
6 Things That Make Men Vulnerable to Addiction

6 Things That Make Men Vulnerable to AddictionThe first step toward prevention is determining what is causing the problem in the first place. However, it can be challenging to pinpoint what is causing the problem regarding substance abuse issues.

This is especially true when we consider the disparity in addiction rates among men and women.

For this reason, we will look at the six things that make men vulnerable to addiction.

I’m writing about this subject because I’m a leading Behavioral Change Expert and executive coach specializing in mental health.

6 Things That Make Men Vulnerable to Addiction

1. Genetic Factors

According to research, men are far more susceptible to substance abuse than women. Therefore, certain genetic factors will influence men’s health, including the risk of developing an addiction. However, this factor is exacerbated if addiction is hereditary. If addiction runs in the family, the child’s chances of forming an addiction at a certain point in life are drastically higher.

Every individual inherits a unique set of gene variants from their parents. As a result, your family history might provide insight into how susceptible you are to addiction. For example, if a close cousin is impacted, it’s a red flag to be extra cautious of.

2. Mental Health Issues

Men and women tend to cope with mental health issues in different ways. Research shows that women who suffer from anxiety are prone to internalize their feelings, which leads to withdrawal, solitude, and sadness.

According to the same study, men are more inclined to externalize their emotions. This leads to aggression, impulsive behavior, and forceful and non-compliant conduct.

These differences in the way men and women deal with mental health issues are what causes men to abuse drugs more than women. As a result, men with problems of this nature tend to develop addictions.

3. Lack of Guidance

Finding the proper guidance for children is challenging in today’s day and age. This is because it’s easier to label a problematic child a “bully” or “hopeless” than it is to try and help them. The problem is that, most of the time, problematic children are the way they are for a reason. Whether we are talking about undiagnosed mental health conditions, an abusive family, or the type of community that the child lives in, this happens almost exclusively to male children.

When a child is told that they are inadequate, without understanding that it’s not their fault but rather the fault of their environment, it is easy to see why some would look for solace in substance abuse. This is one of the main reasons why children under 14 develop addictions.

4. The Lack of Social Ties

Strong relationships with other individuals can significantly impact an individual’s mental health. It’s simple, really. If you have a close group of friends who are there for you and care for you, you will be a much happier person. Knowing you have someone to confide in will shield you from loneliness and solitude, all while helping you make better decisions.

Unfortunately, males are less likely than women to develop strong social bonds. Male friendships often revolve around similar interests and hobbies rather than discussing feelings or everyday challenges. That’s why many men find comfort in their spouses. However, if a marriage fails, a male is at significant risk of developing an addiction, mainly in the shape of alcoholism.

The importance of strong bonds becomes even more evident if both partners are struggling with substance abuse when support becomes vital to recovery. Believe it or not, couples, despite their shared misfortune, can find that necessary solace and strength in each other and navigate to sobriety hand in hand. After all, the emotional support derived from a healthy relationship is often that crucial component needed to break free from the grips of substance abuse.

Seeking professional help in the form of couples’ therapy or attending rehab for couples battling addiction could further address the issue and reinforce the foundation of the relationship, helping individuals heal their own as much as their shared lives.

5. Hesitance to Seek Assistance

Addiction is a chronic disease. This means that sometimes it’s hard to know that you have a problem until it’s too late. This issue becomes much worse if you consider that most men have been taught to fix their own issues. Men can remain in denial about their drug misuse until a crisis forces them to seek help. Reluctance to ask for help for personal difficulties is particularly prevalent among veterans, contributing to the high amount of drug use disorders in this demographic.

Gender differences also play a role in substance abuse, with societal norms often influencing men to suppress their struggles, while women may be more inclined to seek professional help. This desire to seek assistance often leads to early intervention, putting women on the path to recovery before a crisis develops.

6. Social Constructs Make Men Vulnerable To Addiction

There are certain assumptions about what it means to be a man in today’s world. More accurately, there are specific standards that men are held to, and if they don’t meet them, they are treated as less of a man. Feelings of vulnerability, sadness, and weakness are shunned. Therefore, most men are taught that they should keep their emotions and feelings to themselves from an early age. Men who don’t deem themselves worthy because of their feelings are more prone to destructive behavior.

This results in serial risk-taking behavior, especially in adolescent men who wish to prove themselves to others.

One way in which men and boys tend to prove themselves is by taking drugs. The need for approval can eventually lead to substance abuse in men vulnerable to addiction. Women who battle with addiction, on the other hand, often indicate that drug usage started as a strategy to self-medicate unpleasant mental health symptoms.

How to Prevent Things from Getting Worse

The unfortunate truth about addiction is that you can never truly cure it. People who used to be addicted always have a craving for the substances they were addicted to. As a result, breaking the bad habit is only one part of the equation.

An addict needs to work on remaining sober by attending weekly and monthly meetings, as well as socializing with ex-addicts. They also need to employ techniques to prevent relapse through group therapy and stay away from the substance for good. A well-designed aftercare program can go a long way toward making someone feel like there is a way out of the addiction for good.

With this, we are concluding our list of the six things that make men vulnerable to addiction. There is no reason to go through this alone, and we hope that what we discussed was helpful to you. We hope that if you are struggling with substance abuse or know someone who is, we have at least pointed you in the right direction.

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