You probably realize that as a driver, you need auto insurance if you have a car. You also know that many companies provide it. If you watch TV for a couple of hours, it is highly likely you’ll see at least a handful of car insurance commercials.
However, some people drive without insurance, and some with insufficient policies. Dealing with accidents involving uninsured drivers can quickly become a nightmare. Given the difficulties that go along with that, you might wonder why in the world anyone would drive without insurance, or with a policy that’s less than the state requires.
We will discuss some of the most common reasons why drivers don’t have enough car insurance in the following article.
Some People Don’t Have Enough Money for Insurance
If you run into someone while driving, and it turns out they don’t have insurance, they might stick around, or they may just drive away. If someone drives away, then that’s a felony, and the police will look for them. They can get themselves in a lot of trouble that way.
Whether the other driver sticks around after the wreck or not, though, they will often not have insurance because they can’t afford it. America has some issues at the moment that make it hard for some people. Many work two jobs to make ends meet, but they still don’t have the cash for necessities.
Someone who owns a car but doesn’t have a high-paying job to cover the insurance, or someone with no job at all, might still feel like they need to drive. If they’re employed, they may drive to get to their job. If they’re unemployed, they may drive to get to interviews.
They know they shouldn’t drive without insurance, but they feel they need the vehicle for practical matters or even matters of survival. If that’s why someone doesn’t have insurance when they hit your vehicle, try to show some compassion. Maybe this person will buy insurance as soon as they can, but for now, they’re struggling.
Some People Think They’re Excellent Drivers and Won’t Cause a Crash
You might also run into someone’s car who feels that they don’t need insurance because they’re an excellent driver. They think they won’t cause a wreck, and perhaps they also feel lucky enough so that they doubt anyone else will run into them, either.
That’s not very practical thinking. However, if you have someone who’s driven for decades, and they’ve never caused an accident or had someone hit them, then they may feel they’re invincible. You might prove otherwise when you hit them. Even if someone’s legitimately a great driver, their luck may run out at some point.
Some Drivers Let Their Policy Lapse Without Being Aware of It
You might also run into another driver who had a valid insurance policy with one of the major carriers. They had a sufficient policy as well, matching the coverage amount the state requires.
Maybe they simply forget to renew the policy, though. It seems unlikely. These days, you can put a reminder in your smartphone to pay a bill, and a car insurance bill certainly applies. You can even write a reminder on a paper calendar if you’re not very technologically inclined.
As easy as it seems to remind yourself of something like that, the truth is, some people have organizational issues, and they may still let a policy lapse. If they’re scatterbrained, they may not realize they’re now driving around uninsured. It sounds strange if you’re a responsible person, but not everyone can easily handle what seem like basic adult activities like bill payment.
Others Simply Don’t Care About Law and Order
You also have one additional group of people who you might run into with your car or who might hit your vehicle instead. They don’t have insurance because they don’t care about law and order. They feel getting car insurance, paying taxes, or wearing a seatbelt should not be their concern.
These individuals might not have a job. They may have a drug or alcohol habit. They may enjoy a hedonistic lifestyle.
These individuals can sometimes get through life doing okay, but often, they are in crisis. If someone like this hits your vehicle with their car, or if you hit their vehicle instead, then you are probably in for a bumpy ride if you’re trying to come to terms with them. If their life does not fit into any normal pattern or mold, then it’s no wonder they don’t carry car insurance.
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