
Equal Opportunity: Jobs Where Women Earn MORE Than Men!

Equal Opportunity: Jobs Where Women Earn MORE Than Men

If you’re a woman seeking equality opportunity, you’ll love to learn about these jobs where women earn more than men.

It’s clear that most of the modern industries we know and love are built for men to be successful in. When you think about most major sports leagues or even businesses it seems as if men are always at the top, reigning supreme and trickling down profits onto others.

And when you want to know that you’re being considered a worthy employee, and they’re paying to as such, sometimes being a man is your best bet.

With that being said, there are other times when being a woman is going to serve you well.

We’re entering an era when women can not only earn a living themselves. They have the potential to make even more than their male counterparts. It used to be the other way around. And it’s only for a few specific industries. But things are certainly balancing out nowadays.

This does not mean we should stop empowering women to do whatever they can to make a living. If it happens to be shaking your butt in front of thousands of viewers, so be it! Others are making their way as farmers, medical assistants, and plenty of other careers.

I know what it’s like to be a woman seeking a job that brings more money and fulfillment. I used to work in a New York advertising agency before I quit my Senior VP gig in my twenties to become a bestselling author.

I’m now committed to helping people to live their most successful lives – doing work that they love. So I put together this article about women and money.

Why Do Men Traditionally Make More Than Women?

Men are the ones who were primarily used in the workforce back in the day. And although times have changed, some people still have the same mindset as they did decades ago. Of course, when a job requires physical labour and strength, a man is going to be better (and likely be offered a higher wage). This is because they would take on a larger role and have to lift much heavier items, etc.

Women are almost forced to use their brains when it comes to finding a high-paying career. After all, on physical level men will be better for labour-heavy tasks. Basically, women are smart and men are physically strong.

The Jobs Where Women Earn MORE Than Men

In this section, we’re going to go over the jobs that women get paid more in. Plus we will explore what you can expect to make annually by pursuing one of these roles. These career paths won’t be for everybody, but they’re always an option.

1. Farms, Ranchers, and Agricultural Managers

Although this stat is from 2017, it was reported that female farmers earned more than males during the year. Females earned about $58,000 annually. Meanwhile males were only bringing in $50,000 or so. This means that farming is one of those careers that doesn’t care about gender.

If you’re capable of tending to livestock and efficiently growing crops, there’s nothing that can stop you from turning a profit in agriculture. Over 60% of the farms within the United States has a woman running the entire thing, even if it happens to be owned by a man.

Females are an obviously essential part of the agricultural industry. And it seems as if the gender wage gap is diminishing as a result. It still isn’t where it needs to be (consistently), but it’s getting closer!

2. Medical Assistants

Medical assistance can make well over $45,000 annually if they work their way up the ranks. And most of the highest paying ones are female. Of course, this may have to do with the fact that most nurses and medical assistants are going to be female in the first place. Females have a natural longing for taking care of people. As a result, they’re perfect for both raising babies and treating the sick/elderly.

Male medical assistants only brought in around $43,000 on average. Although it isn’t a ridiculous amount lower, it’s nice to know that females can still make a decent living if they go down this path.

3. Bar Helpers

Bar helpers tend to make anywhere from $33,000 to $40,000 annually, with most of them being women. This is another reason why women make subjectively more than men in this industry, as there are more female bar helpers than there are male ones. As a result, a woman has a much higher salary than another, it’s still going to play in their favour – this doesn’t mean that all women will be paid more than men as a bar helper.

If you’re a mixologist and understand what it takes to work behind a bar already, this is the most likely path for you. You will will already have the experience needed to properly assist the bartender. Plus you may even eventually work your way through the ranks and eventually earn a promotion!

Bar helpers are critical to the success of any nightclub. Hence, why you often see attractive women helping dish out drinks. Even if you aren’t the official bartender, you’re still doing the same kind of work that they do. As a result, most women will be paid accordingly.

4. Webcam Models

Webcam models can come in many shapes and sizes, all of which will offer some sort of market. With that being said, being a male webcam model is almost unheard of (and will likely require you to be gay, for the most part!). Becoming a webcam model can be as simple as purchasing a camera and trying it out a few times, only to learn that you can make ridiculous amounts of money.

Women make up around 75% of the online model population, with gay men following closely behind. Finding a straight male model online is nearly impossible these days, and if you do, chances are they aren’t earning much money. Beautiful women can use their looks to build a genuine empire using cam sites, but you’ve got to be willing to put yourself out there.

Women Are Allowed to Make More Money Than Men!

While the narrative is always that men are making more money than women, there are certain industries where women are going to thrive in comparison. If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to work in an industry that is dominated by women, now is your opportunity to do so.

You could attempt to become a farmer or even a medical assistant, but all of those things require proper schooling before you can enter the workplace. With webcam models, you can build your own business using nothing but the internet and your sexy looks!

Live life at your peak potential

Learn about how to find a job where women earn more than men. Work with me 1-on-1 by Zoom anywhere in the world via my Peak Performance Coaching Program.Get more info here!


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