
An Effective Tool to Overcome Limiting Beliefs That Block Happiness

Overcome Limiting BeliefsWant to overcome limiting beliefs that block happiness? Here’s a simple, effective tool to help you get unstuck. Learn how to break bad patterns for good! Read on…

Over a decade ago  I was home sick with stomach troubles. My friend Joelle suggested I order up papayas to heal my belly. So I ordered up papayas from a local Manhattan bodega.

“Um…. Excuse me,” I told the delivery guy when he arrived at my door, bag in hand. “These aren’t papayas. These are mangoes. I need papayas – for my tummy. I have a tummy ache.”  I patted my stomach – and handed him back the bag.

“No, no,  these are papayas,” the delivery guy insisted.

He was a young guy – in his early twenties –  with dark brown curly hair – just like mine. I suddenly felt like his older, wiser sister.

“Um… sorry…. but no, those are mangoes,” I corrected him warmly. “I need papayas – because papayas are good for the belly – and I have a belly ache,”  I re-explained.

He plucked one of the fruit objects from the bag, re-offered it to me for re-inspection. “Nope! You’re wrong. This is a papaya, lady.”

We passed the fruit object back and forth a few more times, until finally I decided to knock on my neighbor’s door.

Pam (of “Barney and Pam” ) answered, looking about eleven months pregnant, and in no mood for a fruit discussion. But I needed to know.

How To Feel Happier: A Simple Tool to Overcome Limiting Beliefs“Excuse me, Pam,” I said, “Can you help us out. Is this a mango or a papaya?’

“Papaya,” she said.

“Papaya?” I repeated.

“Papaya,” the delivery guy repeated.

Both Pam and the delivery guy nodded their heads up and down  – like those little wobbly-necked toy doggies.

Although their heads were saying “yes, yes, yes” – my mind still kept thinking “no, no, no.”

I couldn’t believe it! How could I have lived over 30 years on this planet believing papayas were mangoes?

My Lesson In Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

I humbly accepted my bag of papayas  – while extra-tipping the delivery guy for his extra-patience!

When I re-entered my apartment, I found myself feeling very philosophical.

I wondered…

If I could enter my 30’s believing a papaya was a mango, how could I trust that I knew anything for certain?

How To Feel Happier: A Simple Tool to Overcome Limiting BeliefsHow many other things had I learned all wrong – and thereby age wasn’t bringing me more wisdom, but instead simply reinforcing my stupidity!

My love life in particular popped into my mind.

In the same way that I could not distinguish a mango from a papaya, it seemed that (back then in my 30’s) I also could not recognize love from lust.

I remembered how in elementary school they held you back if you weren’t learning at the appropriate pace.

Well, at that point in my 30’s, I felt as if I should have been held back from getting older due to my inability to learn love lessons.

I should have been kept back for remedial romance skills.

How To Feel Happier: A Simple Tool to Overcome Limiting BeliefsLater in  my forties, I finally figured out how to distinguish love versus lust – and a variety of other important love lessons.

Thankfully, I then made important changes – which ultimately led me to enjoy the happy family life I now gratefully have.

My #1 Effective Tool to Overcome Limiting Beliefs?

So what was my most helpful tool – which helped me to stop blocking happiness?

A regular meditation practice!

Today I want to share with you the exact powerful Sound Meditation I credit for helping me to finally see my limiting beliefs around love more clearly!

Yep! When I started to regularly use this Sound Meditation, I finally made the break though change I needed – which then helped me to break my bad patterns in love for good.

The Exact Meditation Tool I Used To Overcome My Limiting Beliefs

I used a special Sound Meditation – a mantra which also shares some NLP aspects – to unblock my limiting beliefs around love.

But this NLP Sound Meditation will also help you to unblock limiting beliefs in all areas of your life – career, money, family, friendship, love relationships, stress, health – you name it!

Note: I shared this NLP Sound Meditation in my book Instant Calmwhich offers a range of sensory meditations.

You can learn more about all the many meditations I love to use here.

Why This NLP Meditation Tool Helps To Break Through Limiting Beliefs

How To Feel Happier: A Simple Tool to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

First let me explain to you a bit about both “mantras” and “NLP.”

Quick Explanation Of Mantras

A mantra is a sacred utterance—either a word or a group of words with positive associations— that you say out loud – over and over – until you really feel it vibrate through your body and chakras.

This vibration that the mantra creates then helps to release stored and stiff energy within you – allowing new energy and new thoughts into your system.

Mantras are a powerful “Sound Meditation,” and that’s a research-backed opinion.

A study in Brain and Behavior reported that repeating a single-word mantra, even without a spiritual context or other practices typical of meditation, had a definite calming effect.

A popular go-to mantra commonly recommended is the single spiritual syllable of “om.”  

But I came up with an even more powerful mantra – the word “Calm” – repeated in the same way you’d chant om.

But because the word “calm” has a known meaning of “relaxation” – this mantra double-duties as a Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) tool.

Quick Explanation of NLP:

Neurolinguistic Programming is a therapy built on the belief that using positive and self-loving language can influence your subconscious mind.

How to Do This NLP Sound Meditation:

  1. Sit on a pillow on the floor in a comfortable cross legged position.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Repeat the word calm as you would chant the spiritual mantra of “ommmmm”—by pronouncing it as “caaaaaalmmmmm.”
  4. Repeat the “alm” part as if that A and M are three to four syllables long— and as if you’re saying “aummmmmmmmmm” – so you can more fully feel the vibration in your throat and chest.
  5. Be sure to hold each “alm” for about ten to fifteen seconds—and repeat for a minimum of two minutes. Caaauuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm. . . .

Why This Sound Meditation is So Powerful

  • You get the NLP benefits from the positive word “calm”
  • Plus you cash in on the vibrational benefits of chanting “ommmmm.”

If you do this Sound Meditation regularly, in time you will break through whatever limiting beliefs are keeping you stuck – and you will gain new insights, boosted inspiration, and helpful intuitions.

Get more in touch with your truest and highest self

Live your happiest life with the tools in Instant Calm!

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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