
Which One Is Right for You: THCV vs. CBD Products

Risks and Side Effects Associated with THC-P ProductsAs a mother, I always want to make sure that the choices I make are safe, especially when it comes to my health. With the growing popularity of cannabinoids, particularly as more states are legalizing cannabis for medical purposes, I find myself becoming more curious about their potential benefits.

One area of investigation that has caught my attention: THCV vs. CBD Products.

And I’m here to take you through what I researched and found out.

As you might know, I am a bestselling wellness author with about 2 million books sold globally.

Plus I founded a groundbreaking video course called The Anxiety Cure.

I love sharing insights and strategies to help people to live their happiest and healthiest lives.

First things first…

Which One Is Right for You?

The cannabis plant is abundant with different components, including cannabinoids. While CBD is a well-known and established molecule for its therapeutic uses, THCV has recently been studied to have significant potential health benefits as well. However, these cannabinoids have some key differences that determine how they can be used.

It’s crucial to know the difference between THCV and CBD, whether you’re a casual user seeking a particular effect or a medical marijuana patient looking for a certain kind of relief. If you’re unsure where to  buy THCV online this article has helpful information. 

Explanation of THCV and CBD

THCV stands for tetrahydrocannabivarin, and CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol. Each cannabinoid binds to the ECS receptors to produce its effects. While CBD is a non-intoxicating compound, THCV has different effects at different dosages. It has non-psychoactive impacts in low doses and psychoactive effects in larger doses. In fact, it’s regarded as a cannabinoid that’s “in-between” THC (the molecule in cannabis that gets us high) and CBD because it shares the same effects as both of these compounds.

What Are These 2 Products?

THCV is found in trace amounts in most cannabis strains, so it’s adapted to be synthetically created. That allows adding the molecule to products like vapes, oils, capsules, and edibles (gummies are the most popular option). Cannabidiol comes in many different forms. It can be swallowed as an oil, consumed in edibles, vaporized, or applied as a topical cream.


THCV has gained much interest as an appetite suppressant and a treatment for weight loss. That’s why the compound has been nicknamed “diet weed.” Other effects of the molecule include the following:

  • stabilization of sugar levels (beneficial for diabetes);
  • energizing (useful for depression);
  • reducing panic attacks (curbing anxiety in PTSD patients);
  • stimulating bone growth;
  • anti-inflammatory (treating inflammatory bowel diseases);
  • minimizing Alzheimer’s disease symptoms;
  • anticonvulsant effect.

Cannabidiol is a compound with diverse medical potential. Specifically, CBD may be beneficial for:

  • anxiety and stress alleviation;
  • neuropathic and inflammatory pain relief;
  • dealing with symptoms that cause sleeplessness;
  • epileptic seizures in children (there’s currently an FDA-approved CBD-based medicine called Epidiolex).

Even though early investigations, anecdotal evidence, and animal studies are promising, human studies have started to fill in the gaps around CBD’s potential benefits.

Risks and Side Effects 

Recent studies found no evidence that tetrahydrocannabivarin has serious side effects, but the way it acts can change depending on the dose. Too much can lead to some adverse effects, such as mouth dryness and drowsiness. THCV consumption must be avoided when treating appetite loss or anorexia. Also, the compound can interfere with other medications.

Generally, cannabidiol is considered a safe substance when taken orally or applied topically. However, it can cause some potential side effects, the majority of which are mild. They include nausea, strong drowsiness and sedation (if taken with other sedating medications), gastrointestinal issues (diarrhea or liver problems), and rarely “cotton mouth.”

How to Choose?

There are some factors to consider when choosing between THCV and CBD products.

  • Desired effects and possible risks.

While THCV may be more effective for appetite suppression and weight loss, CBD may help relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality. In fact, both components have significantly different applications. Explore the benefits and side effects of each attentively to get an idea of what’s better for you.

  • Legal status.

The legality of different cannabinoid products may vary depending on where you live. Before purchasing any, check your state laws to understand whether it is legal in your area.

  • Dosage.

THCV and CBD products may have different potencies at different dosages, so following the recommended dosage guidelines and starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing as needed is necessary.

Which One Is Right for You?

Ultimately, the choice between tetrahydrocannabivarin and cannabidiol will depend on your individual needs and preferences. It is essential to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement or medication, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking other medications. Also, any cannabis-infused goods mustn’t be used when pregnant or nursing.


Now that you’re better informed on what distinguishes THCV and CBD, you can decide which is right for you. But no matter what kind of cannabinoid product you choose, you must always follow the directions on the label. Operating machinery or driving must be avoided before and immediately after consumption. Pay attention to the fact that the FDA doesn’t regulate cannabinoids that come from hemp. So choosing a reliable producer is essential to find safe and high-quality cannabis-infused products.

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