
Just because you miss someone doesn’t mean they should be with you.

Just because you miss someone

Just because you miss someone doesn’t mean they should be with you.

Want to enjoy a happy, safe-feeling, committed love relationship? Check out the tools in my OPRAH.com recommended Prince Harming Syndrome. For a limited time Prince Harming Syndrome is FREE! You can download it right away onto your computer or ipad, Kindle, Nook – anywhere you can read a PDF! Grab it now – while it’s free!

I’d love to hear your insights on the comment section below! What’s something which comes to your mind and heart when you read this reminder! Share your personal story or a personal happiness tool! I LOVE it when you share – because I love to find out about my community! Plus, many thousands of peeps read these essays – so, what you share could be a helpful inspiration for someone else! xo Karen

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