
What Are The Fundamental Elements Of Great Web Design?

Fundamental Elements Of Great Web Design

If you want your business to succeed in today’s world, you need to understand the fundamental elements of great web design.

After all, as our world keeps moving forward to become increasingly online, corporate life and business opportunities will continue to move there too.

For this reason, it’s fundamental for businesses to understand the power of great web design, what it means for your brand, what additional elements make it work, and how to deliver it to your clients and consumers in the best manner possible.

As you might know, I began my career working in New York’s top marketing agencies – first as a Clio award winning copywriter – then as a Creative Director and Senior Vice President – while in my late twenties. (More here.) Now I not only use my branding, design and marketing skills for my own business. I also help others with their businesses too. (More here.)

When people think of web design, or they see a website they enjoy using, they often think in terms of strict aesthetics. That can be very helpful, but as WEBX360 Custom Web Design are quick to point out, great design is often invisible and has had plenty of intelligent work ‘under the hood’.

For this reason, I believe it’s important to talk about web design and what business leaders should expect from their own online platform.

Basically, I want to help you to make sure you deliver your message loudly and proudly, ensuring that your platform speaks to the highest values of your brand.

The Fundamental Elements Of Great Web Design

In this article we’ll look at how you can achieve the best website design – and what specific steps can get you there.

1. Ease Of Use

A website should be easy to use, signposted well, and navigable beyond compare. Links should be clearly marked so the user knows they they’re to be clicked on. Plus the user should easily understand your menu bar and each of the drop-down listings. Plus you should make sure your menu bar is not too crowded. Conserve space. For that reason, it’s best to consider how your website can be formatted before you go live with it.

Ask yourself the following questions about your website:

  • Should you have a separate page for every product?
  • How can customers filter your products to find what they’re looking for?
  • How are web pages named, to help them index well via search engines?

2. Loadability

It’s important for your website to be easily loadable on a wide array of devices. A visitor should enjoy a great website experience, whether they’re using a tablet, a mobile or a desktop computer. Meaning? Images should be easily loaded on all devices. How? You must make sure your images are compressed to a reasonable size without sacrificing quality. And your text should scale and be readable on a range of devices. Furthermore, your branding should format to. You don’t want it to get cut off at different points on different screens. Remember: Each user will be using a varied screen size with a unique browser size. Plus, loadability will also aid you with essential SEO benefits – which is very important to consider.

3. Limited Transition Times

It’s important to limit the amount of web pages a user has to see before they are met with the information they’re looking for. A handy search bar at the top, or an easily-accessed drop down menu can often help this become more of a functional consideration. It allows someone to easily come across what they need, when they need it. You might also make sure that your home page is simple  – and has links to your most frequented pages. Basically, you don’t want your users to fight with an overcomplicated list of items before they figure out how to navigate your layout.

Learn More Elements Of Great Web Design

I hope these explanations help you to better understand the fundamental elements of great web design! Be sure start to apply them to your business right away. If you need further support, you can hire me for 1-on-1 website consulting – here.

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