Here are difficult times quotes will improve your mindset and inspire you when life is tough. Read through these motivational quotes for tough times and you’ll feel calmer quicker.
I have found that reading uplifting difficult times quotes helps to shift your energy, thoughts and mood!
Plus I also discovered writing and designing quotes for tough times can be very liberating.
So I personally created this collection of difficult times quotes.
I’m a bestselling writer, award winning designer and recovered anxiety sufferer.
I know how it feels to be in a place of struggle. So I wanted to create a range of inspiring quotes about difficult times to empower as many people as I could.
Thankfully I learned a range of techniques to stay positive and happy in the midst of difficult times.
Learn my personal mental tricks for feeling calmer and thinking happier!
Check out my bestselling video course, The Anxiety Cure.
I will teach you a range of science-backed “thought mastery tools” and simple meditations to master your thoughts, emotions and habits.
25 Difficult Times Quotes for when Life is Tough
I hope my quotes for difficult times inspire you when life feels tough.
- Scroll through these quotes for difficult times.
- Pick your favorite inspiring difficult times quote image.
- Use it as a mobile wallpaper so you stay inspired when times are tough.
1. Best of times, difficult times

Whether it’s the best of time or worst of times, it’s the only time you have. Look for the good in each day. Focus on growth, purpose, peace, love and gratitude. – Karen Salmansohn
2. Change how you react to difficult times

You cannot change how others treat you. Sometimes they won’t be so loving. But you can change how you react to it all. Be sure you respond in a way which shows love for yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over how they’re beating up on you. Be good to yourself – even when others aren’t. Especially when others aren’t. – Karen Salmansohn
3. Own your feelings

Outside looking in, it’s hard to understand. Inside looking out, it’s hard to explain.
4. Change your story

What is achievable in your life is based on the stories you tell yourself.
Share these quotes for hard times on Instagram – and inspire others!
5. Stay strong in difficult times

Don’t let the fear of your challenges overwhelm you. Face towards your challenges head on. You’re stronger than you realize. Plus your challenges will help you to strengthen your emotional muscles in new, exciting ways. – Karen Salmansohn
6. Be authentic

Please do not allow the challenges of your past to stop you from becoming who you are meant to be. – Karen Salmansohn
7. Choose positivity

You can’t be both awesome and negative. Choose one. – Karen Salmansohn
8. Let go of the pain of the past

There must come a time when your love for yourself becomes more important than your need to hold onto the pain of your past. – Karen Salmansohn
9. It’s okay to be scared in difficult times

It’s okay to be scared. It means you’re about to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone and grow a little. – Karen Salmansohn
10. Embrace your inner power

You may be up against a giant today. But don’t focus on how big your giant is. Focus on how big your inner power is.
11. Get even better.

Don’t get even. Get even better. Become excited about creating a happy, love-filled life! Get caught up in what’s going right – and who you love! Eventually any thoughts of that challenging person from your past will become diluted by all the many awesome things in your present. Bad stuff will become a mere blip in your memory bank. – Karen Salmansohn
12. The greater the struggle…

The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. – The Butterfly Circus
13. The truth is…

The truth is…we’re all a little broken. We must learn to love the broken pieces of ourselves – be gentle and empathic – with ourselves and others. – Karen Salmansohn
14. Be true to you

If you have to convince someone to stay with you, then they have already left. – Shannon L. Adler
15. Be your own hero in difficult times

Anyone can slay a dragon. Try waking up every morning and loving the world all over again. That’s what takes a real hero. – Brian Andreas
16. Forget quick fixes

if you want to improve your life you must commit to changing your daily habits and creating a permanent lifestyle shift. You can’t depend on quick fixes. – Karen Salmansohn
17. Forget DNA

I don’t care about whose DNA has recombined with whose. – Jim Butcher
18. Re-focus.

The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you.
19. Design your life.

Is this the life you want to live? Can you be braver, stronger, kinder, more communicative? You have it within you to change what’s within you. – Karen Salmansohn
Print out these difficult times quotes and put them in your wallet so you can read them often!
20. Open that door.

If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave. – Mo Willems
21. Grow stronger during difficult times.

Stop allowing the pain form past relationships to keep you stuck in resentment. Don’t be a prisoner to your past choices. – Karen Salmansohn
22. Spread positivity.

Positivity is one of the most attractive scents you can wear. – Karen Salmansohn
23. Just because…

Just because I’m used to it, doesn’t mean it no longer hurts.
24. Love yourself

Try to say nothing negative about yourself for 3 days. For 45 days. For 3 months. See happens in your life. – Yoko Ono
25. Take things day by day.

Stress happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You’re strong. You got this. Take it day by day. – Karen Salmansohn
Difficult times quote – bonus

The most beautiful people are those who have known struggles, have known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Feeling anxious from difficult times?
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P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.
1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.
2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.
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