I could propose that the idea of blog marketing might be stressing you out, so you should check out my bestselling video course, The Anxiety Cure.

Yep – the above was an example of how to create an internal link to a product you’re selling.

You might also want to end each blog with a tempting sneak peak mention of what your next blog post will be about. Or end with a mention of your favorite product.

You also want to write your blog with SEO friendly tips and tricks – like strong searchable keywords.

5. Get Smart About Keywords

When you write a blog essay, be sure to use relevant keywords which your audience will be googling.

Basically, these keywords are the words, phrases and queries that your customer types into Google that will lead them to your website, or that of your rivals’.

When you harness the power of keywords, you must make sure you use them naturally in your blog writing. Google is very smart. You stand a much better chance of being picked up by Google’s powerful algorithms if you don’t overdo a keyword.

In fact if you were to simply pepper keywords as part of a wall of text, Google would quickly learn that your site was not a trusted source and penalize you. You need to make sure your writing feels natural and truly helpful, in order to become an established and trusted site.

6. Prioritize Backlinks As Much As Internal Links

You can add to your trust cache by including backlinks to other sites that are already reputable.

As your blogging grows you may need the help of agencies such as FATJOE to help you to create affiliate links that work as a kind of performance-based marketing – sending traffic to your site through other popular websites.

Start Today On Your Blog Marketing

If I were to leave you with only 2 blog marketing tips from this article they would be:

  1. Write from your heart – and share quality content which you truly believe will help your audience.
  2. After you write your heartfelt blog article, then go back into your content, and make sure you have the right amount of good keywords, strong backlinks, and the right amount of internal links to your products. 

Psssst… If setting up a blog for marketing sounds stressful, I definitely recommend the relaxation tools in my bestselling course The Anxiety Cure! You can do these calming tools in under 10 minutes a day! Learn more here!

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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