If you want to make a long distance relationship last the test of time, here are some helpful tips.
People often enter into long distance relationships (LDR’s) at some point in their dating lifetime.
It can happen to anyone.
LDR’s come with their unique challenges. But if worked at they can be a beautiful and enriching experience for a couple.
And one more time: COMMUNICATE!
No relationship can survive the breakdown of communication – even if you’re living in the same home.
But communication is particularly vital in an long distance relationship. After all, some things that can be said with a hug and a kiss in person will need to be said by words while couples are apart.
Thankfully modern technology offers a wide range of apps. So it’s now easier to stay in contact with a significant other.
You need to take time for quick text to say hello. Plus you need to make the time for a call. Plus you can always send emails. All of these methods of communication make all the difference when things get hard.
The good news. This means you must learn how to say things clearly and directly. After all, there’s no room to be cryptic when you know body language cannot be read.
Couples fight. The golden rule is: Don’t go to bed with unresolved conflict.
For couples battling time-zone differences and distance challenges, this is even more important.
Feeling lonely and unheard can also cause tensions in relationships. As well as talking through things together, make sure to establish routines for when the loneliness hits.
Try practicing self-care rituals, such as yoga.
Or you can meditate – even more 2 minutes – to get out of a funk. Try these simple 2 minute meditations.
Take it back to the early days. Flirt with them. Send a text that means they can’t help but have you on their mind.
Aside from taking the time to talk each day, let them know you are thinking of them with small gestures.
Small gestures can go a long way to make the other person feel loved.
Having thousands of miles, oceans, and several time zones between a couple can add to the urgency of needing to be together.
Knowing the next time they will lay eyes on each other keeps the magic alive, adding to the excitement of planning their lives together.
Have the next trip booked. And talk about the next trip which will come after that one. It adds security to something that can feel pretty uncertain at times.
Then, when the time is right for both of you, discuss when and how the distance will be closed- so you each feel safe that the agony won’t last forever!
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