
Best Career Ideas For People Who Love To Travel (Success Your Way)

career ideas for people who love to travelIf you often have a wanderlust itch that needs scratching, here are the best career ideas for people who love to travel. Learn how to enjoy success – your way!

So, rumor has it that you love to travel! You wish you could take off to distant places more often. And man oh man, it would be awesome if you could travel for free. Or better yet, how about getting paid to be a world traveler?

Does this sound like a fantasy?

It’s not!

With the right career, you can actually merge business success with traveling pleasure. 

The Best Career Ideas For People Who Love To Travel

Many people have jobs which allow them to constantly experience new cultures, new vistas and new foreign cuisines.

Best of all, when you merge your career with travel, you get to fully immerse yourself in new ways of living as a global citizen.

Travel is one of life’s most fulfilling experiences. If you have the travel bug, don’t squash it. Explore embracing it. Take a look at these best career ideas for people who love to travel! And consider changing your job to help you scratch that wanderlust itch.

1. Writer/Blogger

If you have a way with words, and love nothing more than putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboards) , you might want to consider a career as a full time travel blogger.

Blogging has become more popular than ever! And travel blogging has become particularly popular.

You can even make a decent living by documenting your travel. You just need to explore getting affiliate links and sponsorships to give yourself some revenue.

Blogging can be fun, but it also requires a lot of hard work and effort.

  • Some days you may be in your hostel working.
  • Other days you might be heading to a local festival for some Sangria and dancing.


You will want to make sure that you have a unique niche to tap – so you are fully offering something new to the travel blogging market. Basically, these days it’s not simply enough to be something like a “single female traveler.” You need an extra shtick!

  • Perhaps you are aiming to travel a certain number of countries in 80 days?
  • Maybe you are following a historical route?
  • Or…you could be hitting countries in alphabetical order?

You can also author a book – and travel to different cities as you write while sitting at a range of exotic cafes.

  • Note: If you want help brainstorming up an attention getting travel blog idea or a successful book concept, you can hire me as your one-on-one consultant, in my Brand Honey Coaching Program!

2. Cabin Crew Member

career ideas for people who love to travelCabin crew members are no longer trolley dollies.

Instead, these professionals are well trained individuals who specialize in providing exceptional customer service through their hospitality skills in the air.

If you want to travel – and you don’t mind where to – then you might want to become a steward on board long haul flights.

You’ll get to meet new and interesting people. Plus you will make pals amongst the other staff. And best of all, you will have stopovers fully paid for by your air travel company.

The only negative about cabin crew travel:  You won’t get the chance to immerse yourself in a place -as you might not be there long enough.

However, if this doesn’t bother you too much, becoming a cabin crew member could be the perfect way to fund your jaunts overseas. And who knows, you might end up flying in the most luxurious private jets in the world!

3. Helping People Around The World – Or Your Country

If you want to do something beneficial for the world, you might want to travel to distant lands – and help to rebuild shattered nations.  You’d be doing a job with great meaning and purpose. And you’d be getting to experience some interesting landscapes, cultures, and foods.

For example, you can help to build infrastructure, by heading off on peacekeeping missions and being stationed in parts of the world that many people don’t get to see.


This career isn’t for the traveler who enjoys beach parties and all inclusive resorts.  If you get a job like this (which makes a difference in the world) you will be going to parts of our planet that tourists don’t get to see.

Another idea:

You can explore being a patriot for your own country – and travel the world as a Navy Seal, for example. (If you want to know how much do navy seals make you need to look at signing on allowances, living allowances, and bonuses.)

In Summary

If you love to travel, you could save up some cash – then head off on a round the world adventure.

Or you could enjoy success your way and explore finding a career which allows you to travel to fascinating places – while getting paid to enjoy your adventure.

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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