If you feel overly busy – I’m here to help with 27 quotes for busy people – to inspire you to slow down.
Unfortunately we live in a world which glorifies busy-ness.
People talk about how busy they are so proudly – as if it’s a competition for who is more short on time and sleep deprived.
As a result of our busy lifestyle, we often barely have time to focus on the people who matter most. Or sit quietly with ourselves.
The stress we feel can…
- put us into a bad moods
- lead to bad habits
I personally created each of these 27 busy people quotes – because, well – I’m a busy person! I am a working mom to an energetic son.
(Hello busy schedule, lots of coffee and overwhelm!)
As a result, I need to remind myself all the time to breathe – and make sure I’m living a life of balance. This means taking time for my family, self care and being fully present in the moment.
If you’re feeling burnt out right now, I hope these quotes for busy people help you to slow down..
27 quotes for busy people

Sometimes sitting and doing nothing is the best something you can do.

Dorothy never said, “There’s no place like office.” Make sure you enjoy a good work/life/cuddle/chill balance. – Karen Salmansohn

Practice hitting the pause button. When angry pause, when stress pause, when tired, pause.

This is your reminder to slooooow down. Slow down your talk, breathing, eating, reaction. Watch what you say and do. – Karen Salmansohn

It’s called an occupation. Not a preoccupation. It’s call success, not obsess. And it’s called being in a business. Not being in abyss-ness. It’s called giving yourself a break to avoid a breakdown. It’s called being good to you. – Karen Salmansohn

To you, the soul reading this. I know you’re tired. You’re fed up. You are close to breaking down. But there’s strength with you even when you feel weak. Keep going!

Get busy doing the things you love, and being with people you love and your destiny will find you. – Karen Salmansohn
Use these helpful busy quotes as mobile wallpapers to remind you to be more fully present in the moment.

Be so busy loving your life that you have no time for anger, regret or fear. – Karen Salmansohn

Breathe. You’re going to be okay. You’ve gotten through so many things in your life. You’ve got this. – Karen Salmansohn

Don’t worry about how slowly you feel you’re heading to your dreams or how many roadblocks you find or detours you need to take you’re still cruising far ahead of everyone who’s too afraid to even try. – Karen Salmansohn

I have a WTF is wrong people moment at least 3 times a day.

What is this so called 8 hours of sleep everyone talks about?

Time passes quickly. Make sure you do all those things you really want for your life while you still can. Each day do a little something to move closer to your dreams.

You can’t pour from an empty cut. Take care of yourself first.

Buy yourself flowers simple because they’re beautiful and you deserve beauty in your life. – Karen Salmansohn

If it’s true that stress brings on weight loss, why am I not invisible?

Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You’re strong. You got this. Take it day by day. – Karen Salmansohn

I wish I could invoice people for wasting my time.

Life is about balance. Be kind not not a doormat. Trust but stay aware. Be content but never stop growing. – Karen Salmansohn
- If you’re on Instagram, share these quotes with the various busy women and busy men you know and love – to remind them to slow down.

May your hands be so busy catching blessings that you don’t have the capacity to hold onto grudges.

I am strong but I am tired.

How can I get 8 hours of sleep in 3 hours?
Print out these quotes for stressed busy people and put them around your home or office to remind you to slow down.

Don’t wait until you reach your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take. – Karen Salmansohn

Spend less time staring into screens and more time staring into eyes. – Karen Salmansohn

When feeling overwhelmed by a far away goal, repeat the following: I have it within me right now to get . me to where I want to be later. – Karen Salmansohn

She believe she could. But she was really tired so she didn’t.

I need a time out. Send me to the beach and don’t let me come back until my attitude changes.
I know what it’s like to be overly busy.
In the past, being time starved led me to over-eating!
I’d feel so overwhelmed by my “to do list,” I’d turn to my “to eat list” for comfort!
- If stress and overwhelm are triggering you to binge eat, check out my bestselling video course, Stop Emotional Eating. My tools have already helped many thousands of people to get control over their stress eating – including myself.
Learn my story of recovery from stress eating & get my tools here!
P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.
1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.
2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.
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